Somewhere, a woman is
addicted to drugs and she
becomes pregnant. She abuses
these drugs while she is carrying
her baby and every time that she
takes a hit baby gets high too.
She has a disease, the disease
of addiction, so is she committing
a crime? But, why didn't she ask
for help? This is the calamity.
In the US alone, newborns that are born with neonatal
abstinence syndrome or more simply put, they are born
addicted, increased over 300% in the decade following
2000, states the American Medical Association. States
such as Kentucky and Florida fare the worst in the
nation. This only includes babies born addicted, not
those that are drug exposed and are able to go home.
Who is supposed to be protecting these innocent lives? It
doesn't do much good to do anything after the fact when
there is already a little life laying in the hospital NICU
fighting for its life. Charging the mother with a crime
seems a little late and useless. The only realistic thing to
do is make sure that she doesn't harm the baby that she
already gave birth to any further and try to make sure this
never ever happens again.
The best answer is to take away her parental rights to
the baby already born, permanently and to work on
efforts to intervene at the earliest possible point when a
woman becomes pregnant. This would require the help
of doctors across the nation to implement a plan to
detect addiction immediately in pregnant women and to
get involved.
Here's the problem with that plan. Most doctors are
clueless about addiction. They never received any
training on that in med school and getting involved
requires time and money so that is not an attractive
option to most doctors that are not looking for any extra
liabilities or paperwork.
So here we have the fetus which is the only thing that is
more defenseless than a child. There is also no doubt
that abusing drugs while pregnant constitutes criminal
child neglect since that was confirmed by the Supreme
Court in Whitner v. South Carolina1997. But, what
purpose does this serve?
A more recent ruling by the Supreme Court out of New
Mexico opposes the decision by South Carolina.
Currently, there is no national consensus about this so
some women are prosecuted and others are not,
depending on where they live. There is so much red tape
that makes the laws unclear.
Prosecuting a drug addict, pregnant or not, violates the
8th Amendment and then there is the other argument
about if the fetus is considered to be a person or not.
Then there are the issues of public policy and equal
protection that have to be hashed through.
In the meantime, women are giving birth to their fourth
addicted baby in five years. Some women are getting
convicted while others get a slap on the wrist. And, there
the babies lie, fighting for their lives, detoxing from drugs
they never had any control over using.
Find out more
Simple Tips to Help You Quit Smoking
By Sumith Kumar Roul
Smoking is the main cause for all kinds of health
problems and illnesses. The best way to quit smoking is
by first all understanding what it does to your body.
Before we proceed to the tips on how you can quit
smoking, I would like to mention few things. Did you
know that smoking causes cancer and more importantly
it can make you impotent?
Imagine yourself being in such a situation. I'm sure you
wouldn't want to have that situation. Cancer is not a
curable disease for many people. In many cases even
after the treatments are done, the complications still
linger on for many years. The main reason for that urge
to smoke is because of the nicotine that is present in the
Nicotine is a harmful substance that causes your brain to
get addicted to it. Once you get addicted to it, you find it
difficult to leave the habit. It is more like you getting
addicted to nicotine than smoking. When you get the
urge, you tend to smoke and get a feeling of relaxation in
your mind, which unfortunately is not true.
I think by now you have understood the seriousness of
this harmful habit. Let us have a look at few tips that can
help you quit smoking:
I quit: Sadly that is the first way to quit smoking. You
must have heard from someone, that you can quit this
habit slowly. Where does that lead you to? You still
smoke. When will that day come where you don't touch
the cigarette? When you still keep on smoking, you can't
leave that habit. It keeps haunting you as you want to
It is like you see a cake. Your mind tells you nothing
wrong in having a small bite. So you go ahead and take
a bite. You continue doing that till you finish the whole
cake. You want to quit smoking, quit it completely.
Have gums handy: Once you are a smoker, you feel the
urge to smoke quite often in a day. Keep chewing the
gum till you leave the urge. A friend of mine got rid of this
habit with this method. Whenever he felt like smoking, he
put a gum in his mouth. Yes it was a difficult process, but
he finally succeeded.
Select friends who don't smoke: It is a good idea to have
friends who don't smoke. When you have the wrong
company, you tend to do that same as them. It is human
nature. If your friends smoke during the break time, try to
politely stay away from them during that time. You need
to also remember that the smell can trigger you to have a
puff and you are back to where you started.
Have support: It is good to have support from someone
who encourages you to stop smoking. You also need to
be motivated and determined to leave this habit. That
person can be your spouse, your friend, or even relative.
This step is very effective, mind you. You can try it out.
Reward yourself: It is a good idea to reward yourself
once you reach a target. To reach a target you can set
goal. For example tell yourself that you won't smoke for
at least couple of weeks. Once you complete that period,
you can reward yourself.
Friends I strongly advise you to leave this dangerous
habit. You are doing yourself a favour.
Article Source:
Smoking is the main cause for all kinds of health
problems and illnesses. The best way to quit smoking is
by first all understanding what it does to your body.
Before we proceed to the tips on how you can quit
smoking, I would like to mention few things. Did you
know that smoking causes cancer and more importantly
it can make you impotent?
Imagine yourself being in such a situation. I'm sure you
wouldn't want to have that situation. Cancer is not a
curable disease for many people. In many cases even
after the treatments are done, the complications still
linger on for many years. The main reason for that urge
to smoke is because of the nicotine that is present in the
Nicotine is a harmful substance that causes your brain to
get addicted to it. Once you get addicted to it, you find it
difficult to leave the habit. It is more like you getting
addicted to nicotine than smoking. When you get the
urge, you tend to smoke and get a feeling of relaxation in
your mind, which unfortunately is not true.
I think by now you have understood the seriousness of
this harmful habit. Let us have a look at few tips that can
help you quit smoking:
I quit: Sadly that is the first way to quit smoking. You
must have heard from someone, that you can quit this
habit slowly. Where does that lead you to? You still
smoke. When will that day come where you don't touch
the cigarette? When you still keep on smoking, you can't
leave that habit. It keeps haunting you as you want to
It is like you see a cake. Your mind tells you nothing
wrong in having a small bite. So you go ahead and take
a bite. You continue doing that till you finish the whole
cake. You want to quit smoking, quit it completely.
Have gums handy: Once you are a smoker, you feel the
urge to smoke quite often in a day. Keep chewing the
gum till you leave the urge. A friend of mine got rid of this
habit with this method. Whenever he felt like smoking, he
put a gum in his mouth. Yes it was a difficult process, but
he finally succeeded.
Select friends who don't smoke: It is a good idea to have
friends who don't smoke. When you have the wrong
company, you tend to do that same as them. It is human
nature. If your friends smoke during the break time, try to
politely stay away from them during that time. You need
to also remember that the smell can trigger you to have a
puff and you are back to where you started.
Have support: It is good to have support from someone
who encourages you to stop smoking. You also need to
be motivated and determined to leave this habit. That
person can be your spouse, your friend, or even relative.
This step is very effective, mind you. You can try it out.
Reward yourself: It is a good idea to reward yourself
once you reach a target. To reach a target you can set
goal. For example tell yourself that you won't smoke for
at least couple of weeks. Once you complete that period,
you can reward yourself.
Friends I strongly advise you to leave this dangerous
habit. You are doing yourself a favour.
Article Source:
10 Things You Didn't Know About Nicotine
By Lindsay M Fox
Nicotine, a chemical most
commonly found in the plants of
the Solanaceae family, is an
alkaloid and is found
accumulated in the leaves of
these plants, though the
biosynthesis of this chemical
occurs in the roots of the plants.
Nicotine is one of the major
components of addictive plants like tobacco (0.6%-3.0%)
and is the reason behind their addiction in humans due
to its psychoactive nature.
The follow are 10 interesting facts about nicotine.
1. Etymology
The name nicotine comes from the scientific name of the
tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum. The scientific name of
the tobacco plant is itself named the French ambassador
to Portugal Jean Nicot de Villemain. Villeman is credited
for sending tobacco seeds and plant saplings to Paris in
1560 for its use in medicinal purposes.
2. Extraction
Nicotine was first extracted from the tobacco plant by
German physician Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Posselt and
chemist Karl Ludwig Reimann in 1828. After its discovery
Posselt and Reimann labelled it as a poison. In fact
nicotine is an antiherbivore chemical, which causes
addiction when consumed in small amounts (1mg or
less) and death if taken in high amounts (30mg-60mg).
3. Chemistry
Nicotine is an alkaloid with the chemical formula
C10H14N2. Its IUPAC name is 3[{2,5}-1-
methylpyrrolidin-2-yl]pyridine. It has a molecular mass of
162.12g/mol. Nicotine is a hygroscopic liquid which is
miscible with water as a nitrogenous base. Its density is
1.01g/cm3, melting point -79oC and boiling point 247oC.
The nicotine molecule has a half life of 2 hours and its
metabolism is hepatic. Nicotine is also optically active
and has two enantiomeric forms.
4. Nicotine as an insecticide
As already said nicotine is an antiherbivore drug which if
taken in large amounts is fatal to life forms. That is why
nicotine laden tobacco has been used as an insecticide
even before the World War II. But after the WWII its
usage drastically lowered due to the availability of cheap
synthetic insecticides which are more readily available
than tobacco and less harmful to mammals. But in the
recent times the hype surrounding organic farming has
again increased the interest of the farmers in the use of
tobacco as a pesticide as an alternate to chemical
5. Nicotine addiction
Our central nervous system has certain nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors. Nicotine binds to several of
these and increases the amount of several
neurotransmitters. Among these neurotransmitters
dopamine is one such neurotransmitter which is
significantly increased during nicotine use and is
responsible for the sense of euphoria and relaxation
caused by the use of tobacco (nicotine) products.
6. Psychoactive effects of nicotine
Nicotine is a psychoactive substance as it is mood
altering. It causes both euphoria and relaxation. In the
body nicotine is metabolised in the liver. First after its
metabolism nicotine results in the release of glucose
from the liver and epinephrine from the adrenal medulla.
This sudden release of glucose and epinephrine causes
euphoria after the intake of nicotine. After the initial
euphoria nicotine leads to relaxation, increased alertness
and sharpness by working on different neurotransmitters
of the body. Nicotine also has pain relieving properties.
7. Side effects of nicotine intake
Tough it seems like nicotine is an excellent substance to
increase one's sharpness, induce calmness and elevate
one's mood there are more negative aspects of nicotine
intake than positive. Among these the most common side
effects of nicotine intake are an increased risk of
hypertension and heart attacks. It is sad that every
cigarette that a man smokes reduces his life span by 14
years. Moreover since nicotine has been found to affect
the working of Estrogen on hippocampus, hence in the
long run nicotine users are prone to amnesia and other
related diseases.
8. Toxicity
Nicotine is considered to be more toxic than most
common drugs like heroin and cocaine. More harm is
done by nicotine to the human body because it is readily
absorbed by the bloodstream and reaches the brain
through the lungs within 7 seconds of its intake either
orally or as nicotine patches.
9. Use of nicotine in medical science
Though nicotine is not a doctor's best friend, it is yet not
his worst foe. Nicotine known for its pain relieving
properties is being researched upon to be used as a
potential pain killer minus its harmful effects. Nicotine
has also been found to reduce preeclampsia, allergic
asthma; among others by acting as an anti-inflammatory
10. Nicotine in literature
Nicotine has been personified in popular literature as
Nick O' Teen, a humanoid villainous character in
Superman comics which was created as a part of anti-
nicotine drive to educate children about the ill-effects of
nicotine intake in any form.
Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has
helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve
their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help
people quit smoking is by using the latest and most
advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90
percent of the time," says Lindsay during an interview.
Article Source:
Nicotine, a chemical most
commonly found in the plants of
the Solanaceae family, is an
alkaloid and is found
accumulated in the leaves of
these plants, though the
biosynthesis of this chemical
occurs in the roots of the plants.
Nicotine is one of the major
components of addictive plants like tobacco (0.6%-3.0%)
and is the reason behind their addiction in humans due
to its psychoactive nature.
The follow are 10 interesting facts about nicotine.
1. Etymology
The name nicotine comes from the scientific name of the
tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum. The scientific name of
the tobacco plant is itself named the French ambassador
to Portugal Jean Nicot de Villemain. Villeman is credited
for sending tobacco seeds and plant saplings to Paris in
1560 for its use in medicinal purposes.
2. Extraction
Nicotine was first extracted from the tobacco plant by
German physician Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Posselt and
chemist Karl Ludwig Reimann in 1828. After its discovery
Posselt and Reimann labelled it as a poison. In fact
nicotine is an antiherbivore chemical, which causes
addiction when consumed in small amounts (1mg or
less) and death if taken in high amounts (30mg-60mg).
3. Chemistry
Nicotine is an alkaloid with the chemical formula
C10H14N2. Its IUPAC name is 3[{2,5}-1-
methylpyrrolidin-2-yl]pyridine. It has a molecular mass of
162.12g/mol. Nicotine is a hygroscopic liquid which is
miscible with water as a nitrogenous base. Its density is
1.01g/cm3, melting point -79oC and boiling point 247oC.
The nicotine molecule has a half life of 2 hours and its
metabolism is hepatic. Nicotine is also optically active
and has two enantiomeric forms.
4. Nicotine as an insecticide
As already said nicotine is an antiherbivore drug which if
taken in large amounts is fatal to life forms. That is why
nicotine laden tobacco has been used as an insecticide
even before the World War II. But after the WWII its
usage drastically lowered due to the availability of cheap
synthetic insecticides which are more readily available
than tobacco and less harmful to mammals. But in the
recent times the hype surrounding organic farming has
again increased the interest of the farmers in the use of
tobacco as a pesticide as an alternate to chemical
5. Nicotine addiction
Our central nervous system has certain nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors. Nicotine binds to several of
these and increases the amount of several
neurotransmitters. Among these neurotransmitters
dopamine is one such neurotransmitter which is
significantly increased during nicotine use and is
responsible for the sense of euphoria and relaxation
caused by the use of tobacco (nicotine) products.
6. Psychoactive effects of nicotine
Nicotine is a psychoactive substance as it is mood
altering. It causes both euphoria and relaxation. In the
body nicotine is metabolised in the liver. First after its
metabolism nicotine results in the release of glucose
from the liver and epinephrine from the adrenal medulla.
This sudden release of glucose and epinephrine causes
euphoria after the intake of nicotine. After the initial
euphoria nicotine leads to relaxation, increased alertness
and sharpness by working on different neurotransmitters
of the body. Nicotine also has pain relieving properties.
7. Side effects of nicotine intake
Tough it seems like nicotine is an excellent substance to
increase one's sharpness, induce calmness and elevate
one's mood there are more negative aspects of nicotine
intake than positive. Among these the most common side
effects of nicotine intake are an increased risk of
hypertension and heart attacks. It is sad that every
cigarette that a man smokes reduces his life span by 14
years. Moreover since nicotine has been found to affect
the working of Estrogen on hippocampus, hence in the
long run nicotine users are prone to amnesia and other
related diseases.
8. Toxicity
Nicotine is considered to be more toxic than most
common drugs like heroin and cocaine. More harm is
done by nicotine to the human body because it is readily
absorbed by the bloodstream and reaches the brain
through the lungs within 7 seconds of its intake either
orally or as nicotine patches.
9. Use of nicotine in medical science
Though nicotine is not a doctor's best friend, it is yet not
his worst foe. Nicotine known for its pain relieving
properties is being researched upon to be used as a
potential pain killer minus its harmful effects. Nicotine
has also been found to reduce preeclampsia, allergic
asthma; among others by acting as an anti-inflammatory
10. Nicotine in literature
Nicotine has been personified in popular literature as
Nick O' Teen, a humanoid villainous character in
Superman comics which was created as a part of anti-
nicotine drive to educate children about the ill-effects of
nicotine intake in any form.
Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has
helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve
their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help
people quit smoking is by using the latest and most
advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90
percent of the time," says Lindsay during an interview.
Article Source:
A New Year, Lung Detox, And a New You
Opportunity For A Healthy Change, Or Same Old Same Old?
So here we are, a few weeks into 2013. Has anything changed for you? A new year is supposed to be brimming with new opportunities, isn't it? Have a quick look around. See any? If you do, congratulations, you are either very fortunate or are already working toward the sort of future you want. But for the rest of us, we need to make some decisions and start working toward what we want. And now we have the lucidity of being sober (compared to New Year's Eve), and are over the holidays and back into our real lives, we should have the clarity of the everyday to make some lasting resolutions to create the sort of future we want. Care to join me?
But How Do I Make The Future That I Want - Right Now?
It's very important when thinking about the sort of future you want, that you actually visualize yourself, being the way you want to be, in that future. This will give you a goal to aspire to, and when you are in the 'lows,' threatening to give it all in (and let's face it, we've all been there), you can remember back to your vision of yourself being the way you want to be, and hang onto that goal. That's where you want to be. That's WHAT you want to be. No one is going to get you there but you, because it's your goal, so you have to do it. And keeping that in mind, push through and keep going.
But there will be times that you falter, step off the path, slip back a bit. There are very few of us that achieve exactly what we want without going through a bit of 2 steps forward, 1 back. The important thing is what you do at those times. Do you give up, having 'failed' somehow? Do you distract yourself, by shopping, or drinking, or some other 'comfort' activity? Whatever you do when you have this sort of breakdown on the road to your goals, ask yourself 'Is what I am doing now getting me any closer to my goal?' If the answer is 'no,' then you need to change what you are doing! Next time you 'step back,' catch yourself wandering off to distract yourself, forgive yourself your weakness, and get back in the horse. It's the only way to get to where you want to be.
That is because the only place you can make any changes in your life is now. Right now. Now is all we have. But if you visualize yourself in the future being the way you want to be, that future will eventually become your now, and you will 'live into' what you have created for yourself. However, you can't ignore the simple fact that nothing worth doing is inherently easy. Notice I added 'inherently' to that old platitude? That's because the things worth doing become a LOT easier and more achievable with access to the right information. Information is power; the power to reach your goals and be the person you want to be.
Getting The Right Information Is Crucial
If you've quit smoking recently or plan/want to start down that road in the near future, then you will maximize your results with the right information; that is, to stay quit and detoxify your lungs as quickly and safely as possible. I always feel so fortunate that Mark Freeman and I have been able to research and gather the right, crucial information on this topic and are able to share it with you, at a great price when you consider how much you'd spend, even over a week, on the dreaded cigarettes.
Our flagship product, The Complete Lung Detoxification Guide Series is all about giving you the knowledge you need, and the preparation tips to maximize your chances of success. We do this with a straightforward lung detox and the tools necessary to stay quit, or a quit program and lung detox. It's all included. Now the Guides themselves give you a wealth of information that will help make your Lung Detox quick and highly successful (several months rather than up to 10 years), as well as a mass of Quit help, Stress Reduction tips, and Motivation methods that should hold you in good stead as you create that new future and work your way into it.
So sit down, make some plans, and start creating that future you want for you, right now. I wish you all the very best of good fortune in the endeavor!
So here we are, a few weeks into 2013. Has anything changed for you? A new year is supposed to be brimming with new opportunities, isn't it? Have a quick look around. See any? If you do, congratulations, you are either very fortunate or are already working toward the sort of future you want. But for the rest of us, we need to make some decisions and start working toward what we want. And now we have the lucidity of being sober (compared to New Year's Eve), and are over the holidays and back into our real lives, we should have the clarity of the everyday to make some lasting resolutions to create the sort of future we want. Care to join me?
But How Do I Make The Future That I Want - Right Now?
It's very important when thinking about the sort of future you want, that you actually visualize yourself, being the way you want to be, in that future. This will give you a goal to aspire to, and when you are in the 'lows,' threatening to give it all in (and let's face it, we've all been there), you can remember back to your vision of yourself being the way you want to be, and hang onto that goal. That's where you want to be. That's WHAT you want to be. No one is going to get you there but you, because it's your goal, so you have to do it. And keeping that in mind, push through and keep going.
But there will be times that you falter, step off the path, slip back a bit. There are very few of us that achieve exactly what we want without going through a bit of 2 steps forward, 1 back. The important thing is what you do at those times. Do you give up, having 'failed' somehow? Do you distract yourself, by shopping, or drinking, or some other 'comfort' activity? Whatever you do when you have this sort of breakdown on the road to your goals, ask yourself 'Is what I am doing now getting me any closer to my goal?' If the answer is 'no,' then you need to change what you are doing! Next time you 'step back,' catch yourself wandering off to distract yourself, forgive yourself your weakness, and get back in the horse. It's the only way to get to where you want to be.
That is because the only place you can make any changes in your life is now. Right now. Now is all we have. But if you visualize yourself in the future being the way you want to be, that future will eventually become your now, and you will 'live into' what you have created for yourself. However, you can't ignore the simple fact that nothing worth doing is inherently easy. Notice I added 'inherently' to that old platitude? That's because the things worth doing become a LOT easier and more achievable with access to the right information. Information is power; the power to reach your goals and be the person you want to be.
Getting The Right Information Is Crucial
If you've quit smoking recently or plan/want to start down that road in the near future, then you will maximize your results with the right information; that is, to stay quit and detoxify your lungs as quickly and safely as possible. I always feel so fortunate that Mark Freeman and I have been able to research and gather the right, crucial information on this topic and are able to share it with you, at a great price when you consider how much you'd spend, even over a week, on the dreaded cigarettes.
Our flagship product, The Complete Lung Detoxification Guide Series is all about giving you the knowledge you need, and the preparation tips to maximize your chances of success. We do this with a straightforward lung detox and the tools necessary to stay quit, or a quit program and lung detox. It's all included. Now the Guides themselves give you a wealth of information that will help make your Lung Detox quick and highly successful (several months rather than up to 10 years), as well as a mass of Quit help, Stress Reduction tips, and Motivation methods that should hold you in good stead as you create that new future and work your way into it.
So sit down, make some plans, and start creating that future you want for you, right now. I wish you all the very best of good fortune in the endeavor!
Simple Tips to Help Quit Smoking
Smoking is the main cause for all kinds of health
problems and illnesses. The best way to quit smoking is
by first all understanding what it does to your body.
Before we proceed to the tips on how you can quit
smoking, I would like to mention few things. Did you
know that smoking causes cancer and more importantly
it can make you impotent?
Imagine yourself being in such a situation. I'm sure you
wouldn't want to have that situation. Cancer is not a
curable disease for many people. In many cases even
after the treatments are done, the complications still
linger on for many years. The main reason for that urge
to smoke is because of the nicotine that is present in the
Nicotine is a harmful substance that causes your brain to
get addicted to it. Once you get addicted to it, you find it
difficult to leave the habit. It is more like you getting
addicted to nicotine than smoking.
When you get the urge, you tend to smoke and get a feeling of
relaxation in your mind, which unfortunately is not true. I think by
now you have understood the seriousness of this harmful habit. Let us
have a look at few tips that can help you quit smoking:
I quit: Sadly that is the first way to quit smoking. You
must have heard from someone, that you can quit this
habit slowly. Where does that lead you to? You still
smoke. When will that day come where you don't touch
the cigarette? When you still keep on smoking, you can't
leave that habit. It keeps haunting you as you want to
It is like you see a cake. Your mind tells you nothing
wrong in having a small bite. So you go ahead and take
a bite. You continue doing that till you finish the whole
cake. You want to quit smoking, quit it completely.
Have gums handy: Once you are a smoker, you feel the
urge to smoke quite often in a day. Keep chewing the
gum till you leave the urge. A friend of mine got rid of this
habit with this method. Whenever he felt like smoking, he
put a gum in his mouth. Yes it was a difficult process, but
he finally succeeded.
Select friends who don't smoke: It is a good idea to have
friends who don't smoke. When you have the wrong
company, you tend to do that same as them. It is human
nature. If your friends smoke during the break time, try to
politely stay away from them during that time. You need
to also remember that the smell can trigger you to have a
puff and you are back to where you started.
Have support: It is good to have support from someone
who encourages you to stop smoking. You also need to
be motivated and determined to leave this habit. That
person can be your spouse, your friend, or even relative.
This step is very effective, mind you. You can try it out.
Reward yourself: It is a good idea to reward yourself
once you reach a target. To reach a target you can set
goal. For example tell yourself that you won't smoke for
at least couple of weeks. Once you complete that period,
you can reward yourself.
Friends I strongly advise you to leave this dangerous
habit. You are doing yourself a favor.
Article Source:
problems and illnesses. The best way to quit smoking is
by first all understanding what it does to your body.
Before we proceed to the tips on how you can quit
smoking, I would like to mention few things. Did you
know that smoking causes cancer and more importantly
it can make you impotent?
Imagine yourself being in such a situation. I'm sure you
wouldn't want to have that situation. Cancer is not a
curable disease for many people. In many cases even
after the treatments are done, the complications still
linger on for many years. The main reason for that urge
to smoke is because of the nicotine that is present in the
Nicotine is a harmful substance that causes your brain to
get addicted to it. Once you get addicted to it, you find it
difficult to leave the habit. It is more like you getting
addicted to nicotine than smoking.
When you get the urge, you tend to smoke and get a feeling of
relaxation in your mind, which unfortunately is not true. I think by
now you have understood the seriousness of this harmful habit. Let us
have a look at few tips that can help you quit smoking:
I quit: Sadly that is the first way to quit smoking. You
must have heard from someone, that you can quit this
habit slowly. Where does that lead you to? You still
smoke. When will that day come where you don't touch
the cigarette? When you still keep on smoking, you can't
leave that habit. It keeps haunting you as you want to
It is like you see a cake. Your mind tells you nothing
wrong in having a small bite. So you go ahead and take
a bite. You continue doing that till you finish the whole
cake. You want to quit smoking, quit it completely.
Have gums handy: Once you are a smoker, you feel the
urge to smoke quite often in a day. Keep chewing the
gum till you leave the urge. A friend of mine got rid of this
habit with this method. Whenever he felt like smoking, he
put a gum in his mouth. Yes it was a difficult process, but
he finally succeeded.
Select friends who don't smoke: It is a good idea to have
friends who don't smoke. When you have the wrong
company, you tend to do that same as them. It is human
nature. If your friends smoke during the break time, try to
politely stay away from them during that time. You need
to also remember that the smell can trigger you to have a
puff and you are back to where you started.
Have support: It is good to have support from someone
who encourages you to stop smoking. You also need to
be motivated and determined to leave this habit. That
person can be your spouse, your friend, or even relative.
This step is very effective, mind you. You can try it out.
Reward yourself: It is a good idea to reward yourself
once you reach a target. To reach a target you can set
goal. For example tell yourself that you won't smoke for
at least couple of weeks. Once you complete that period,
you can reward yourself.
Friends I strongly advise you to leave this dangerous
habit. You are doing yourself a favor.
Article Source:
Addressing Teens' Smoking
Although there may be a chunk of reasons behind teenage smoking, an observation that may be made with great conviction is that teens make a considerable portion of smokers all around the world. A few intriguing yet worrisome signs with regards to teenage smoking include that about 30% of youth smokers are regular smokers and have made a transition towards addicts which poses a significant threat to their lives. Furthermore, since their level of addiction is at such intensity that teen smokers make a shift from nicotine to use of alcohol and other illegal drugs. Consequently, when they are not able to meet their addiction; depression, panic attacks and anxiety disorders are to follow. While nothing may be taken away from the devastating effects that smoking may have on teenagers, measures to control and finally to seal teenage smoking must be taken at earliest. A few effective strategies would include;
Creating awareness at institutions of the harmful effects that smoking has, and include it as a part of the curriculum that is taught at schools and colleges. Studies have shown that teenage smoking begins at college level with peer pressure or any other stress issues that teens usually face due to excessive study load or problems pertinent to their personal lives. Thus, if awareness is created at an early stage, this could result in addressing the problem at its root cause, hence lowering it significantly.
If parents smoke, the chances of teenagers adopting the sticks increase significantly. Therefore, parents are encouraged to set a good example by not smoking, at least not in front of your children. This shall help in reducing the upward trends in teenage smoking.
Government should regulate the price of cigarettes and set it high enough so that it becomes difficult for them to spend on smoking. While banning cigarette may be a difficult task, price regulation is certainly a lot easier and effective.
There may be instances where teenagers believe that severe results such as cancer or other chronic disease happens only in the abstract and have little to do with the real world, real life examples must be shared with them preferably of someone close or a person that they know personally as well.
Media and government agencies should look to hold campaigns and advertisements highlighting the sufferings that a teenager may later on be exposed to if they do not give up on smoking. Information should also be imparted that smokeless tobacco, candy flavored cigarettes and clove cigarettes are equally risky and teenagers must abstain from them.
Teenage smoking is a serious problem that needs a great deal of attention from various society players; family, government, academia and most importantly media. The prolific penetration that has been witnessed in terms of teenage smoking is a dangerous sign in itself and stern measures must be taken before the situation turns into a desperate one. These efforts may require some time to be fully effective; their execution must begin with immediate effect to be able to minimize the damage that cigarettes may cause to teenagers.
Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help people quit smoking is by using the latest and most advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90 percent of the time," says Lindsay during an interview.
Article Source
Cigarettes - The Killing Cachines of 2013
The statutory warning on your dose of daily tobacco doesn't bother you? Maybe this article will. Sad but true, smoking kills. Regardless of the last puff that can bring forth a different level of satisfaction altogether, smoking kills.
Does Cancer Scare You?
If it does, quit smoking because history has repeatedly narrated the same story through statistics:
Of all cases of cancer, lung cancer is the most prominent and smoking causes it.
Men have 23 times higher chances of developing lung cancer while women are 13 times more probable of the same if they smoke.
90 % of lung cancer deaths in men are owing to smoking. This number remains 80% for women.
It doesn't just end with lung cancer - it can be associated with other types of cancer like cancer of the pharynx, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, etc. This is supported by the findings in the 2004 Surgeon General's report.
12,100 deaths that are estimated to occur annually in the US due to esophageal cancer are a result of smoking.
Does Cancer Scare You?
If it does, quit smoking because history has repeatedly narrated the same story through statistics:
Of all cases of cancer, lung cancer is the most prominent and smoking causes it.
Men have 23 times higher chances of developing lung cancer while women are 13 times more probable of the same if they smoke.
90 % of lung cancer deaths in men are owing to smoking. This number remains 80% for women.
It doesn't just end with lung cancer - it can be associated with other types of cancer like cancer of the pharynx, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, etc. This is supported by the findings in the 2004 Surgeon General's report.
12,100 deaths that are estimated to occur annually in the US due to esophageal cancer are a result of smoking.
Another type of cancer that is claiming a thousand lives annually in the US is laryngeal cancer which is an outcome when cigarette smoking is accompanied with alcohol.
Back in 2003, 57,400 cases of bladder cancer were reported by patients who were smokers.
The possibility of a mouth cancer is enhanced by smoking.
30200 cases and an approximate 7800 deaths resulting from pharynx and oral cavity cancers are reported by patients who smoke cigarettes, pipes and tobacco containing products.
According to the 2004 Surgeon General's report, cases of new cancer have been discovered including that of the stomach, kidney, pancreas, acute myeloid leukemia and cervix.
People who have quit smoking are less prone to stomach cancer than people who haven't.
The likelihood of cervical cancer in women increases proportionately with the duration of smoking.
An estimated 22400 cases of stomach cancer, 31900 case of kidney cancer, 30700 cases of pancreatic cancer, 10500 cases of acute myeloid leukemia were reported in 2003 owing to the ill effects of smoking
In the US, about 90% of benzene exposure is a result of smoking cigarettes and benzene is one the root causes of acute myeloid leukemia.
Back in 2003, 57,400 cases of bladder cancer were reported by patients who were smokers.
The possibility of a mouth cancer is enhanced by smoking.
30200 cases and an approximate 7800 deaths resulting from pharynx and oral cavity cancers are reported by patients who smoke cigarettes, pipes and tobacco containing products.
According to the 2004 Surgeon General's report, cases of new cancer have been discovered including that of the stomach, kidney, pancreas, acute myeloid leukemia and cervix.
People who have quit smoking are less prone to stomach cancer than people who haven't.
The likelihood of cervical cancer in women increases proportionately with the duration of smoking.
An estimated 22400 cases of stomach cancer, 31900 case of kidney cancer, 30700 cases of pancreatic cancer, 10500 cases of acute myeloid leukemia were reported in 2003 owing to the ill effects of smoking
In the US, about 90% of benzene exposure is a result of smoking cigarettes and benzene is one the root causes of acute myeloid leukemia.
If you smoke, you belong to a family of:
More than 1 billion who smoke! This number will cross the mark of 1.5 million by 2025
A profitable tobacco market where 10 million cigarettes are sold a minute. This market observes a total of 5 trillion cigarettes sold every year.
A world of smoke where you smoke approx 8 or 9 milligrams of nicotine per cigarette or 100-400 milligrams of nicotine per cigar
A risky generation in which a dose of nicotine present 3-4 cigarettes if consumed at once can kill a person.
Smoking has some 'uncool' additives besides the addictive nicotine you wouldn't be proud of:
Whale vomit is used to manufacture cigarettes.
Benzene which can cause an array of diseases finds its primary source in the environment in smokers.
A cigarette is not free from radioactive chemicals like lead and polonium though they are present in low levels.
Talk about the world war II and chemical warfare, maybe a cigarette might contribute to any global disrupt in the future - hydrogen cyanide present in cigarette can be used as a genocidal agent.
Passive smoke contains around 50 carcinogenic chemicals and some of them fall in the Group 1 category of carcinogens.
So What Makes the Cigarette so Harmful?
Acrolein - Creates problems in DNA repair and have the potentiality of disturbing the lining in the lungs that actually acts as a resistant to lung disease.
1,3-Butadine - It is otherwise used to make rubber - Cancer in the stomach and blood can be a result of this chemical.
Arsenic - If consumed it is very poisonous and taken in small quantities can cause heart disease.
Benzene - It is a proponent of Leukemia and most acute leukemia cases are owing to benzene.
Cadmium intervenes the smooth repair of already damaged DNA and causes problems in the kidney and artery lining.
Chromium VI which is an ingredient of paints, alloys, dyes is associated with lung cancer.
Formaldehyde which otherwise can destroy bacteria has a major influence in causing chronic lung disease. Primary source of formaldehyde is secondhand smoke.
Polonium is radioactive and radioactive materials are very dangerous in terms of them being carcinogenic.
Tar -How can we forget tar? This is the solid residue that remains on the lungs, nails and teeth. It increases the risk for cancer and influences lung diseases including lung cancer most prominently.
Nicotine and carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide is an air pollutant. It can mix with hemoglobin in the blood and inhibit the oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells. It is known to increase cholesterol in the arteries and in the process can harden them. Finally this can result in various heart and artery diseases and also can cause a cardiac arrest.
Nicotine is addictive. This is why you smoke and this is what makes you long for that last puff. Like slow poison it spreads through the bloodstream. Nicotine will do all the menacing the bloodstream which wants to live long doesn't deserve - it will narrow your arteries, quicken the flow of blood to the heart and increase blood pressure. Cardiac arrest is also likely with high doses of nicotine. Quitting smoking is actually quitting nicotine and though its hard its important if you want to live long and live healthy.
For a better tomorrow, let's stop preaching "Can I borrow a fag?" and help ourselves.
Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help people quit smoking is by using the latest and most advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90 percent of the time".
What's The Best Way To Quit Smoking?
Once you've set your mind on quitting smoking, you have an important decision to make; just how do you plan on going about it? There are plenty of recognized methods out there (along with lots more unconventional ones!) and statistics are a very long way from declaring a clear winner.
To the contrary, an overview of meta-analysis of the methods most commonly employed by wannabe quitters makes depressing reading, with nicotine replacement therapies such as patches and gum scoring from 3 to 17%, and prescription medications averaging just 18%.
Chantix, the drug that not so long ago was being hailed as an industry game-changer, is currently the subject of multiple lawsuits as a result of alleged side effects that include suicidal and delusional thoughts as well as cardiac issues. Personally, I've witnessed a guy become so deeply paranoid that he threatened his family whilst taking this drug, and even though he eventually quit smoking okay, I feel that the means can't always justify the end!
Therapies generally score better, with acupuncture, group counselling sessions, hypnotherapy and workplace meetings all scoring between 25 and 36%. I incline strongly to the opinion that these significantly higher success rates reflect a greater realism amongst the participants - these people have correctly figured out they need psychological support to break their habit, rather than medicine.
Of all the data available, the only studies showing reliably measured success rates above 40% involve patients with heart disease. I guess the subjects were especially highly motivated, seeing as the consequences of failing to quit would, in so many cases, have proven particularly unfortunate?
This raises two extremely important points, namely the significance of statistics and motivation. The highest recorded success rate found by any empirically validated study into smoking cessation is 42%, and yet it's far from difficult to find businesses out there claiming much higher rates, such as 95%!
Well, just try asking these guys which organization independently verified their results? Because any statistics that haven't been confirmed by a follow-up breath test after 12 or 26 weeks simply shouldn't count, and it's pure mischief to presume that every client who doesn't bother to come back and complain was a success story!
To the contrary, an overview of meta-analysis of the methods most commonly employed by wannabe quitters makes depressing reading, with nicotine replacement therapies such as patches and gum scoring from 3 to 17%, and prescription medications averaging just 18%.
Chantix, the drug that not so long ago was being hailed as an industry game-changer, is currently the subject of multiple lawsuits as a result of alleged side effects that include suicidal and delusional thoughts as well as cardiac issues. Personally, I've witnessed a guy become so deeply paranoid that he threatened his family whilst taking this drug, and even though he eventually quit smoking okay, I feel that the means can't always justify the end!
Therapies generally score better, with acupuncture, group counselling sessions, hypnotherapy and workplace meetings all scoring between 25 and 36%. I incline strongly to the opinion that these significantly higher success rates reflect a greater realism amongst the participants - these people have correctly figured out they need psychological support to break their habit, rather than medicine.
Of all the data available, the only studies showing reliably measured success rates above 40% involve patients with heart disease. I guess the subjects were especially highly motivated, seeing as the consequences of failing to quit would, in so many cases, have proven particularly unfortunate?
This raises two extremely important points, namely the significance of statistics and motivation. The highest recorded success rate found by any empirically validated study into smoking cessation is 42%, and yet it's far from difficult to find businesses out there claiming much higher rates, such as 95%!
Well, just try asking these guys which organization independently verified their results? Because any statistics that haven't been confirmed by a follow-up breath test after 12 or 26 weeks simply shouldn't count, and it's pure mischief to presume that every client who doesn't bother to come back and complain was a success story!
Remember that all any therapy can ever do is help you to quit smoking, and so it's hardly an auspicious start if the provider begins by lying to you about his track record!
Having said that, one easy way for any therapist to attain a genuinely high success rate would be to refuse treatment to all but those who are obviously highly motivated to quit - because when it comes to giving up smoking, motivation really is everything.
Anyone who's reached a decision, at the deepest level, that they simply don't want to smoke any more, is going to succeed in quitting, whichever method they happen to employ. And if they choose to work with a therapist, then all he or she needs to do is guide them along the road to success.
Of course, we can hopefully speed up that journey, by helping them avoid some of the bumps along the road - presuming we're any good at our jobs!
Paul R Mather is a certified hypnotherapist and the owner of Cerulean Therapies, a company specializing primarily in helping people to quit smoking. For more information, please visit
Shocking Statistics on Smoking
By Lindsay M Fox
Smoking - a common sight in our society. Even though shunned by the
puritans as an evil and harmful habit, it acquires a considerable fan
following. Let us have a statistical overview of the various aspects
of this tantalizing art.
1. Smoking consumes the lungs of almost one-third of the
population worldwide.
2. Out of the 15 billion cigarettes that become the leading
cause every day to promote lung cancer, 10 million get
sold every minute.
3. Head west to the Pacific region and you will find one in
three cigarettes getting consumed.
4. The Chinese market is known as one of the most profit-
making businesses all over the globe. It is followed by
the American, Japanese and British conglomerates.
5. Eight seconds can be precious if you are smoking for it
has been estimated that a person dies every 8 seconds
due to use of tobacco
6. One in 10 adults worldwide die because they smoke
because they never paid attention to what that warning
on a cigarette packet said. If you live till 2030, be sure
you wouldn't want to be one in six.
These are certainly some staggering figures. Shows how
largely spread the habit is and also that it kills!
1. Teens find it so cool that you will find one in the age
group of 13-15 out of 5 smokers spread across age
2. Advertising does have an influence on teens and in
South Asia, movies and superstars have had a big
3. If you are a chain smoker, then maybe you started it in
your teens because it is highly probably you belong to
50% of the chain smokers.
4. Kids trying to find room for themselves in their peer
groups are starting smoking and this number has gone
up to 3000 a day in the United States and this figure
remains at around 100,000 a day worldwide.
1. You lose 11 minutes of your precious life every minute
you finish off with your last puff.
2. One simple cigarette can inhibit your blood supply to
your skin for more than an hour.
3. If you have pale skin and have developed wrinkles during your
youth, maybe you smoke because smoking reduces the levels of Vitamin A
and inhibits the blood supply to the skin.
4. Blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and smoking
increases blood pressure manifold.
5. Smokers might be with impotency for all their life for with every
smoke, the tendency of erectile dysfunction
6. It is possible for smokers to lose their sight.
7. If you thought that radioactive materials were the only
source of cancer, then you are absolutely right because
even cigarettes have their share of such materials -
polonium and lead.
8. If there is a future world war, maybe cigarettes might be
used for they have hydrogen cyanide which was used in
the Second World War as a chemical weapon.
9. More than 90% cases of lung cases reported every year
happen because they smoke.
10. One billion lives have already been claimed by smoking. The question is -
11. Do you want more?
Smoking kills - Believe it or not!
Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has
helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve
their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help
people quit smoking is by using the latest and most
advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90
percent of the time".
Smoking - a common sight in our society. Even though shunned by the
puritans as an evil and harmful habit, it acquires a considerable fan
following. Let us have a statistical overview of the various aspects
of this tantalizing art.
1. Smoking consumes the lungs of almost one-third of the
population worldwide.
2. Out of the 15 billion cigarettes that become the leading
cause every day to promote lung cancer, 10 million get
sold every minute.
3. Head west to the Pacific region and you will find one in
three cigarettes getting consumed.
4. The Chinese market is known as one of the most profit-
making businesses all over the globe. It is followed by
the American, Japanese and British conglomerates.
5. Eight seconds can be precious if you are smoking for it
has been estimated that a person dies every 8 seconds
due to use of tobacco
6. One in 10 adults worldwide die because they smoke
because they never paid attention to what that warning
on a cigarette packet said. If you live till 2030, be sure
you wouldn't want to be one in six.
These are certainly some staggering figures. Shows how
largely spread the habit is and also that it kills!
1. Teens find it so cool that you will find one in the age
group of 13-15 out of 5 smokers spread across age
2. Advertising does have an influence on teens and in
South Asia, movies and superstars have had a big
3. If you are a chain smoker, then maybe you started it in
your teens because it is highly probably you belong to
50% of the chain smokers.
4. Kids trying to find room for themselves in their peer
groups are starting smoking and this number has gone
up to 3000 a day in the United States and this figure
remains at around 100,000 a day worldwide.
1. You lose 11 minutes of your precious life every minute
you finish off with your last puff.
2. One simple cigarette can inhibit your blood supply to
your skin for more than an hour.
3. If you have pale skin and have developed wrinkles during your
youth, maybe you smoke because smoking reduces the levels of Vitamin A
and inhibits the blood supply to the skin.
4. Blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and smoking
increases blood pressure manifold.
5. Smokers might be with impotency for all their life for with every
smoke, the tendency of erectile dysfunction
6. It is possible for smokers to lose their sight.
7. If you thought that radioactive materials were the only
source of cancer, then you are absolutely right because
even cigarettes have their share of such materials -
polonium and lead.
8. If there is a future world war, maybe cigarettes might be
used for they have hydrogen cyanide which was used in
the Second World War as a chemical weapon.
9. More than 90% cases of lung cases reported every year
happen because they smoke.
10. One billion lives have already been claimed by smoking. The question is -
11. Do you want more?
Smoking kills - Believe it or not!
Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has
helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve
their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help
people quit smoking is by using the latest and most
advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90
percent of the time".
Finding a Treatment Center for Teenagers With Addictive Behavior
Addictive behavior can entail
many different areas. When
someone is young, it will
probably show up in different
habits than when an individual
becomes a teenager or an adult.
There are centers available to
help those who have never had
anyone get to the root of their
issues. Make sure to find a treatment center that has the
same worldview as you and your family, has a good
reputation for progress, and one that is familiar with
helping young people.
There are a variety of approaches out there as people
look at addictive behavior. Some think it is the result of
neurological problems, some think it is in us because of
spiritual issues, others might believe that people have
the problem because they do not have self-control or
self-esteem; others have issues from brain damage or
issues at birth.
There are likely many other explanations,
but what is important is that you find what will work and
continue to work. Anyone can be put on medication in
order to keep from addictive behaviors. A treatment
center is not successful unless they are able to help a
person change their mind about who they are and what
they want to do in life without the use of mind-altering
medication. Medication may be necessary for a short
period of time, but it should not be a permanent need.
There are cases where addictive behaviors are due to
disorders at birth or brain damage from accidents. In
these cases, there is really no way to change the
damage that has taken place. If behaviors that a person
is doing are hurting themselves or others, then
individuals in these situations may need medication. It is
a totally different circumstance than those who were born
with no problems and have had no brain damage. It is
important to try all of your options before medicating.
There may be a therapy that will get through to the
individual and help to overcome habits.
Teenagers like to make enough excuses about their
behavior. It is just something that teenagers are known
to do. If your teen has addictive behaviors whether it is
drugs, stealing, lying, or even more serious habits, then
most likely he or she has tried to make excuses.
It may
be that your child has more of a propensity for some of
these habits. That does not give him or her an excuse to
do them. It is important to find a treatment center that will
not give your teenager excuses for his or her problems. It
is important for your child to take responsibility for
You can check on the reputation of a treatment center by
talking to your friends, church officials, doctors, and by
looking them up on the internet. As you are doing your
research in this area, try to find out if the facility workers
have experience with teenagers. This is important for you
to consider.
If your teenager is struggling with addiction and you are
looking for a treatment center Baton Rouge has a unique
option. To learn more, visit
many different areas. When
someone is young, it will
probably show up in different
habits than when an individual
becomes a teenager or an adult.
There are centers available to
help those who have never had
anyone get to the root of their
issues. Make sure to find a treatment center that has the
same worldview as you and your family, has a good
reputation for progress, and one that is familiar with
helping young people.
There are a variety of approaches out there as people
look at addictive behavior. Some think it is the result of
neurological problems, some think it is in us because of
spiritual issues, others might believe that people have
the problem because they do not have self-control or
self-esteem; others have issues from brain damage or
issues at birth.
There are likely many other explanations,
but what is important is that you find what will work and
continue to work. Anyone can be put on medication in
order to keep from addictive behaviors. A treatment
center is not successful unless they are able to help a
person change their mind about who they are and what
they want to do in life without the use of mind-altering
medication. Medication may be necessary for a short
period of time, but it should not be a permanent need.
There are cases where addictive behaviors are due to
disorders at birth or brain damage from accidents. In
these cases, there is really no way to change the
damage that has taken place. If behaviors that a person
is doing are hurting themselves or others, then
individuals in these situations may need medication. It is
a totally different circumstance than those who were born
with no problems and have had no brain damage. It is
important to try all of your options before medicating.
There may be a therapy that will get through to the
individual and help to overcome habits.
Teenagers like to make enough excuses about their
behavior. It is just something that teenagers are known
to do. If your teen has addictive behaviors whether it is
drugs, stealing, lying, or even more serious habits, then
most likely he or she has tried to make excuses.
It may
be that your child has more of a propensity for some of
these habits. That does not give him or her an excuse to
do them. It is important to find a treatment center that will
not give your teenager excuses for his or her problems. It
is important for your child to take responsibility for
You can check on the reputation of a treatment center by
talking to your friends, church officials, doctors, and by
looking them up on the internet. As you are doing your
research in this area, try to find out if the facility workers
have experience with teenagers. This is important for you
to consider.
If your teenager is struggling with addiction and you are
looking for a treatment center Baton Rouge has a unique
option. To learn more, visit
Drug Rehab for Recovery
Alcohol addiction can be described as a harmful disease that may hamper the development of an individual. This is because the individual develops bad habits of excessively using dangerous substances that may be harmful to their health. These addictions are known to instill fear of stopping the use of alcohol or other harmful substances in the mind of the addict.
It has been established that many young people get trapped into the bad habits of alcohol abuse and drug addiction with the hope that they will be able to get over their depression, financial problems, or loneliness. They have instilled a myth in their minds that consuming alcohol and drugs can help to alleviate their problems. To add insult to injury, these addicts fail to realize the harmful effects that come with the consumption of these substances.
Therefore, in such an instance it would be advisable for the addict to visit a drug rehab center, which can be of great help to individuals who are in dire need of recovery treatment. These centers provide the required medication, therapies, and counseling services in order to help people overcome alcoholism and drug abuse. In most cases, counselors at these centers usually prefer to employ a natural healing approach to their patients coupled with special care and attention.
The main goal of these drug and alcohol centers is to help individuals suffering from this problem to be able to reconnect with their friends, family, close associates, their outer world, and themselves. They are also able to undergo drug education in order to be able to understand the effects of drug and alcohol abuse.
Therefore, if you are suffering from an addiction that is related to drugs and alcohol, you ought to visit a rehab center near you in order to be able to receive drug and alcohol rehab services. Most drug treatment centers that are located across the globe are renowned for the cost-effective and dependable treatment for any kind of addict. The advantage of beginning a drug rehabilitation program such as Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program is that it is able to provide total support to all the needs of a patient and does not focus on alcohol and drug substance abuse.
Furthermore, drug addiction treatment calls for cognitive therapy, professional counseling, and behavioral modification. All these are elements of counseling that are very important in any rehabilitation program. Moreover, treatment and medication are modified to fit the needs of the patient. A rehabilitation program enables the patient to overcome various issues such as violent behavior, low self-esteem, and social concerns. These problems can be associated with heroin addiction, which is a growing substance abuse problem.
However, it is important of all the drug rehab centers are available; you should go for the center that provides the best services and satisfaction to the patient. The selection of a good rehab center is a worthy investment as you would not want to take a patient to a rehabilitation program that will aggravate the problem further.
. Find more information, about Narconon Addiction Recovery Programs.
It has been established that many young people get trapped into the bad habits of alcohol abuse and drug addiction with the hope that they will be able to get over their depression, financial problems, or loneliness. They have instilled a myth in their minds that consuming alcohol and drugs can help to alleviate their problems. To add insult to injury, these addicts fail to realize the harmful effects that come with the consumption of these substances.
Therefore, in such an instance it would be advisable for the addict to visit a drug rehab center, which can be of great help to individuals who are in dire need of recovery treatment. These centers provide the required medication, therapies, and counseling services in order to help people overcome alcoholism and drug abuse. In most cases, counselors at these centers usually prefer to employ a natural healing approach to their patients coupled with special care and attention.
The main goal of these drug and alcohol centers is to help individuals suffering from this problem to be able to reconnect with their friends, family, close associates, their outer world, and themselves. They are also able to undergo drug education in order to be able to understand the effects of drug and alcohol abuse.
Therefore, if you are suffering from an addiction that is related to drugs and alcohol, you ought to visit a rehab center near you in order to be able to receive drug and alcohol rehab services. Most drug treatment centers that are located across the globe are renowned for the cost-effective and dependable treatment for any kind of addict. The advantage of beginning a drug rehabilitation program such as Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program is that it is able to provide total support to all the needs of a patient and does not focus on alcohol and drug substance abuse.
Furthermore, drug addiction treatment calls for cognitive therapy, professional counseling, and behavioral modification. All these are elements of counseling that are very important in any rehabilitation program. Moreover, treatment and medication are modified to fit the needs of the patient. A rehabilitation program enables the patient to overcome various issues such as violent behavior, low self-esteem, and social concerns. These problems can be associated with heroin addiction, which is a growing substance abuse problem.
However, it is important of all the drug rehab centers are available; you should go for the center that provides the best services and satisfaction to the patient. The selection of a good rehab center is a worthy investment as you would not want to take a patient to a rehabilitation program that will aggravate the problem further.
. Find more information, about Narconon Addiction Recovery Programs.
If you choose to stop drinking, and are looking for the best
option to get clean, alcohol detox is possibly the toughest,
yet the best way to go about quitting.
Since you remove the alcohol from your system entirely, rather than
try to do so gradually, you know it is going
to be tough at first, but is going to make the entire journey much
easier of a transition, as you get deeper in to the treatment, and
once you have completed the treatment that you choose to undergo when
trying to get sober, and lead an alcohol free life.
Support Systems
If you do choose to quit cold turkey, with any alcohol
detox program, you have to consider having a support
system in place; this can come from:
- The facility and the professionals who are going to
guide you through the treatment
- Family and friends who are going to help you get
through the toughest times
- Other members, staff, and individuals who work at or
are receiving treatment at the same facility you choose to
find help from
Although it may not seem essential, having people there
during, as well as after the treatment, is critical in getting
through the tough times, and staying clean after you do
Having Assistance at the Toughest Point
When you do choose to get treatment for an addiction
problem, the earliest phases of alcohol detox are the
ones that are going to be the toughest. Since you are
used to drinking on a daily basis, and in high volumes,
when you all of a sudden cut this out of your daily life,
you are going to experience a big change and a big
challenge. From the sweats and chills, to hallucinations,
fever, and other symptoms, each individual is going to go
through this phase a bit different than the next individual.
This is one of the main reasons you do need a strong
support system, as well as a strong staff, leader, and
guide, when you are trying to quit.
Where to Go Through Detox
It is up to each individual, but for most, when going
through the alcohol detox phase early on, an inpatient
facility might be the best option. You have a highly
trained staff to guide you, you have no access to alcohol,
and there are no bad influences around you, since you
are in a facility, trying to get you to drink.
In other cases, an outpatient facility might be a great choice.
Although you are going to leave the facility, if you have a strong
support team, family and friends who will help, and if you are
mentally strong, you can get through the tough phases, and push
through the toughest periods when trying to quit.
With many options for you to consider, and different
forms of treatment, you have to consider all when trying
to get clean. With alcohol detox, each person is different,
so the best form of treatment is really a personal
decision, and will differ from one person to the next.
For more information visit Alcohol Detox Program.
option to get clean, alcohol detox is possibly the toughest,
yet the best way to go about quitting.
Since you remove the alcohol from your system entirely, rather than
try to do so gradually, you know it is going
to be tough at first, but is going to make the entire journey much
easier of a transition, as you get deeper in to the treatment, and
once you have completed the treatment that you choose to undergo when
trying to get sober, and lead an alcohol free life.
Support Systems
If you do choose to quit cold turkey, with any alcohol
detox program, you have to consider having a support
system in place; this can come from:
- The facility and the professionals who are going to
guide you through the treatment
- Family and friends who are going to help you get
through the toughest times
- Other members, staff, and individuals who work at or
are receiving treatment at the same facility you choose to
find help from
Although it may not seem essential, having people there
during, as well as after the treatment, is critical in getting
through the tough times, and staying clean after you do
Having Assistance at the Toughest Point
When you do choose to get treatment for an addiction
problem, the earliest phases of alcohol detox are the
ones that are going to be the toughest. Since you are
used to drinking on a daily basis, and in high volumes,
when you all of a sudden cut this out of your daily life,
you are going to experience a big change and a big
challenge. From the sweats and chills, to hallucinations,
fever, and other symptoms, each individual is going to go
through this phase a bit different than the next individual.
This is one of the main reasons you do need a strong
support system, as well as a strong staff, leader, and
guide, when you are trying to quit.
Where to Go Through Detox
It is up to each individual, but for most, when going
through the alcohol detox phase early on, an inpatient
facility might be the best option. You have a highly
trained staff to guide you, you have no access to alcohol,
and there are no bad influences around you, since you
are in a facility, trying to get you to drink.
In other cases, an outpatient facility might be a great choice.
Although you are going to leave the facility, if you have a strong
support team, family and friends who will help, and if you are
mentally strong, you can get through the tough phases, and push
through the toughest periods when trying to quit.
With many options for you to consider, and different
forms of treatment, you have to consider all when trying
to get clean. With alcohol detox, each person is different,
so the best form of treatment is really a personal
decision, and will differ from one person to the next.
For more information visit Alcohol Detox Program.
How Ex-Smokers Can Cope In Times Of Crisis
As we start the year of 2013
bush fires have destroyed many
homes in the southern states of
Australia. The stress of such an
event would be enormous. But
times of crisis can hit individuals
and families at any time, and
these moments can be a big
challenge for ex smokers.
It is in times of strong stress that can have ex smokers
reverting to old behaviours. The problem is
overwhelming and so you reach out for the old comfort
blanket of cigarettes.
Rarely does this action help. Most people just become
annoyed at themselves but continue to smoke as a form
of distraction. Within a day or so you are once again a
smoker. Of course your crisis is still occurring because
burning tobacco wrapped in paper can't ever solve a
Firstly before you start, take a few moments to notice any
non smokers in your situation. What are they doing? How
are they managing the problem? The fact is they mightn't
be managing well at all, but at least they haven't added
smoking to their problems.
Nicotine causes an adrenal response which triggers a
release of the stress hormone cortisol. You may have
quit in the past using medications or patches or cold
turkey, but if you need to quit again as a result of starting
during a period of crisis there is another way.
Clinical hypnosis is a highly successfully way to
completely sever any old beliefs that smoking will help in
a crisis or during any stressful period. It is important to
understand that smoking doesn't solve stress but it is
critical that this understanding at a conscious and
unconscious level goes a big step further to knowing that
smoking won't help in a crisis.
The reason is simple, your unconscious has multiple
connections between smoking and stress, and these are
deeply ingrained and are typically dealt with using
But there will be some connections between smoking
and a crisis state. Even if you have never been in an
actual crisis. You have seen people in real life and in the
movies fall back on smoking with severely stressed.
The point is it is important to treat all the different kinds of
stresses that either have a real smoking connection or
even a potential connection in order to prevent a return
to cigarettes in the future, should you find yourself in a
crisis situation.
And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly
quit cigarettes Ian Newton invites you to go to http://
bush fires have destroyed many
homes in the southern states of
Australia. The stress of such an
event would be enormous. But
times of crisis can hit individuals
and families at any time, and
these moments can be a big
challenge for ex smokers.
It is in times of strong stress that can have ex smokers
reverting to old behaviours. The problem is
overwhelming and so you reach out for the old comfort
blanket of cigarettes.
Rarely does this action help. Most people just become
annoyed at themselves but continue to smoke as a form
of distraction. Within a day or so you are once again a
smoker. Of course your crisis is still occurring because
burning tobacco wrapped in paper can't ever solve a
Firstly before you start, take a few moments to notice any
non smokers in your situation. What are they doing? How
are they managing the problem? The fact is they mightn't
be managing well at all, but at least they haven't added
smoking to their problems.
Nicotine causes an adrenal response which triggers a
release of the stress hormone cortisol. You may have
quit in the past using medications or patches or cold
turkey, but if you need to quit again as a result of starting
during a period of crisis there is another way.
Clinical hypnosis is a highly successfully way to
completely sever any old beliefs that smoking will help in
a crisis or during any stressful period. It is important to
understand that smoking doesn't solve stress but it is
critical that this understanding at a conscious and
unconscious level goes a big step further to knowing that
smoking won't help in a crisis.
The reason is simple, your unconscious has multiple
connections between smoking and stress, and these are
deeply ingrained and are typically dealt with using
But there will be some connections between smoking
and a crisis state. Even if you have never been in an
actual crisis. You have seen people in real life and in the
movies fall back on smoking with severely stressed.
The point is it is important to treat all the different kinds of
stresses that either have a real smoking connection or
even a potential connection in order to prevent a return
to cigarettes in the future, should you find yourself in a
crisis situation.
And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly
quit cigarettes Ian Newton invites you to go to http://
How You Could Quit Smoking With Confidence
Could you be a confident quitter and just not know it yet? Plenty of
people are, judging by all the ex-smokers who look back and figure it
was really no big deal!
But then, I guess that even the highest mountain poses no challenge to
those who've already conquered it?
How you feel about quitting smoking is of course terribly
important, because success or failure is going to be
decided entirely in your mind. And in my experience, the
greatest harbinger of doom is the word 'last'.
"If I can only last until... " I hear these words all too
frequently, from the lips of individuals who have
absolutely no chance of successfully quitting smoking
this side of a huge psychological reappraisal.
As things stand, they have doomed themselves to failure!
And why? Because they have pinned all their hopes on
the surprisingly common misconception that their
cravings for cigarettes are a purely physical
phenomenon, which will eventually disappear, if only
they can 'last' long enough...
In actual fact, nicotine withdrawal symptoms are just tiny
twitches that you may occasionally feel pulsing around
your body. On their own, they cause so little bother that
they're hardly even worth noting, and many smokers go
through life failing to notice them completely!
It's the special sense of deprivation they trigger, deep
inside the mind, that drives smokers to carry on lighting
up - and that's something that by no means depends
upon them. A thousand other situations can trigger it as
Smoking is a form of habitual behaviour, and a smoker
will feel driven to light a cigarette in many situations
where the body isn't actually demanding nicotine. If this
were not the case, then nicotine replacement therapies
such as patches would be 100 percent successful, and
quitting would be no more arduous than taking a stroll
through the park!
To quit confidently, one needs to understand that the
challenge is entirely psychological, and that physical
withdrawal symptoms simply aren't the enemy - the
enemy is within one's own mind!
The great news is that, once this reality sinks in, the
whole process of giving up smoking becomes a whole lot
easier! Because, just think about it - so long as you're in
the right place psychologically on day one, there's no
need to worry about how you'll 'last' - you're already
So if you're positively looking forward to treating those
first, precious moments after you've discarded your final
cigarette as the beginning of a new dawn, then
congratulations! Because you've already beaten
smoking, and what's more you know it.
Of course, you're aware there'll be minor challenges ahead, such as
not getting too carried away with your ravenous new appetite and
piling on pounds, but all in all, you're already in a great new place.
You are a confident quitter, whose success is guaranteed.
But if you're reading this with serious doubts - if
something's niggling you, especially concerning all that
'lasting' business - then why not take some time out to
seriously appraise your approach, question your values
and be honest about your motivation?
In the end, nothing pays dividends quite like getting into
the right frame of mind before you try and quit!
For more information, please visit
people are, judging by all the ex-smokers who look back and figure it
was really no big deal!
But then, I guess that even the highest mountain poses no challenge to
those who've already conquered it?
How you feel about quitting smoking is of course terribly
important, because success or failure is going to be
decided entirely in your mind. And in my experience, the
greatest harbinger of doom is the word 'last'.
"If I can only last until... " I hear these words all too
frequently, from the lips of individuals who have
absolutely no chance of successfully quitting smoking
this side of a huge psychological reappraisal.
As things stand, they have doomed themselves to failure!
And why? Because they have pinned all their hopes on
the surprisingly common misconception that their
cravings for cigarettes are a purely physical
phenomenon, which will eventually disappear, if only
they can 'last' long enough...
In actual fact, nicotine withdrawal symptoms are just tiny
twitches that you may occasionally feel pulsing around
your body. On their own, they cause so little bother that
they're hardly even worth noting, and many smokers go
through life failing to notice them completely!
It's the special sense of deprivation they trigger, deep
inside the mind, that drives smokers to carry on lighting
up - and that's something that by no means depends
upon them. A thousand other situations can trigger it as
Smoking is a form of habitual behaviour, and a smoker
will feel driven to light a cigarette in many situations
where the body isn't actually demanding nicotine. If this
were not the case, then nicotine replacement therapies
such as patches would be 100 percent successful, and
quitting would be no more arduous than taking a stroll
through the park!
To quit confidently, one needs to understand that the
challenge is entirely psychological, and that physical
withdrawal symptoms simply aren't the enemy - the
enemy is within one's own mind!
The great news is that, once this reality sinks in, the
whole process of giving up smoking becomes a whole lot
easier! Because, just think about it - so long as you're in
the right place psychologically on day one, there's no
need to worry about how you'll 'last' - you're already
So if you're positively looking forward to treating those
first, precious moments after you've discarded your final
cigarette as the beginning of a new dawn, then
congratulations! Because you've already beaten
smoking, and what's more you know it.
Of course, you're aware there'll be minor challenges ahead, such as
not getting too carried away with your ravenous new appetite and
piling on pounds, but all in all, you're already in a great new place.
You are a confident quitter, whose success is guaranteed.
But if you're reading this with serious doubts - if
something's niggling you, especially concerning all that
'lasting' business - then why not take some time out to
seriously appraise your approach, question your values
and be honest about your motivation?
In the end, nothing pays dividends quite like getting into
the right frame of mind before you try and quit!
For more information, please visit
Chicago's 2012 Murder Rate Tied to Drugs, Gangs and Personal Conflict
Chicago's 2012 murder rate has
been a constant fixture in the
media this year, with reports of
deadly shootings occurring nearly
every day. Most of the shootings
are related to interpersonal
conflicts between rival gang
members, and drugs often play a
central role in these altercations.
But despite strict gun control policies in the Windy City, it
seems that drugs and gang-related conflict will continue
to fuel Chicago's murder rate, begging the idea that it's
not gun control Chicago needs: it's drug control.
Chicago: A US Hometown War Zone
As of June, 2012, the number of homicides in Chicago
since 2001 numbered more than 5,000. 2001 was the
first year that American troops entered Afghanistan, and
since the inception of operations there approximately
2,000 US troops have been killed. These numbers
indicate that Chicago's homicide rates are more than
double the rates of troops killed in an established Middle-
Eastern war zone. (1)
How could this be happening in a city with more than
12,000 police officers? The answer lies in Chicago's long
history of gang wars, going all the way back to the
Prohibition and mobsters like Al Capone, Bugs Moran
and Dion O'Banion.
Over the last 70 years gangs have remained a part of
Chicago, and although gang members and styles have
changed, primary sources of income have not, with drugs
being the most important source of gang revenue. In the
80's and 90's Chicago's gangs were mostly young black
men ruling over a vast and well-connected empire
buoyed largely on sales of crack-cocaine.
Fortunately, Chicago police were successful in cracking
down on gang leaders and fracturing gangs into less
powerful and seemingly disorganized groups. However,
this strategy seems to be at least partly responsible for
the current high rate of gang-related homicides
considering that there are now more gang factions in the
city than ever before. And because the manufacture and
sale of illicit drugs is still the primary source of gang
income, violence is often not far away. (2)
However, many people believe that it's not gang wars
specifically that are directly causing the high rate of
murders. Although the deaths often involve gang
members, the shootings are generally not about "gang
business" - at least not initially. In a story for Chicago
Tonight titled: Are Chicago Murders all Gang Related?
Natalie Moore uncovers a concept of gang-associated
homicide that goes something like this:
*Gang member #1 feels slighted by rival gang member X
over an interpersonal conflict
*Gang member #1 makes derogatory remarks about rival
gang member X
*Gang member X retaliates by shooting rival gang
member #1 and anyone standing nearby
*Soon after, gang members supporting gang member #1
make a retaliatory attack on the rival gang
*Retaliations alternate back and forth, sometimes
culminating in multiple, separate but connected
shootings throughout the course of a day
In the process, innocent bystanders are sometimes shot
and killed, and police often erroneously cite their deaths
as gang-related. (3)
What law enforcement efforts have made clear is that the
binding glue of Chicago's splintered gangs isn't fraternity
or respect, and it definitely isn't a sense of security. It's all
about drugs. Using drugs together, selling drugs,
manufacturing drugs, engaging in crimes to procure
more drugs; this is the moral fabric that many gang
members are cut from.
The reality is that most gang related killings aren't worth
the offense supposedly committed, indicating a populace
that is hasty and paranoid. Add drugs to this picture and
it's easy to see how things get blown out of proportion in
the Windy City.
(1) Chicago Homicides Outnumber U.S. Troop Killings in
Afghanistan Huffington Post 06/16/2012 http://
(2) Belkin, Douglas Chicago Hunts for Answers to Gang
Killings The Wall Street Journal 07/12/2012 http://
(3) Moore, Natalie Are Chicago Murders all Gang
Related? Chicago Tonight 09/25/2012
Don't become a statistic or a story on the news about
another drug casualty: do what's right to save the life of
someone you care about, or to save your own life if
you're an addict or alcoholic. Treatment generally lasts
just a few weeks, so it's worth it if the decision is
between a life of drugs and potential disaster looming
around every corner, and a life of peace and satisfaction.
If you need help - even if it's not for you - you can get an
immediate, confidential consultation right now with one of
the country's leading centers for residential inpatient
You can also click here to check your insurance for drug
This article and information is brought to you by James
F. Davis.
been a constant fixture in the
media this year, with reports of
deadly shootings occurring nearly
every day. Most of the shootings
are related to interpersonal
conflicts between rival gang
members, and drugs often play a
central role in these altercations.
But despite strict gun control policies in the Windy City, it
seems that drugs and gang-related conflict will continue
to fuel Chicago's murder rate, begging the idea that it's
not gun control Chicago needs: it's drug control.
Chicago: A US Hometown War Zone
As of June, 2012, the number of homicides in Chicago
since 2001 numbered more than 5,000. 2001 was the
first year that American troops entered Afghanistan, and
since the inception of operations there approximately
2,000 US troops have been killed. These numbers
indicate that Chicago's homicide rates are more than
double the rates of troops killed in an established Middle-
Eastern war zone. (1)
How could this be happening in a city with more than
12,000 police officers? The answer lies in Chicago's long
history of gang wars, going all the way back to the
Prohibition and mobsters like Al Capone, Bugs Moran
and Dion O'Banion.
Over the last 70 years gangs have remained a part of
Chicago, and although gang members and styles have
changed, primary sources of income have not, with drugs
being the most important source of gang revenue. In the
80's and 90's Chicago's gangs were mostly young black
men ruling over a vast and well-connected empire
buoyed largely on sales of crack-cocaine.
Fortunately, Chicago police were successful in cracking
down on gang leaders and fracturing gangs into less
powerful and seemingly disorganized groups. However,
this strategy seems to be at least partly responsible for
the current high rate of gang-related homicides
considering that there are now more gang factions in the
city than ever before. And because the manufacture and
sale of illicit drugs is still the primary source of gang
income, violence is often not far away. (2)
However, many people believe that it's not gang wars
specifically that are directly causing the high rate of
murders. Although the deaths often involve gang
members, the shootings are generally not about "gang
business" - at least not initially. In a story for Chicago
Tonight titled: Are Chicago Murders all Gang Related?
Natalie Moore uncovers a concept of gang-associated
homicide that goes something like this:
*Gang member #1 feels slighted by rival gang member X
over an interpersonal conflict
*Gang member #1 makes derogatory remarks about rival
gang member X
*Gang member X retaliates by shooting rival gang
member #1 and anyone standing nearby
*Soon after, gang members supporting gang member #1
make a retaliatory attack on the rival gang
*Retaliations alternate back and forth, sometimes
culminating in multiple, separate but connected
shootings throughout the course of a day
In the process, innocent bystanders are sometimes shot
and killed, and police often erroneously cite their deaths
as gang-related. (3)
What law enforcement efforts have made clear is that the
binding glue of Chicago's splintered gangs isn't fraternity
or respect, and it definitely isn't a sense of security. It's all
about drugs. Using drugs together, selling drugs,
manufacturing drugs, engaging in crimes to procure
more drugs; this is the moral fabric that many gang
members are cut from.
The reality is that most gang related killings aren't worth
the offense supposedly committed, indicating a populace
that is hasty and paranoid. Add drugs to this picture and
it's easy to see how things get blown out of proportion in
the Windy City.
(1) Chicago Homicides Outnumber U.S. Troop Killings in
Afghanistan Huffington Post 06/16/2012 http://
(2) Belkin, Douglas Chicago Hunts for Answers to Gang
Killings The Wall Street Journal 07/12/2012 http://
(3) Moore, Natalie Are Chicago Murders all Gang
Related? Chicago Tonight 09/25/2012
Don't become a statistic or a story on the news about
another drug casualty: do what's right to save the life of
someone you care about, or to save your own life if
you're an addict or alcoholic. Treatment generally lasts
just a few weeks, so it's worth it if the decision is
between a life of drugs and potential disaster looming
around every corner, and a life of peace and satisfaction.
If you need help - even if it's not for you - you can get an
immediate, confidential consultation right now with one of
the country's leading centers for residential inpatient
You can also click here to check your insurance for drug
This article and information is brought to you by James
F. Davis.
Different Ways to Overcome Nicotine Addiction
If you will search the term "how to stop smoking" or "how
to quit smoking" in Google, Yahoo, Bing, or any other
search engine online - you will be appalled by the results.
It just means that there are really so many smokers out
there who are trying to break free from their nicotine
Nicotine and the sugar content in the cigarette
are the main chemical compounds that are making each
stick so addictive. But, nothing is impossible. If others
have stopped smoking, then so can you.
Here are simple ways on how you can overcome your
smoking addiction:
Group Support - Just in case you don't belong to the 5%
of smokers who can successfully break free from the
nicotine addiction, there are many support groups right
now for smokers.
If you live in a community where there are none, you can always go
online. That is right, there are online support groups for those
people who want to become totally smoke free. It feels really good to
be with like-minded people from whose experiences you can
learn from.
Hypnotherapy for Smokers - Yes, you read it right. There
is indeed hypnotherapy for smokers now. Hypnosis is a
very powerful way to overcome different psychological
problems and this includes eating problems, trauma, and
all forms of addiction, especially nicotine addiction.
You might want to purchase the video and audio programs
that will allow you to listen to the self-hypnosis that will
help you completely stop smoking.
These type of programs are also sold online. Right now, there is no
need for you to actually approach a psychologist or a hypnotherapist.
You can save time, money and effort with the online hypnosis programs
that you can find on the Internet.
Nicotine Replacement Therapies - Of course, these are
the most common among all of the stop nicotine
addiction that are available right now. You always have
the choice between the over the counter and the
prescribed ones.
There are different medications that will help you stop smoking and
overcome the withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking. If you like,
you can
begin using the nicotine patch or the nicotine gum first
since these are the most common among the non-
prescription nicotine replacement products.
If you still think that you need the help of your physician,
then have a check-up and consultation. Your physician
knows which medication is best for your nicotine
You then will have a better feeling knowing that your doctor is
guiding you step by step on your path to being nicotine free.
Remember, a healthier life is better. Smoking will only give you more
trouble - stay out of it now!
For more resources regarding nicotine addiction, visit the
the following link: http://
to quit smoking" in Google, Yahoo, Bing, or any other
search engine online - you will be appalled by the results.
It just means that there are really so many smokers out
there who are trying to break free from their nicotine
Nicotine and the sugar content in the cigarette
are the main chemical compounds that are making each
stick so addictive. But, nothing is impossible. If others
have stopped smoking, then so can you.
Here are simple ways on how you can overcome your
smoking addiction:
Group Support - Just in case you don't belong to the 5%
of smokers who can successfully break free from the
nicotine addiction, there are many support groups right
now for smokers.
If you live in a community where there are none, you can always go
online. That is right, there are online support groups for those
people who want to become totally smoke free. It feels really good to
be with like-minded people from whose experiences you can
learn from.
Hypnotherapy for Smokers - Yes, you read it right. There
is indeed hypnotherapy for smokers now. Hypnosis is a
very powerful way to overcome different psychological
problems and this includes eating problems, trauma, and
all forms of addiction, especially nicotine addiction.
You might want to purchase the video and audio programs
that will allow you to listen to the self-hypnosis that will
help you completely stop smoking.
These type of programs are also sold online. Right now, there is no
need for you to actually approach a psychologist or a hypnotherapist.
You can save time, money and effort with the online hypnosis programs
that you can find on the Internet.
Nicotine Replacement Therapies - Of course, these are
the most common among all of the stop nicotine
addiction that are available right now. You always have
the choice between the over the counter and the
prescribed ones.
There are different medications that will help you stop smoking and
overcome the withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking. If you like,
you can
begin using the nicotine patch or the nicotine gum first
since these are the most common among the non-
prescription nicotine replacement products.
If you still think that you need the help of your physician,
then have a check-up and consultation. Your physician
knows which medication is best for your nicotine
You then will have a better feeling knowing that your doctor is
guiding you step by step on your path to being nicotine free.
Remember, a healthier life is better. Smoking will only give you more
trouble - stay out of it now!
For more resources regarding nicotine addiction, visit the
the following link: http://
How can you recognise when a loved one is caught in the thrall of
cocaine addiction? The highest rate of cocaine addiction worldwide is
in young adults aged between eighteen and twenty five.
It is notoriously difficult to get an accurate count of course, but
most estimates place more than half a million cocaine addicts in the
USA alone. How can you tell if someone you care about is in the grip
of this highly dangerous drug?
The symptoms of cocaine addiction usually fall into two
broad categories - the physical signs, and the social and
emotional side effects.
If you know someone who is exhibiting a range of these symptoms they
may be throwing their life away on a cocaine addiction - give us a
call today for free help and advice in confronting the addict and
encouraging them to seek professional help.
Cocaine is a stimulant, which means that the immediate
physical effects after intake can include fast breathing,
bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, increased body
temperature, sudden chills, physical tremours or shakes
and generally hyperactive behaviour.
Blood pressure often rises as the drug causes the coronary arteries to
constrict which affects normal blood flow. This diminished oxygenated
blood supply to the heart can cause convulsions and even heart
Longer term there are additional physical symptoms to
watch out for. A constantly running nose and/or
nosebleeds are a well-known side effect of the "snorting"
method of taking cocaine.
Appetite often deceases which causes weight loss, and the body's
immune system also starts to shut down which leads to an increased
vulnerability to colds, flu and other such illnesses.
The behavioural symptoms of cocaine addiction can be
just as, if not more, visible to a caring friend or partner.
The most commonly witnessed behaviour - and often the
one which triggers initial suspicion of a problem - is
periods of incredibly high energy followed by prolonged
and excessive sleeping.
Addicts tend to lose interest in normal activities, even those which
once might have been their favourite hobbies and pastimes, and become
withdrawn and depressed. More erratic actions such as bouts of overly
speedy talkativeness and irritability are also common. This can give
rise to additional psychological issues leading to paranoia,
hallucinations and suicidal thoughts.
Isolation is also very common amongst addicts of all
types, including those addicted to cocaine. The addict
will be inclined to distance themselves from interaction
with their family, friends and normal social circles.
Holding down employment becomes difficult thanks to
the combination of increased physical strain, causing
absences, and the breakdown of relationships. Even
gainfully employed addicts can fall into habits of stealing
money or pilfering items of value in order to feed their
expensive habit.
This behaviour is normally first exhibited against family and close
friends but can rapidly degenerate into more extreme criminal
behaviour if not addressed with dispatch.
If you recognise any of these symptoms in the behaviour
of someone you care about, it may be time to contact an
intervention specialist or start looking into ways to help
the addict into cocaine rehab to address their problem.
The expert counsellors and addiction advisers at
services like
cocaine addiction? The highest rate of cocaine addiction worldwide is
in young adults aged between eighteen and twenty five.
It is notoriously difficult to get an accurate count of course, but
most estimates place more than half a million cocaine addicts in the
USA alone. How can you tell if someone you care about is in the grip
of this highly dangerous drug?
The symptoms of cocaine addiction usually fall into two
broad categories - the physical signs, and the social and
emotional side effects.
If you know someone who is exhibiting a range of these symptoms they
may be throwing their life away on a cocaine addiction - give us a
call today for free help and advice in confronting the addict and
encouraging them to seek professional help.
Cocaine is a stimulant, which means that the immediate
physical effects after intake can include fast breathing,
bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, increased body
temperature, sudden chills, physical tremours or shakes
and generally hyperactive behaviour.
Blood pressure often rises as the drug causes the coronary arteries to
constrict which affects normal blood flow. This diminished oxygenated
blood supply to the heart can cause convulsions and even heart
Longer term there are additional physical symptoms to
watch out for. A constantly running nose and/or
nosebleeds are a well-known side effect of the "snorting"
method of taking cocaine.
Appetite often deceases which causes weight loss, and the body's
immune system also starts to shut down which leads to an increased
vulnerability to colds, flu and other such illnesses.
The behavioural symptoms of cocaine addiction can be
just as, if not more, visible to a caring friend or partner.
The most commonly witnessed behaviour - and often the
one which triggers initial suspicion of a problem - is
periods of incredibly high energy followed by prolonged
and excessive sleeping.
Addicts tend to lose interest in normal activities, even those which
once might have been their favourite hobbies and pastimes, and become
withdrawn and depressed. More erratic actions such as bouts of overly
speedy talkativeness and irritability are also common. This can give
rise to additional psychological issues leading to paranoia,
hallucinations and suicidal thoughts.
Isolation is also very common amongst addicts of all
types, including those addicted to cocaine. The addict
will be inclined to distance themselves from interaction
with their family, friends and normal social circles.
Holding down employment becomes difficult thanks to
the combination of increased physical strain, causing
absences, and the breakdown of relationships. Even
gainfully employed addicts can fall into habits of stealing
money or pilfering items of value in order to feed their
expensive habit.
This behaviour is normally first exhibited against family and close
friends but can rapidly degenerate into more extreme criminal
behaviour if not addressed with dispatch.
If you recognise any of these symptoms in the behaviour
of someone you care about, it may be time to contact an
intervention specialist or start looking into ways to help
the addict into cocaine rehab to address their problem.
The expert counsellors and addiction advisers at
services like
Cocaine Addiction Treatment
Cocaine is a powerful drug and can be very addicting.
Cocaine has destroyed many lives and taken the lives of
many before their time. Even a single use can result in
overdose and death and long term use can cause
serious health consequences including but not limited to
heart and other organ failure and dementia. Cocaine
addiction treatment can help those suffering from
addiction to reclaim their lives.
Neuroscience institutes can provide the latest state of the
art technology in cocaine addiction treatment. Brain
mapping can help determine if areas of the brain are
malfunctioning or misfiring.
SPECT brain scans can see deep into the brain and how it functions.
Neurofeedback/ EEG biofeedback can address regulation problems in the
brain and train the brain to function better.
These neurological and physiological tests can help determine
emotional issues and physical brain function associated with the
addiction. The biofeedback can help measure the effectiveness and
progression of treatment.
A holistic, integrated approach also known as a dual
diagnostic approach is important for a successful
rehabilitation program. In addition to neuroscience
advances, other treatments such as therapy, education,
and lifestyle counseling are incorporated into any
successful program. Most importantly, every program
should be individualized for each patient's unique
background, needs, and goals.
In a dual diagnostic approach, recovery from cocaine
addiction means the patient will receive help with the
physical aspects of his or her addiction as well as the
psychiatric and neurological issues that may be at the
root of the addiction.
This type of treatment can help identify and address cravings and
withdrawal symptoms, especially with long term or heavy cocaine abuse
where symptoms can last for weeks or months.
A committed dual diagnostic approach will not just mask
the symptoms leaving the patient in a vulnerable position
for relapse. Instead it will identify and address the
underlying causes, resolve symptoms and triggers, and
equip the patient with the necessary tools to handle the
emotional, physical, and mental aspects of his or her
All of this means that a patient can achieve a complete and
sustainable recovery and leave his or her addiction behind for good.
This means no more chemical cravings.
The patient will be empowered with knowledge and with resolution of
the factors that drove him or her to
self-indulge and self-medicate in the first place.
If you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine
addiction, find a neuroscience institute specializing in
cocaine addiction treatment for help today.
Learn more about PTSD Treatment, Cocaine Addiction
Treatment and Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers visit
Cocaine has destroyed many lives and taken the lives of
many before their time. Even a single use can result in
overdose and death and long term use can cause
serious health consequences including but not limited to
heart and other organ failure and dementia. Cocaine
addiction treatment can help those suffering from
addiction to reclaim their lives.
Neuroscience institutes can provide the latest state of the
art technology in cocaine addiction treatment. Brain
mapping can help determine if areas of the brain are
malfunctioning or misfiring.
SPECT brain scans can see deep into the brain and how it functions.
Neurofeedback/ EEG biofeedback can address regulation problems in the
brain and train the brain to function better.
These neurological and physiological tests can help determine
emotional issues and physical brain function associated with the
addiction. The biofeedback can help measure the effectiveness and
progression of treatment.
A holistic, integrated approach also known as a dual
diagnostic approach is important for a successful
rehabilitation program. In addition to neuroscience
advances, other treatments such as therapy, education,
and lifestyle counseling are incorporated into any
successful program. Most importantly, every program
should be individualized for each patient's unique
background, needs, and goals.
In a dual diagnostic approach, recovery from cocaine
addiction means the patient will receive help with the
physical aspects of his or her addiction as well as the
psychiatric and neurological issues that may be at the
root of the addiction.
This type of treatment can help identify and address cravings and
withdrawal symptoms, especially with long term or heavy cocaine abuse
where symptoms can last for weeks or months.
A committed dual diagnostic approach will not just mask
the symptoms leaving the patient in a vulnerable position
for relapse. Instead it will identify and address the
underlying causes, resolve symptoms and triggers, and
equip the patient with the necessary tools to handle the
emotional, physical, and mental aspects of his or her
All of this means that a patient can achieve a complete and
sustainable recovery and leave his or her addiction behind for good.
This means no more chemical cravings.
The patient will be empowered with knowledge and with resolution of
the factors that drove him or her to
self-indulge and self-medicate in the first place.
If you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine
addiction, find a neuroscience institute specializing in
cocaine addiction treatment for help today.
Learn more about PTSD Treatment, Cocaine Addiction
Treatment and Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers visit
Fighting Your Nicotine Addiction One Hour at a Time
If you want to really know how to quit cigarettes
effectively, the first step in doing this is conditioning your
The brain is very powerful and with a changed
mind-setting, you will think that smoking cessation is not
a mountain that is too tall to climb. You will have a more
positive attitude and this will help you through the
withdrawal symptoms.
For many people, they have found alternatives for a
cigarette. One of the most popular products to use is the
nicotine gum. You can just chew the gum whenever you
feel like grabbing a cigarette stick. Your nicotine
addiction will be lessened with these gums.
A good technique to try is to smoke just one cigarette each hour for
the first week of your journey to smoking cessation. On the second
week, try to smoke one cigarette every two hours.
If you feel you are ready to lessen the amount of cigarettes that you
are smoking on the third week, you can smoke one cigarette every 3
hours. Just keep on trying to lessen the number of cigarettes you are
smoking for the next weeks until you will eventually become a smoke
free person.
Sometimes smokers can be impatient people. We cannot
wait to see results. This is not actually your fault. The
nicotine in your body conditioned your brain to get
immediate relief.
It is best for you to exercise more to
replace the sense of well being given by the nicotine with
the endorphins given by each exercise session.
Not only will you feel better, your perspiration will also remove the
toxins that have been stored in your body because of your smoking
You should be prepared emotionally and mentally for the
withdrawal symptoms. The most common withdrawal
symptoms are the desire to eat more, feeling more
anxious, depression, irritability, headaches, difficulty in
breathing, dry throat, and difficulty in sleeping.
A good way to counteract all these withdrawal symptoms is to have
meditation techniques such as good breathing
exercises. You can also enroll in yoga and pilates
classes because these exercises will help you calm
Another great thing to do is to eat more feel good
foods such as whole wheat foods, oats, more fruits and
leafy greens. You should avoid from drinking caffeinated
drinks too because this will increase your anxiety.
Instead of drinking coffee or soda, grab a fresh fruit juice
or milk.
It will not be easy because you had nicotine
addiction for some time, but the withdrawal symptoms
will only last for a few weeks. Just be brave enough not
to succumb to your desire to grab a cigarette stick. Do
this for a better health.
For more information: http://
effectively, the first step in doing this is conditioning your
The brain is very powerful and with a changed
mind-setting, you will think that smoking cessation is not
a mountain that is too tall to climb. You will have a more
positive attitude and this will help you through the
withdrawal symptoms.
For many people, they have found alternatives for a
cigarette. One of the most popular products to use is the
nicotine gum. You can just chew the gum whenever you
feel like grabbing a cigarette stick. Your nicotine
addiction will be lessened with these gums.
A good technique to try is to smoke just one cigarette each hour for
the first week of your journey to smoking cessation. On the second
week, try to smoke one cigarette every two hours.
If you feel you are ready to lessen the amount of cigarettes that you
are smoking on the third week, you can smoke one cigarette every 3
hours. Just keep on trying to lessen the number of cigarettes you are
smoking for the next weeks until you will eventually become a smoke
free person.
Sometimes smokers can be impatient people. We cannot
wait to see results. This is not actually your fault. The
nicotine in your body conditioned your brain to get
immediate relief.
It is best for you to exercise more to
replace the sense of well being given by the nicotine with
the endorphins given by each exercise session.
Not only will you feel better, your perspiration will also remove the
toxins that have been stored in your body because of your smoking
You should be prepared emotionally and mentally for the
withdrawal symptoms. The most common withdrawal
symptoms are the desire to eat more, feeling more
anxious, depression, irritability, headaches, difficulty in
breathing, dry throat, and difficulty in sleeping.
A good way to counteract all these withdrawal symptoms is to have
meditation techniques such as good breathing
exercises. You can also enroll in yoga and pilates
classes because these exercises will help you calm
Another great thing to do is to eat more feel good
foods such as whole wheat foods, oats, more fruits and
leafy greens. You should avoid from drinking caffeinated
drinks too because this will increase your anxiety.
Instead of drinking coffee or soda, grab a fresh fruit juice
or milk.
It will not be easy because you had nicotine
addiction for some time, but the withdrawal symptoms
will only last for a few weeks. Just be brave enough not
to succumb to your desire to grab a cigarette stick. Do
this for a better health.
For more information: http://
How Smokers Can Achieve Their Quit Smoking Resolution
By Ian Newton
We're just a few days into 2013. Thousands of smokers, just a few days
ago made a new years' resolution to quit smoking. Many have already
forgotten and some will have
The two important questions are why is it so hard keep our
resolutions and secondly how can you make it happen
for you. For many people they get very excited about
their resolution, so excited in fact that just thinking about
it makes them feel good, for a while at least.
Then their resistance kicks in, the problems, the past
failures, the fear the lack of self belief and sometimes the
perceived benefits of smoking will override the need to
There are a few things you can do to help yourself.
1. Revisit your resolution, and decide that it is really
something that you want to do, at a conscious level.
2. Make a list of all the logical reasons for quitting, such
as health and finance.
3. Make another list of all the reasons you want to keep
smoking, and for each make a note of what it is it for you.
e.g I enjoy smoking, because it relaxes me. OK so
understand that if you can find another way to relax then
smoking won't be of use to me anymore. Or I smoke
when I'm stressed. So if you could create ways to
manage stress then again you wouldn't need to smoke.
I encourage you to spend some time doing this as it will
give you some clarity on why you are still smoking, plus
you will realise that there are healthy ways to meet these
same needs.
4. Decide to want more for yourself. Become absolutely
dissatisfied with yourself as a smoker. Decide you
deserve better than filling your body with toxic smoke.
5. Find someone to help you on this journey. Rapid
change hypnosis is the fastest most effective way to let
go of all your resistance, and to easily and simply
embrace the new healthy alternatives which will give you
all the emotional benefits which you thought that smoking
was giving you.
The key to the above statement is the benefits which you
thought smoking was giving you. Smoking and nicotine is
just a great big con job. Smoking doesn't help you to
relax or reduce stress or boredom or anything else.
Your brain has just been conned into thinking that you
are benefiting, in fact the only thing that smoking does is
destroy your health and burn your money. So take action
and choose to make your resolutions work for you with
the rapid change method.
We're just a few days into 2013. Thousands of smokers, just a few days
ago made a new years' resolution to quit smoking. Many have already
forgotten and some will have
The two important questions are why is it so hard keep our
resolutions and secondly how can you make it happen
for you. For many people they get very excited about
their resolution, so excited in fact that just thinking about
it makes them feel good, for a while at least.
Then their resistance kicks in, the problems, the past
failures, the fear the lack of self belief and sometimes the
perceived benefits of smoking will override the need to
There are a few things you can do to help yourself.
1. Revisit your resolution, and decide that it is really
something that you want to do, at a conscious level.
2. Make a list of all the logical reasons for quitting, such
as health and finance.
3. Make another list of all the reasons you want to keep
smoking, and for each make a note of what it is it for you.
e.g I enjoy smoking, because it relaxes me. OK so
understand that if you can find another way to relax then
smoking won't be of use to me anymore. Or I smoke
when I'm stressed. So if you could create ways to
manage stress then again you wouldn't need to smoke.
I encourage you to spend some time doing this as it will
give you some clarity on why you are still smoking, plus
you will realise that there are healthy ways to meet these
same needs.
4. Decide to want more for yourself. Become absolutely
dissatisfied with yourself as a smoker. Decide you
deserve better than filling your body with toxic smoke.
5. Find someone to help you on this journey. Rapid
change hypnosis is the fastest most effective way to let
go of all your resistance, and to easily and simply
embrace the new healthy alternatives which will give you
all the emotional benefits which you thought that smoking
was giving you.
The key to the above statement is the benefits which you
thought smoking was giving you. Smoking and nicotine is
just a great big con job. Smoking doesn't help you to
relax or reduce stress or boredom or anything else.
Your brain has just been conned into thinking that you
are benefiting, in fact the only thing that smoking does is
destroy your health and burn your money. So take action
and choose to make your resolutions work for you with
the rapid change method.
How to Quit Smoking Step by Step
We are all aware of how dangerous nicotine addiction is
to our health, how it can cause lung cancer, stroke, heart
disease, and death. If you are a smoker and you would
like to stop smoking, try to apply the simple steps that we
will present to you in this short article.
First Step - Decide on a time frame and how many
cigarettes you will smoke in a day. You cannot just stop
smoking in one day because you will eventually crave for
For instance, if you are smoking 15-20 cigarettes a
day, you need to decide on lessening the number of
cigarettes you smoke. This will be good to counter your
smoking addiction, because you have a very realistic
Let's say you decide to smoke just about 10
cigarettes a day for a week. At the end of the week, give
yourself a reward for the job well done.
Second Step - Find a support group. If on the second or
third week, you are finding it very difficult to smoke less,
tell your family and friends about your plan. Be sure to
tell them everything so that they can support you all the
If you want, you can also choose to join a local
group for people whose goal is to stop smoking.
Together, you can motivate each other and exchange
tips on how to stop smoking.
Third Step - Keep a journal of your progress. It is good to
check how you are doing. If you are not doing OK on a
certain day, it will be evident on your journal. You should
also take notes on what triggers you to smoke more. This
journal will be your guide on what are the reasons why
you smoke, and when are the times when you want to
Last Step - Prepare yourself for withdrawal symptoms
because your smoking addiction and all forms of
addiction definitely has a few withdrawal symptoms. You
need to be ready for this. This will last for a few weeks.
All you will have to do is not to give in to your cravings.
While putting a halt to your smoking addiction may not be
an easy task, and sometimes you might have to fail a few
times before you finally succeed, remember that you are
doing this for you to have better health.
Focusing on the health benefits will keep you motivated. When you feel
like giving up, take heart and just remember the prize that awaits you
- better health.
If you are looking for more information on ways on how
to quit smoking, visit for more.
to our health, how it can cause lung cancer, stroke, heart
disease, and death. If you are a smoker and you would
like to stop smoking, try to apply the simple steps that we
will present to you in this short article.
First Step - Decide on a time frame and how many
cigarettes you will smoke in a day. You cannot just stop
smoking in one day because you will eventually crave for
For instance, if you are smoking 15-20 cigarettes a
day, you need to decide on lessening the number of
cigarettes you smoke. This will be good to counter your
smoking addiction, because you have a very realistic
Let's say you decide to smoke just about 10
cigarettes a day for a week. At the end of the week, give
yourself a reward for the job well done.
Second Step - Find a support group. If on the second or
third week, you are finding it very difficult to smoke less,
tell your family and friends about your plan. Be sure to
tell them everything so that they can support you all the
If you want, you can also choose to join a local
group for people whose goal is to stop smoking.
Together, you can motivate each other and exchange
tips on how to stop smoking.
Third Step - Keep a journal of your progress. It is good to
check how you are doing. If you are not doing OK on a
certain day, it will be evident on your journal. You should
also take notes on what triggers you to smoke more. This
journal will be your guide on what are the reasons why
you smoke, and when are the times when you want to
Last Step - Prepare yourself for withdrawal symptoms
because your smoking addiction and all forms of
addiction definitely has a few withdrawal symptoms. You
need to be ready for this. This will last for a few weeks.
All you will have to do is not to give in to your cravings.
While putting a halt to your smoking addiction may not be
an easy task, and sometimes you might have to fail a few
times before you finally succeed, remember that you are
doing this for you to have better health.
Focusing on the health benefits will keep you motivated. When you feel
like giving up, take heart and just remember the prize that awaits you
- better health.
If you are looking for more information on ways on how
to quit smoking, visit for more.
Are Children Who Overeat And Drug Use Linked
Researchers at the Boston Children's Hospital have announced a recent
study which Looked into the relationship between overeating or "binge
eating" and drug abuse in children and young adults.
The study examined the behaviors and eating habits of children across
a broad spectrum, between the ages of 9 and 24 years old.
Among other things, it found that girls were more likely than boys to
engage in binge eating, and that overeating was linked to the use of
marijuana and other drugs.
The researchers concluded that lack of self-control is an
important indicator of overeating and drug abuse, and
while they observed a relation between the two, they did
not identify a specific cause driving both behaviors.
The new study may, however, spur others to perform further research
into the topic to find evidence similar to another recent study which
demonstrated a connection between a certain genetic variation and the
risk of becoming an alcoholic.
One thing that the researchers did forward was that the study results
provided yet another good reason to screen children and teenagers for
signs of eating disorders.
Other Studies on Food and Drug Addiction
The Children's Hospital study was not the first scientific
examination of the relationship between overeating and
substance abuse. Other researchers have looked into
the matter, spurred by the commonsense observation
that the two behaviors seem to be similar and parallel, if
not exactly the same. One study was performed by the
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at
Columbia University, which found that half of all people
who suffer from an eating disorder will also commonly
engage in drug or alcohol abuse.
Another study was published in 2011 in The Archives of General
Psychiatry and concluded that obesity and substance addiction were
both driven by the same addictive factors.
Similarities Between Binge Eating and Drug Abuse
Are overeating and drug or alcohol abuse fundamentally
the same? They certainly do have many things in
common according to My Foxal.
Perhaps the greatest similarity between the two is that they are often
caused by the individual's effort to escape from stress and the
pressures of everyday life.
Many people who suffer from obesity or drug addiction will tell the
same story, that their problems began at a time when they were
struggling to cope with some type of stress, such as a difficult home
life or trouble fitting in socially.
Food and drugs both offer the individual a way to
escape. Some researchers have even found that drugs
such as cocaine depend for their function upon similar
chemical processes in the brain which occur in response
to eating.
Nearly anyone has experienced the feeling of relief or the sensation
of well-being which can occur after eating when hungry or when eating
foods that are high in sugar or fat.
Many drugs simply produce an effect which is far stronger, but is in
many ways the same.
Beating an Addiction to Food or Drugs
The good news is that there are proven and effective
methods for treating addiction, both to food and to drugs.
There are many non-drug based rehabilitation and
treatment programs which offer the individual help with
getting over an addiction and staying free into the future.
Success in beating addiction often depends not only on
quitting the habit but also finding a positive way to fill the
void which was previously being filled with food, drugs or
For example, the individual may benefit from education in
life skills for dealing with people and handling stress. If
you or a friend or loved one is currently struggling with an
eating problem, it may be possible to handle the matter
early before it progresses into morbid obesity or even a
substance abuse addiction if you take action now.
Whether it's drugs, alcohol or food, addiction is
something that can be handled for good provided that
you make the firm decision to do so and find help.
Contact Vista Bay drug rehab at
or!/vistabayrehab to get more
information on this and other relevant topics.
study which Looked into the relationship between overeating or "binge
eating" and drug abuse in children and young adults.
The study examined the behaviors and eating habits of children across
a broad spectrum, between the ages of 9 and 24 years old.
Among other things, it found that girls were more likely than boys to
engage in binge eating, and that overeating was linked to the use of
marijuana and other drugs.
The researchers concluded that lack of self-control is an
important indicator of overeating and drug abuse, and
while they observed a relation between the two, they did
not identify a specific cause driving both behaviors.
The new study may, however, spur others to perform further research
into the topic to find evidence similar to another recent study which
demonstrated a connection between a certain genetic variation and the
risk of becoming an alcoholic.
One thing that the researchers did forward was that the study results
provided yet another good reason to screen children and teenagers for
signs of eating disorders.
Other Studies on Food and Drug Addiction
The Children's Hospital study was not the first scientific
examination of the relationship between overeating and
substance abuse. Other researchers have looked into
the matter, spurred by the commonsense observation
that the two behaviors seem to be similar and parallel, if
not exactly the same. One study was performed by the
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at
Columbia University, which found that half of all people
who suffer from an eating disorder will also commonly
engage in drug or alcohol abuse.
Another study was published in 2011 in The Archives of General
Psychiatry and concluded that obesity and substance addiction were
both driven by the same addictive factors.
Similarities Between Binge Eating and Drug Abuse
Are overeating and drug or alcohol abuse fundamentally
the same? They certainly do have many things in
common according to My Foxal.
Perhaps the greatest similarity between the two is that they are often
caused by the individual's effort to escape from stress and the
pressures of everyday life.
Many people who suffer from obesity or drug addiction will tell the
same story, that their problems began at a time when they were
struggling to cope with some type of stress, such as a difficult home
life or trouble fitting in socially.
Food and drugs both offer the individual a way to
escape. Some researchers have even found that drugs
such as cocaine depend for their function upon similar
chemical processes in the brain which occur in response
to eating.
Nearly anyone has experienced the feeling of relief or the sensation
of well-being which can occur after eating when hungry or when eating
foods that are high in sugar or fat.
Many drugs simply produce an effect which is far stronger, but is in
many ways the same.
Beating an Addiction to Food or Drugs
The good news is that there are proven and effective
methods for treating addiction, both to food and to drugs.
There are many non-drug based rehabilitation and
treatment programs which offer the individual help with
getting over an addiction and staying free into the future.
Success in beating addiction often depends not only on
quitting the habit but also finding a positive way to fill the
void which was previously being filled with food, drugs or
For example, the individual may benefit from education in
life skills for dealing with people and handling stress. If
you or a friend or loved one is currently struggling with an
eating problem, it may be possible to handle the matter
early before it progresses into morbid obesity or even a
substance abuse addiction if you take action now.
Whether it's drugs, alcohol or food, addiction is
something that can be handled for good provided that
you make the firm decision to do so and find help.
Contact Vista Bay drug rehab at
or!/vistabayrehab to get more
information on this and other relevant topics.
Can You Die During Drug Detox?
If you're an addict and you're wondering if you can die during drug detox, the short but honest answer is yes. However, deaths from detox and withdrawal are rare considering the number of addicts that undergo detox and the fact that many will detox and withdraw from substances a number of times in their life. However, the potential for life threatening complications during detox is frighteningly real for a small amount of people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Understanding this risk is critical to overcoming the "fear" barrier to treatment considering that even high-risk individuals can get specialized medical detox treatment to reduce or eliminate the potential dangers.
Acute Withdrawal Syndrome
Acute withdrawal syndrome is the condition that is responsible for the unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms associated with detox and withdrawal. This condition is neurological in nature and is difficult to explain in non-scientific/medical terms. In lay terms, nerve cells in the brain become either sensitized or desensitized by drug use, causing changes in the central nervous system. When drug abuse or alcohol is suddenly stopped once dependence has set in, these changes are essentially reversed, causing a host of symptoms that vary from patient to patient.
The duration and severity of symptoms related to AWS depend on many variables, but special consideration must be given to a number of substances that can be particularly dangerous:
When detoxing and going through acute withdrawal, alcoholics can experience life-threatening symptoms such as seizures, coma, delirium tremens and in rare cases, death.
Barbiturates are a class of drugs that are no longer prescribed as a result of the difficulty in regulating dosage. These types of drugs are still available on the street and can cause significant complications upon cessation and withdrawal, including many of the same problems as that of alcohol withdrawal; seizures, coma and death may result.
Benzodiazepines include highly addictive drugs like Valium and Xanax. This class of drugs can cause cardiac arrest, seizures, respiratory distress, coma and death.
While opiates are not generally known as a potentially deadly class of drugs to detox from, sudden cessation after addiction has set in can cause dangerous complications; most notably respiratory depression, which in some cases can be severe. Additionally, opiate-based drugs used to treat opiate addiction - such as Methadone, Suboxone and Naltrexone - can cause fatal complications during the initial stages of detox from the target drug, and later complications can result when withdrawing from the actual treatment drug.
Rapid detox is a relatively new technique that works by facilitating opiate withdrawal while the patient is under sedation. This method allows most of the unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms of withdrawal to occur while the patient is unconscious and being medically monitored.
Unfortunately, a number of reports of deaths from this practice have surfaced in recent years, and professionals have repeatedly stated that more research and peer-reviewed clinical studies need to be conducted before this can be accepted as a mainstream practice. In fact, several rapid detox centers have recently come under fire for patient deaths, including one in Australia where rapid detox services were blamed for 3 deaths at the same clinic (Care in three Sydney Detox Deaths Inadequate, Coroner Rules The Australian 09/27/2012.) and 6 deaths at a New Jersey rapid detox center (Davis, Robert 'Rapid detox' a quick fix for opiate addiction? USA Today.)
When Undergoing Rapid Detox, the Risk of Seizure, Coma and Death Depends on:
*Severity & Duration of Abuse
In general, the longer and more severe the substance abuse, the more challenging the withdrawal and detox process will be, and the more risks will be involved.
*Number and Severity of Previous Relapses/Withdrawals
As a result of a phenomenon referred to as the Kindling Effect, the severity and duration of withdrawal and detox will depend largely on the number of previous drug withdrawals and subsequent relapses. The Kindling Effect essentially states that the more relapse events that occur, the more severe each new withdrawal will be and the more likely it is that complications related to sudden drug cessation will lead to dangerous and potentially life-threatening conditions. (Davis, James F On the Downward Spiral: The Kindling Effect of Addiction Hive Health Media)
*Physiological Health
The physical health of the patient in question will have a significant impact on the body's ability to handle the symptoms and physiological processes of withdrawal. In general, poor states of health and hygiene often mean that detox and withdrawal will be worse than for those people who are in good health.
*Treatment Type and Protocols
The types of treatment and their various modalities play a large role in the safety and well being of a person undergoing detox. This is why it is critical that potential patients or their families carefully review or investigate the treatment or detox centers being considered, as each is likely quite different and some may not be an appropriate choice depending on the patient, the severity of their addiction and ability to pay for treatment.
In short, it is possible to die while going through detox and withdrawal. Fortunately, deaths are quite rare and in most cases symptoms can be easily managed with medication and various therapies. If you or someone you love is battling addiction and you're intimidated by the thought of detox; don't be. In most cases drug detox is safe and is proven to be effective at getting addicts through the initial acute stages of recovery from addiction or alcoholism. The consequences of continued substance abuse and a life of addiction are far worse and invariably lead to the loss of relationships, destruction of careers, violence, imprisonment, and for many; death.
Conversely, detox - when done correctly - only lasts for a few days to two weeks and can prevent a long descent into the desperation of addiction. Don't let fear of detox become a barrier to treatment; take action now, before disaster strikes.
Click here for an immediate, confidential consultation about an intervention or a Safe Drug Detox program that works. For special information for methamphetamine addicts, please use this link for detox for meth.
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