Recent Study Finds Sex Partner And Drug Addiction Connection

A recent study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior tracked the development of nearly all of the people who were born in the years 1972 and 1973 in the New Zealand city of Dunedin. As they grew into young adulthood, the 1,037 study subjects were questioned about several topics, including their sexual partners and their patterns of drug and alcohol consumption. The researchers discovered an astonishing statistical disparity between men and women, with women being far more likely to develop a serious substance abuse problem than men when they had several sex partners. The breakdown was reported as being:
— Women with 2 or 3 sexual partners when they were between 18 and 20 years of age were found to be 10 times more likely to develop a drug or alcohol abuse problem by the time they reached the age of 21 than were their peers who had one sexual partner or none
— Women with 2 or 3 partners from the age of 21 to 25 were 7 times more likely to develop a substance addiction by the age of 26
— Women with 2 or 3 partners from the age of 26 to 31 were 18 times more at risk of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol by the age of 32
The men who were tracked in the study were also found to be more at risk of becoming alcoholics or drug addicts, but the increase was not nearly as great as it was for women. For example, men who had 2 or 3 sexual partners from the time they were aged 18 to 20 years old had a risk of addiction 3 times greater than their peers at age 21, while those who had more than this number of partners were still only 4 times as likely to develop a substance abuse disorder.
To get a better perspective of the size of this problem, consider the fact that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a quarter of women between 20 and 24 years of age and nearly a third of men that age admit to having had 2 or more sexual partners in the last year. This means that a very large percentage of young adults are greatly at risk of becoming addicts. While it may come as no shock to learn that people who have multiple sex partners are also more prone to becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol, it is surprising to see that the risk is so much greater for women than it is for men. One possible explanation for this disparity has to do with the fact that women typically face a larger cultural taboo against having multiple sexual partners; those who go ahead and do it anyway may be more likely to push the limits in other areas of life, such as by drinking heavily or using drugs.
Possible Explanations For The Relationship
The researchers pointed out that one thing that both sexual promiscuity and substance abuse have in common is impulsivity. People who are compelled by sudden impulses to engage in behavior which may not be entirely healthy for them are generally more likely to do things like sleep around or start using drugs. In that same vein, both behaviors are generally associated with people who can be categorized as being "risk takers." The researchers also acknowledged the fact that drug and alcohol use both make a person more likely to have casual sex, since they lower the individual's inhibitions.
The explanation which they preferred as being the most "intriguing," however, was that the people who were more at risk of becoming addicts ended up in that position as a result of self-medicating to reduce stress. Specifically, they pointed to the stress involved in entering and leaving multiple serious romantic relationships. This explanation does seem to prove out, since it also works to explain why young women were discovered to be so much more at risk than men: since they are generally confronted with greater expectations to be monogamous, they may experience even greater levels of upset and anxiety over having been involved with multiple partners, and may therefore be more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to relieve this stress.
While the connection above is clear, the good news is that there are ways to both treat and prevent drug addiction through Narconon. Contact us today for more information.

Marijuana - Is It Really Dangerous?

Take a deep breath!
In 2012, a study at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) calculated that even smoking a single joint every day for 20 years might be benign, though most participants only smoked two or three joints each month. "I was surprised we didn't see effects [of marijuana use]," said UCSF epidemiologist Mark Pletcher, who led the study.

One assessment of various epidemiological studies points to small sample size and poor study design as reasons for scientists' inability to nail down a link between cannabis and cancer risk. But some suspect that such a link doesn't exist, and that marijuana may even have cancer-preventive effects. A 2008 study, for example, suggested that smoking marijuana may reduce the risk of tobacco-associated lung cancer, calculating that people who smoke both marijuana and tobacco have a lower risk of cancer than those who smoke only tobacco (though still a higher risk than non-smokers).
But even Pletcher isn't sanguine about marijuana's effects on the lungs, and suspects that there may still be long-term lung damage that can be hard to detect. "We really can't reassure ourselves about heavy use," he explained.
Your brain on drugs
There is some evidence to suggest that stoned subjects exhibit increased risk-taking and impaired decision-making, and score worse on memory tasks-and residual impairments have been detected days or even weeks after use. Some studies also link years of regular marijuana use to deficits in memory, learning, and concentration. A recent and widely discussed report on the IQs of New Zealanders followed since birth found that cannabis users who'd started their habit in adolescence had lower IQs than non-users.
In this study, led by researchers at Duke University, "you could clearly see as a consequence of cannabis use, IQ goes down," said Derik Hermann, a clinical neuroscientist at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Germany who was not involved in the research.
But not 4 months later, a re-analysis and computer simulation at the Ragnar Frisch Center for Economic Research in Oslo countered the Duke findings. Ole Rogeberg contended that socioeconomic factors, not marijuana use, contributed to the lower IQs seen in cannabis users.
Rogeberg's conclusion counters a sizeable literature, however, which supports a link between pot use and neurophysiological decline. Studies in both humans and animals suggest that people who acquiring a marijuana habit in adolescence face long-term negative impacts on brain function, with some users finding it difficult to concentrate and learn new tasks.
Notably, most studies on the subject suggest that while there may be negative consequences of smoking as a teen, users who begin in adulthood are generally unaffected. This may be due to endocannabinoid-directed reorganization of the brain during puberty, Hermann explained. The intake of cannabinoids that comes with pot use may cause irreversible "misleading of the neural growth," he said.
In addition to the consequences for intelligence, many studies suggest that smoking marijuana raises the risk of schizophrenia, and may have similar effects on the brain. Hermann's group used MRI to detect cannabis-associated neuron damage in the pre-frontal cortex and found that it was similar to brain changes seen in schizophrenia patients. Other studies further suggest that weed-smoking schizophrenics have greater disease-associated brain changes and perform worse on cognitive tests than their non-smoking counterparts.
But much of this research can't distinguish between brain changes resulting from marijuana use and symptoms associated with the disease. It's possible that cannabis-smoking schizophrenics "might have unpleasant symptoms [that precede full-blown schizophrenia] and are self-medicating" with the psychotropic drug, said Roland Lamarine, a professor of community health at California State University, Chico. "We haven't seen an increase in schizophrenics, even with a lot more marijuana use."
In fact, other research suggests that cannabis-using schizophrenics score better on cognitive tests than non-using schizophrenics. Such conflicting reports may be due to the varying concentrations-and varying effects-of cannabinoids in marijuana. In addition to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a neurotoxic cannabinoid that is responsible for marijuana's mind-altering properties, the drug also contains a variety of non-psychoactive cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD), which can protect against neuron damage. Hermann found that the volume of the hippocampus-a brain area important for memory processing-is slightly smaller in cannabis users than in non-users, but more CBD-rich marijuana countered this effect.
While data supporting the harmful effects of marijuana on its own are weak, some researchers are more worried about the drug in conjunction with other substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, or cocaine. Some studies suggest, for example, that marijuana may increase cravings for other drugs, leading to its infamous tag as a "gateway drug." A study published earlier this month supported this theory when it found that, at least in rats, THC exposure increases tobacco's addictive effects. Furthermore, marijuana may not mix well with prescription drugs, as cannabis causes the liver to metabolize drugs more slowly, raising the risk of drug toxicity.
Despite these concerns, however, Lamarine thinks it's unlikely that the consequences of cannabis use are dire, given the amount of research that has focused on the subject. "We're not going to wake up tomorrow to the big discovery that marijuana causes major brain damage," he said. "We would have seen that by now."

The Makings of an Addictive Personality

What makes a person be considered to have an addictive personality? These people would actually have certain qualities that make them weaker than everyone else to addiction. There have been many studies conducted on people with this condition that show they frequently run to addiction to ease their stress and to manage the problems that they sustain in their life.
When a person has an addictive personality there is not one specific substance that they go to, in fact, there could be multiple abusive and addictive channels that they use that are self-destructive. These channels primarily include substance abuse, binge eating, mass exercise, work addiction, video games, porn, or gambling. These behaviors are impulsive, compulsive, and habit forming.
People with this disorder do not go to the same outlet or release as others do. The addictions could transfer to another or could very well develop into multiple addictions. What constitutes this is pretty straightforward. How an additive personality surfaces is still up for debate.
A number of people think that this should be blamed on biological factors but there are others who think this stems from psychological damage. Research has confirmed that well over half of those with an addictive personality had a parent that suffered from the same problem.
The people that believe the psychological factors are to blame also believe that it is personality traits that should take the blame for addiction. Studies about the psychological factors and addictive behaviors conclude that individuals with addiction are spontaneous, are socially compromised, lack motivation, and are frequently anxious.
It has already been concluded through studies that addiction can be triggered by certain environmental factors in those with personalities that are addictive. These people also do not react well to stressful or overwhelming situations and tend to lean more towards addictive behaviors.
People that fell short of being well reared or that suffered from childhood trauma are more likely to use addiction as a channel to deal with the damaging past experiences. To determine if someone has an addictive personality, the signs include extreme impulsiveness, antisocial tendencies, insecure, disliked, and have a tendency to be loners.
These people are prone to depression and feel isolated and alone. Addictive personalities could be caused by environment, genetics, or preexistent personality traits. The good news is that there is a better way, a positive outlet for those suffering from addiction. Help is available for you.

Alcohol and Women

The use and effects of alcohol in men and women are not the same. Women have different alcohol consumption patterns and their bodies metabolize and react differently to alcohol. Essentially, women are at a higher risk than men of experiencing a health problem from drinking alcohol.
A man and a woman can drink the same amount of alcohol, for example one beer a day, but the woman has a greater risk of developing an alcohol-related problem. Generally this is because women weigh less than men and also because women have less water in their body for the alcohol to disperse through than men. Thus, one beer for a woman will give her a higher concentration of blood alcohol than that same one beer for the man. Ultimately, over time this puts the woman at a greater risk than the man for health issues. What are the special health concerns for women who drink?

Breast cancer
Researchers have found that alcohol can increase a woman's chance of breast cancer. Women who consume one drink a day increase their chances by ten percent of developing breast cancer.
Heart disease
Chronic heavy drinking can lead to heart disease and is in fact one of the leading causes of heart disease. Even though women may drink the same as or even less than men, women are at a higher risk of developing heart disease.
Liver disease
Inflammation of the liver from alcohol use (alcoholic hepatitis) can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and ultimately death. Women are also at a higher risk of developing liver disease than men, for the same reasons stated above.
It is now common knowledge that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause birth defects including but not limited to facial deformities and learning and behavioral problems. No safe level has been established. That means even drinking in moderation could lead to problems. If a woman is pregnant or trying to conceive, she should abstain from drinking alcohol.
What is drinking in moderation and approximately how much do women drink? The USDA states that drinking in moderation is no more than one drink per day for women. One drink is a 12 ounce beer, a 5 ounce glass of wine, or a 1.5 ounce shot of spirits. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 59 percent of women report having at least one drink in the last year compared to 71 percent of men, and 42 percent of women report having 12 or more drinks in the past year compared to 61 percent of men.
Learn more about Adhd Adults Treatment, Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers and Detox From Alcohol visit at

18 Ways You Can Manage Stress Without Cigarettes

Stress and smoking have gone hand and hand for decades. In the

nineteen sixties doctors were still prescribing smoking to help manage

the stress of people with a nervous disposition. Solders were given a

cigarette ration to help with the stress of combat. So it's not

surprising that many smokers on the Sunshine Coast still use

cigarettes to help with their stress.

In fact this is the number one fear amongst smokers

when contemplating quitting. It is true that smoking and

stress are linked but not in the way you might imagine.

Smoking caused stress, it does not relieve it. It is true that

initially you will feel a little calmer, as the dopamine is realised

from your brain. But soon after you will experience an adrenal burst.

This is why so many smokers like a smoke and a coffee to start the

day, they like the adrenal surge.

But soon the adrenals release the stress hormone

cortisol. Therefore if you light a smoke to reduce your stress you

will only make it worse. Chain smokers during

strong stress don't become more relaxed with each

smoke they become more and more anxious. I'm sure

you have seen it, or experienced it for yourself.

But you have connected smoking with releasing stress

for so long that the belief is strong. Just five cigarettes

per day for stress over ten years is 18, 250 cigarettes. That many

times is sure to make you believe that

smoking relieves stress.

The key is to find real ways to manage stress, not just for

those quitting smoking but for anyone.

1. Deep breathing.

2. Acupressure to anxiety relieving points

3. Heart focussed relaxation

4. Activities like Qigong, Tai Chi or yoga.

5. Relaxation meditation

6. Exercise

7. Supplement like magnesium, Oats, valerian, lemon


8. Lavender essential oil on the temples or on your


9. Emotional Freedom Technique.

10. Neuro Linguistic Programming.

11. Hypnosis

12. Reading

13. Gardening

14. Coffee with friends

15. Join a meetup group or interest group

16. Make time for yourself away from work and family


17. Have a massage. do yourself a favour

18. Go to bed at a reasonable hour

As you can see there are plenty of ways to relax.

Managing stress isn't about inhaling 4000 toxic

chemicals it's about firstly deciding to do something

about your stress and then taking some action to help


And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly

quit cigarettes you may to go to

Wishing you the best of health

Is It Time To Stage An Intervention?

Losing a friend or loved one to a drug addiction? Keep reading this article for more information.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that in 2011, 22.5 million Americans, aged twelve years and older, or 8.7% of our country's population, had used an illicit drug or a psychotherapeutic medication, in the past month. These numbers do not include stats on alcohol abuse or dependence.
If one of these 22.5 million people is someone that you love and care about, it can be exceptionally painful to watch, and challenging to navigate. You may be curious as to how you can get a love one into a drug treatment program to stop their addiction?
A trained interventionist can make a huge difference in planning and executing a program to help get your loved one to seek treatment for their addiction.
The most popular intervention program method was developed by Dr. Vernon E. Johnson in the 1960s, who describes it as:
"Intervention is the process by which the harmful, progressive, and destructive effects of chemical dependency are interrupted and the chemically dependent person is helped to stop using mood-altering chemicals and to develop new, healthier ways of coping with his or her needs and problems. It implies that the person need not be an emotional or physical wreck (or hit bottom) before such help can be given."
A professional interventionist will develop a plan to best utilize timing, location, and the element of surprise. The actual intervention will be held at a neutral location at a time where the addict would least expect to see his or her loved ones, and at a time where the addict is most likely to be sober, not under the influence of any drugs at the time.
Love is also an important component in the execution of the actual intervention. Friends and family should expect to share how much they love the addict, but also outline how the drug use is damaging their relationship.
Denial is a big limiting factor that keeps people in their drug addiction. Informal interventions may not succeed and a formal drug intervention may be necessary.
A thirty-seven-year old recovering drug addict shares her informal intervention story in the book Uppers, Downers, All Arounders, by Darryl S. Inaba, Pharm.D. and William E. Cohen:
I woke up after passing out in a friend's home, and they had taken my money away from me, and they had posted somebody at the door, and my mother came in and said, 'I will not watch your children for you while you go out and party. If you seek help for your addiction, I will babysit your kids while you're gone.' That was the first time anybody had said to me I had a problem, and that was the first time somebody said, 'Stop. You can't do this anymore."
Breaking through the addict's denial when someone might need a drug addiction intervention, is essential in treatment even working, but in your effort to get your loved one into formal treatment, let the trained professional handle the execution.
Reminding the addict that legal intervention, workplace intervention, irreversible physical health and mental health problems, and financial despair are realities of a life of drug addiction, and inevitably, one or more will occur if the addict does not choose to get clean and participate in treatment now, can have great impact during an intervention.
Rationalization of the destructive behavior is another problem most addicts grapple with before seeking treatment. The interventionist, sometimes known as the process facilitator, will help plan to the addict's behavior and how they will react.
There are proven approaches to help you help a person close to you in their battle with addiction.

Teens and Prescription Medicine Abuse: Are You Informed?

What types of drugs do you think teens are into now? Marijuana or cocaine? They're still easy to get, right? Yes, these are still out there and readily available but there are drugs that are even easier to get and you probably have some of them in your medicine cabinet. Deaths due to drug overdose are on the rise and those medications in your cabinet are part of the reason. In fact, unintentional drug overdose is the highest leading cause of accidental death and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that the number of these deaths have more than tripled since 1990. According to The Medicine Abuse Project, one in six teens has used a prescription drug that was not prescribed for them and one in ten has used a prescription pain medication without a prescription. These are the most abused drugs by 12 and 13 year olds and the majority of them are taken from their home or a friend's home, not bought on the street or from a dealer on the internet.
Why are teens turning to drugs? 

For some of the same reasons they have in the past, just to get high, but why is the focus shifting to prescription medications? They see adults taking medications all the time and are more aware of the use of prescription medications to deal with emotional issues first hand. They don't see prescription drug use as dangerous. After all, it was prescribed by a doctor, not bought off the street from a stranger. Teens are not just looking for a way to get high but are now trying to avoid depression or anxiety or to help their performance in school. The pressure to perform in both sports and school has amped up kids' anxiety levels leading them to believe that the only way through is to get some "help" from the medicine cabinet. Prescription pain relievers like Codeine, found in prescription cough syrups, Morphine and Oxycodone or other codeine derivatives, and sedatives or tranquilizers like phenobarbital, valium and rohypnol, to name just a few, help teens to feel relaxed and dreamy so they can forget their stress. Amphetamines, such as Ritalin or Concerta, that are frequently used to treat ADHD or narcolepsy are abused to allow teens to stay up late partying, playing or studying and then get up early to head to school and keep up their good grades.
The ease of access for these prescription drugs makes them perfect targets for teens looking for relief. The first thing we need to do is to protect our children from these drugs with a few simple steps:
  1. Educate yourself: Find out more about prescription drug abuse at and The Medicine Abuse Project.
  2. Communicate the risks of prescription medicine abuse to your kids.
  3. Safeguard your medicine: Keep all medications locked up just as you would your valuables. Ask your friends and family to do the same.
  4. Get help: Know the signs of drug abuse and if you think your child has a problem get help.
Do you know what to look for if your child is using drugs? What are the signs? A parent's intuition is a valuable tool in determining whether your teen is using drugs. Is their behavior different? Are they going to more parties, coming home smelling like smoke, have red eyes, seem disoriented or don't remember conversations? Have they ditched their friends for a new group, stopped caring about their appearance or are their grades slipping? If you suspect drug use it may be time to intervene by setting stricter limits, having discussions about their activities, monitoring them more closely and making sure you know what they are up to and who their friends are.
Teens need boundaries and need to know that you care about them and are watching them. Sometimes it makes it easier for them to be able to say, "I can't because my parents will know. They will test me." There is pressure to excel and to try and abuse drugs but drug testing can be a strong deterrent. The idea isn't to catch them but to give them a firm reason to say "No". Prevention is the best way to help your child stay safe and grow up healthy. Let them know you trust them, but you are watching!
Maureen A. Young is a Customer Education Advocate for Any Lab Test Now. She writes blogs, eBooks, and articles on current topics in Health and Wellness, Employer Drug Programs and Informational Lab Tests. Connect with them here.

How Smokers Can Quit Cigarettes And Still Relax

Relaxing is a very common reason that Sunshine Coast smokers give for continuing to smoke, and the fear of not being able to relax creates a lot of anxiety for people trying to quit.

Smokers do something very well that non smokers find difficult. Taking time out for themselves, sure they smoke but they are great at giving themselves some space from stress in their day.
In Australia the break for blue collar workers long ago was called smoko, and the term is still used even though the majority of workers don't smoke.
Smokers have long used the need for a cigarette as an excuse to leave their work station, office or to down tools for a few minutes. It's also been a good excuse to leave a group of people at a meal or a party.
When you quit smoking you are going to miss this routine, unless you create new relaxation rituals for yourself. Why shouldn't you take a few minutes to relax and gather your thoughts?
I call these mental health breathing breaks. Take a short walk and take a few deep breaths, if you can't leave your desk then maybe bring up a pleasant image on your screen and take a few deep breaths as you take in the pleasing scene
If you are working on a building just pretend to focus on some plans and de-focus your eyes while you take in a few breaths.
At home instead of having a smoke and a drink outside on your patio, just enjoy the drink, or walk outside before bed and look into the night shy and breathe deeply.
I'm sure you are beginning to see that there are many opportunities for you to consciously relax. This relaxation alone is not how you quit smoking; the point is to demonstrate just how easily you can find ways to relax without needing to smoke.
To quit smoking the most effective way the Rapid Change Quit Smoking Method is the best option, combining hypnosis, EFT and NLP to quickly and easily remove all your smoking triggers.
Dangerous pharmaceuticals and dosing yourself with insecticide i.e. nicotine, has not proven to be particularly effective, recent research has shown that nicotine replacement therapy has little effect and drugs such as Champix have potentially life threatening side effects.
You have already been risking your health long enough by smoking why on earth would you want to do something else to harm yourself. Hypnosis is completely safe.

Heroin and Pregnancy

Heroin is a highly addictive drug that can cause many health problems including death. Women who use heroin during pregnancy put their own health and their baby's health at risk. Pregnant women using heroin are at an increased risk for developing complications with their pregnancy, including the stillbirth (death) of their child.

Prenatal heroin exposure can result in poor fetal development of the child, birth defects, low birth weight, premature birth, and even stillbirth. Premature birth can cause many health issues for a newborn as the organs and body functions were not able to fully develop in the womb. Depending on the extent of the mother's heroin use, her baby can also be born addicted to heroin.
A baby born addicted to heroin will begin to exhibit withdrawal symptoms the first few days after birth. These may include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, excessive crying, trembling and seizures. The initial withdrawal symptoms may last for a week or more. Babies exposed to heroin in the womb may need extra swaddling or cuddling for many months after birth to ease their discomforts. They are also at an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

A pregnant woman addicted to heroin should not attempt to quit using heroin on her own. The withdrawal symptoms can cause great distress to the fetus and can result in miscarriage or stillbirth. She should seek professional treatment at a drug rehabilitation center where her withdrawal symptoms and detoxification can be medically managed. Methadone is a drug often used to help heroin users to recover from heroin addiction. Methadone has been used in pregnant women who are addicted to heroin. Doctors can more safely treat the withdrawal symptoms of a baby born to a mother taking methadone than a mother on heroin, and mothers taking methadone have higher weight and healthier babies.
Heroin addiction increases the likelihood of malnutrition, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, and other diseases. Pregnant women using heroin are at an increased risk for preeclampsia and third trimester bleeding, among other pregnancy complications. Their child is at risk for fetal death, poor fetal development, birth defects, premature birth, low birth weight, heroin addiction and withdrawal, and lifelong disabilities.
A pregnant woman who is trying to quit her heroin addiction should seek treatment at a comprehensive drug rehabilitation center where prenatal care and methadone maintenance (if deemed necessary) can help her safely detox and improve the outcome for her and her baby.

Smoking Is Not Cool

I confess, I was a smoker for a good decade until I gave it up two years ago. All my friends were doing it and I thought it was the best way to fit in. I can not say I have fond memories of those years. The constant tickle in my throat making me cough was something I just tolerated. I quit cold turkey when I started having trouble taking a deep breath. If I would exert myself, even a little, I would get out of breath and it would take me longer than usual to catch it through all the wheezing. My health and my comfort were much more important to me than a cigarette. After a few months of not inhaling toxic smoke, my lungs thanked me and started working the way they were meant to work. I could breathe again. I could smell the roses again and food tasted great. Each time I felt the urge to have a cigarette I reminded myself of how it felt to wake up in the middle of the night coughing and gasping for air.
I remember when smoking was portrayed as the cool thing to do. The tough guys in my favorite movies always had that cigarette dangling from their lips. You would never see them coughing or running out of breath climbing a flight of stairs. The beautiful leading ladies of film would be puffing away on their cigarettes, showing off their pearly white teeth when they smiled instead of the yellow we all know comes from smoking. The days of glorifying this nasty habit are long past.
Think about how cool it looks when you see someone pressed against a wall, looking for cover under a tiny ledge in the pouring rain smoking a cigarette. I certainly never wanted to be that guy shivering with numb fingertips in freezing temperatures stealing a few drags outside their workplace just so they can get through the rest of the morning.
Most smokers I know say that having a cigarette relaxes them. The poisonous carbon monoxide contained within a cigarette binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, preventing affected cells from carrying a full load of oxygen. That does not sound soothing to me. Smoking also increases the heart rate and raises your blood pressure. I must say that is the complete opposite of relaxation.

How To Fail While Trying To Quit Smoking

Considering it's an activity that can badly bruise the ego, failing to quit smoking remains a remarkably popular past-time. So for those smokers yet to try them out, here are three of the most popular methods...
1) Identify nicotine as the problem..After all, nicotine is the addictive ingredient found in cigarettes, right? So once you've weaned yourself off that, then you'll never want to smoke again! I mean, why dwell on complicated factors such as the power of habitual behaviour or the relevance of drug delivery mechanisms, when you can simply chew some gum or stick a patch onto your arm instead?

There are solid reasons why independent surveys have shown nicotine replacement therapies to succeed in as few as 3.7% of cases, and why even the manufacturers involved claim success rates significantly below 30% for their products.
The nicotine in a cigarette works by opening the brain's dopamine receptors and exposing the smoker to stimulation within milliseconds, and there's just no way this intense experience can ever be replicated by slowly ingesting the same drug over many minutes or even hours. You might as well drink a cup of (equally addictive) coffee instead!
2) If only I can last (2/3/4 weeks)... Solidly based on the nicotine addiction theory, this equally popular delusion presumes that cigarette cravings get weaker every day you abstain, until you reach a magic number of days when they vanish completely.
If you like failing then you're absolutely going to love this method, as it's a guaranteed road to nowhere! Because cravings are overwhelmingly psychological, so there's no way they're ever going to mysteriously vanish. To the contrary, unless you've taken positive steps to motivate yourself so you really want to quit, then those cravings are going to steadily recur, regardless of how long you manage to abstain. And that's why this method is so popular with those smokers who lack any real intention of quitting, enjoy martyrdom and maybe like to revel in the sympathetic attention of gullible friends and relatives as well!
3) This time, I'm going to try really hard to quit... Whilst weekend golfers try to reach the green, pros decide exactly where on the green they're going to allow the ball to drop! If you're really serious about anything in life, you don't try to do it - you decide exactly how you're going to go about it so you'll succeed. And if this golden rule has some exceptions, then quitting smoking certainly isn't one of them!

Five Criteria for Choosing a Drug Rehab

Recovering from drug addiction needs commitment and determination from the part of the individual. Choosing the right rehab center is another factor that will greatly help in the success of the treatment. A good rehab center provides a perfect environment where the individuals can relax and focus on leading a normal life, away from the claws of addiction. The place should have a clear and effective treatment program and able personnel who can keep inmates motivated.
Choosing a drug rehab could be a daunting task since there are many centers out there offering different programs. Here are 5 ways that will help you in choosing the one that would suit your needs.
1. Cost of the Rehabilitation Program
Many private rehab centers tend to be pricey and are made for the rich and famous. But if you search hard enough you could find a private rehab that suits your budget and offer a good program. High end rehab centers come with many comforts like swimming pool, gym and luxuriously furnished rooms etc...
Having a great health insurance which covers a substantial amount of the costs could help you in getting into private facilities. So the first thing to do is to approach your carrier. They will help you in finding out your treatment options and plans.
If you do not have insurance or your carrier does not cover rehab costs, there are many public and subsidized facilities that you may approach.
2. Location
A rehab center which is closer to home would be the best choice. The support of the family is very important in drug rehabilitation and having your house at a close distance would make a lot of difference. Family visits and family therapy sessions can be easily organized with a rehab center that is situated close.
3. Methods of Treatment
There are many treatment methods used by rehab centers in treating addiction. Choosing a rehab that uses methods that is not suitable to you could ruin the entire program.
Most of the facilities use the traditional 12-step program in treating addiction. This method is has its base in spirituality and religion. If you are not comfortable with this approach, try centers which use other treatment methods.
4. Therapy and Aftercare
The most important part in choosing a drug rehab is analyzing their treatment program. You can assess the program personally by going through their program outlines or request someone's help in doing so. Talking to individuals who have already gone through rehab and getting opinions from support groups also help.
The two main things apart from the general treatment methods are the individual counseling and aftercare therapy. The availability of a psychologist to conduct regular one-on-one sessions has proved to be beneficial in the recovery process. A rehab center with these two facilities could be a better choice.
5. Comforts
Drug rehab is a grueling and intense task. A rehab center where even the minimal comforts are lacking could make the journey tougher. This is a place an individual might be required to stay for long periods. So, wanting to get out of the rehab quickly could ruin all your efforts done in getting better.
If you're looking for a drug rehab with a high success rate, visit Drug Rehab in Chiang Mai.

The Best Diet For Addiction Recovery

Once someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol the road to recovery is sometimes long and difficult. But there are ways to speed up the process and make it easier to bear at the same time.
Diet and exercise play a big part in a full and quick recovery. The body which has been malnourished for some time, usually as a result of addiction, needs to be built back up in order for the person to successfully get off of drugs or alcohol.

Usually while a person is addicted to drugs and alcohol they do not notice things like diet and exercise. Their body becomes completely malnourished and cannot fight off basic sicknesses.
The Malnourished Body
A malnourished body has problems with things such as:
The Heart
The Circulatory system
The Liver
The Pancreas
The Kidneys

All of these systems can suffer various breakdowns as a result of the lacking nutrition in the body as well as the effects of the drugs and alcohol itself. If you look around and notice people who are taking drugs you can always tell by the way their body looks. They will usually have dark circles under their eyes, and be skinnier than normal. Their teeth, hair and nails can look unhealthy as well. This isn't always just a result of the drugs but also due to the lack of nutrition.

Because the body needs specific nutrients in order to survive, drug users have a much harder time when they decide to try to get off of the drugs. Since their body is already so depleted it will take extra work and time to rebuild it. You will also need even more help to detox from drugs and alcohol and. The diet that someone needs to eat while they are doing rehabilitation has to be sufficient enough to provide all of the essential nutrients as well as the additional vitamins that are needed to help the body deal with the stress that it will be going through during the process.

Fruits and vegetables offer vitamins such as C, E and many B vitamins. These can help the body relieve the stress it is undergoing. The food that you eat cannot do it alone though, vitamins and minerals are also an important part of the full recovery.

The Importance Of Vitamins
Extra vitamins such as B Complex, C and E will help the heart, liver and blood in your body. Many doctors recommend a diet excluding sugar and caffeine. Sugar and caffeine both inhibit the body from being able to heal itself. Sugar has been shown to act as a poison to the body, slowing down the metabolism, causing problems with the body's natural blood sugar as well as effecting things such as a person's hunger and sleep.

Not only does diet play a huge part in the process but exercise also should not be ignored. When the body exercises it builds up its own stamina. It also helps get blood flowing to all of the internal organs. When blood flows to the different organs it feeds them the vitamins and oxygen that are needed to repair and build. Exercise helps also to lower blood pressure and releases endorphins which help a person feel better and be happier.

These things are all definitely needed in regular life but especially needed while a person is trying to rehabilitate themselves from a life of drugs and alcohol.
Usually when a person enters a rehabilitation facility they are given the proper diet and exercise plan to help them successfully recover from the effects of the drugs and successfully quit using them. Once this happens the person has a greater chance of returning to a normal life and if they continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise then they will also be more likely to continue to stay off of drugs.
For more information on this topic contact Narconon Arrowhead or call 800-468-6933. Recovery from addiction is possible and nutrition is one key aspect of this. Learn more today.

Dangerous Abuse Of Psychostimulants Among College Students

College students use psychostimulants to study harder, stay up later, and feel more alert. Yet the side effects of drugs like Ritalin and Adderall are extremely dangerous, often fatal. Despite the perils involved, these drugs are some of the most abused legal drugs on college campuses aside from alcohol.
A college student studying.

What Are Psychostimulants
Psychostimulants are drugs that increase energy and alertness. The word stems from "psycho" meaning "of the mind" and "stimulant" meaning that it stirs up the central nervous system. These drugs consist of amphetamines and methylphendiates (a substance similar to amphetamines). They are used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
It is estimated that seven to fifteen percent of college students abuse psychostimulants--meaning that they use it without a prescription--on a regular basis. The drugs are known to help students stay awake, remain alert in class, and get better grades. Others use them to get high, because the drugs produce a strong euphoria (pleasurable feeling). Users ingest, snort or even inject the drugs. Snorting and injecting are typically used to get high because it causes the substance to reach the bloodstream almost immediately.
Nearly one-half of students who are prescribed psychostimulant medication admit to sharing it with others. A large number of students feign ADHD in order to acquire regular prescriptions.

Dangerous Side Effects
The trouble with toying with these drugs is that they produce a number of powerful and dangerous side effects. Among them are:
• Decreased appetite
• Unhealthy weight loss
• Sleep disruption
• Seizures
• Tourette's Syndrome (involuntary twitching)
• Headaches
• Sudden acute pain
• Fever
• Blurred vision
• Hypersensitivity
• Anxiety
• Severe mood swings
• Suicidal thoughts
• Violent behavior
• Hallucinations
• Psychosis
• Overdose
• Death

Most kids don't know that abusing ADHD medication is a federal crime. So why don't people stop abusing psychostimulants even when they are aware of the dangers? The truth is, these drugs are extremely addictive. In fact, they are often referred to as "kiddie cocaine" because of the similarity. The college environment is full of these pills and students' attitude about them is very nonchalant; they're often passed around at study parties and shared in class. It is easy for students to fake ADHD symptoms because testing for the disease normally consists of nothing more than a one-page survey.

Creating A Dangerous Environment
 Not only are psychostimulants dangerous to those who abuse them, they have proven perilous to others in their vicinity. Drugs like Ritalin and Adderall can produce psychotic episodes that lead to suicide and violence. As these drugs are mind-altering and mood-altering, the user's behavior can be confusing and unpredictable to friends and family.
A substantial number of school-aged children are on regular doses of psychostimulants for ADHD. While the doctors who prescribe the drugs assure parents and children that they are safe, suicides and violent behavior continue to occur as a result of use. Addiction experts are aware of a link between such medication and a lifetime of addiction.

For more information on this topic or others contact Vista Bay drug rehab through our Facebook page.