As we start the year of 2013
bush fires have destroyed many
homes in the southern states of
Australia. The stress of such an
event would be enormous. But
times of crisis can hit individuals
and families at any time, and
these moments can be a big
challenge for ex smokers.
It is in times of strong stress that can have ex smokers
reverting to old behaviours. The problem is
overwhelming and so you reach out for the old comfort
blanket of cigarettes.
Rarely does this action help. Most people just become
annoyed at themselves but continue to smoke as a form
of distraction. Within a day or so you are once again a
smoker. Of course your crisis is still occurring because
burning tobacco wrapped in paper can't ever solve a
Firstly before you start, take a few moments to notice any
non smokers in your situation. What are they doing? How
are they managing the problem? The fact is they mightn't
be managing well at all, but at least they haven't added
smoking to their problems.
Nicotine causes an adrenal response which triggers a
release of the stress hormone cortisol. You may have
quit in the past using medications or patches or cold
turkey, but if you need to quit again as a result of starting
during a period of crisis there is another way.
Clinical hypnosis is a highly successfully way to
completely sever any old beliefs that smoking will help in
a crisis or during any stressful period. It is important to
understand that smoking doesn't solve stress but it is
critical that this understanding at a conscious and
unconscious level goes a big step further to knowing that
smoking won't help in a crisis.
The reason is simple, your unconscious has multiple
connections between smoking and stress, and these are
deeply ingrained and are typically dealt with using
But there will be some connections between smoking
and a crisis state. Even if you have never been in an
actual crisis. You have seen people in real life and in the
movies fall back on smoking with severely stressed.
The point is it is important to treat all the different kinds of
stresses that either have a real smoking connection or
even a potential connection in order to prevent a return
to cigarettes in the future, should you find yourself in a
crisis situation.
And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly
quit cigarettes Ian Newton invites you to go to http://