How Spot Cocaine Addiction

By Michael S. Levy

There is no definitive way to spot if someone you know

has an addiction to cocaine, but if you suspect that this

may be the case, then there are some signs that you

should be looking out for. Some are easier to spot than


If the individual in question seems to be getting a lot of

nosebleeds, and this was never the case previously, then

this should be a cause for concern. Nosebleeds are one

of the classic signs that a person is using large amounts

of cocaine on a regular basis, as the drug will begin to

damage or even destroy the lining of the nasal passages.

A runny or blocked nose can also occur with regular use

of cocaine, and may actually present as symptoms

before the nosebleeds begin.

The person in question may be undergoing a dramatic

change in personality, losing interest in people that they

would previously have seen on a regular basis, and

giving up on activities that they used to enjoy. Cocaine

has become the most important thing in the life of the

addict, replacing everything else.

A common feature of people addicted to cocaine, and

sometimes other drugs as well, is that they will stop

going to work, school or college, and may end up losing

their job if the situation becomes too bad. Linked to this

may be financial problems, which are bound to become

worse if they do lose their job. An addict will think nothing

of spending all the money they have to obtain more

cocaine, which may not be immediately obvious.

However, if you notice that they are looking to borrow

money or sell their possessions, then this should be a

very big cause for concern.

Changes in mood can also be a sign of cocaine use and

addiction. When cocaine has been taken recently, a

person will tend to be extremely happy and talkative,

chatting regardless of whether anybody is paying

attention or not. This is known as a cocaine high, and

can last anywhere between fifteen and thirty minutes.

Once the feeling of being high has worn off, the cocaine

user will feel short of energy, possibly depressed, and a

lack of mental clarity may set in. The only way to prevent

this from happening is to take some more cocaine, and it

will be apparent that this is the case if the person

disappears to find some privacy. If cocaine has been

used over a long period of time, in large amounts, then it

is likely that the person will sleep excessively for several


If excessive amounts of cocaine have been used over an

extended period of time, then it is possible that paranoia

can begin to set in. Sometimes, panic attacks can occur,

with symptoms of chest pains and heavy sweating. A

normal social setting may also cause feelings of anxiety.

Another sign that may indicate a drug addiction, whether

cocaine or something else, is if the person has largely

replaced all of their friends with new people that you

have not met before. This is because a drug addict will

begin to spend time with other drug addicts, who will not

ask questions or try to prevent drugs from being used.

When a friend begins to take drugs and forms an

addiction, this is always going to be a difficult situation.

If cocaine is used for a long period of time, then you will

start to notice physical differences in the person. One of

the most obvious will be weight loss. Cocaine reduces

the appetite dramatically, so as the drug use increases,

the amount of food being eaten will drop rapidly. Weight

loss is a classic symptom of cocaine use and abuse.