By Daniel M Manson
By the time they turn eighteen, seventy percent of American teens will
have had at least one drink. And while they drink less frequently than
legal drinkers, they Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ more likely to binge drink.
While this may not seem like a significant problem in
comparison with other drug issues like prescription drug abuse, meth
and synthetic drugs, the perils of binge drinking are real. Binge
drinking means consuming large quantities of alcohol within a small
period of time--at least five drinks in two hours.
Ninety percent of the alcohol consumed by underage
drinkers is taken in during binge drinking. The dangers of
this are multi-faceted: not only do they make the user
less alert and more susceptible to fatal accidents, it
increases the chance of alcohol poisoning and overdose.
Additionally, it has a vastly negative impact on the still-
developing teenage brain, causing lowered IQ and
attention problems in adulthood.
Binge Alcohol Use And Alcoholism
While drinking excessively does not always result in
alcohol addiction, it plays a big part. At the very least, it
signifies reckless, irresponsible behavior, a major trait in
alcoholics who can't control their habits. Binge drinkers
are seeking a wild rush and an escape from life--just like
Younger drinkers in particular lack experience with
responsible drinking. It is therefore worrisome that binge
drinking runs rampant among high school and college
students across the United States. When it is part of the
culture, it is difficult to escape.
One night of this behavior can turn into routine, which is
how alcoholism develops (more than fourteen drinks in
men or seven or more drinks in women per week).
When the user builds up tolerance, he often turns to
heavier drugs such as prescription opioids, heroin and
cocaine. It is for this reason that alcohol is known as a
gateway drug.
The Increase In Reckless Behavior
People who binge drink are far more likely to engage in
dangerous activity such as driving under the influence or
getting into a car with a drunk driver. Binge drinking often
results in blackouts, and the user may wake up with
absolutely no recollection of what happened while he
was under the influence of alcohol. Such situations are
linked to date rape, teen pregnancies, and violent
Drinkers may wake up in a jail cell and have no idea
what occurred. Treatment When alcoholism invades your
life, shattering your dreams and tearing away the people
you love, the vicious circle usually continues as most
users rely on alcohol as an emotional crutch. Yet
recovering addicts admit that they regret drowning out
years of their lives and wish they addressed the problem
Article Source:
Understanding the Effects of Drug Abuse On the Skin
The effects of drug abuse are many, but some of the most unsightly effects can be seen on the skin. No matter what type of substances you are addicted to or ingest, they do damage to the body. One of the main consequences of drug abuse is that it leaches nutrients from the body, and this deficiency shows up on the skin.
The Effects of Drug Abuse on the Skin
Among the many effects of drug abuse on the skin is jaundice. This is a yellowing of the skin and eyes. The patient can also suffer from itching of the skin, also called pruritus. The skin can also darken in a condition called hyperpigmentation or break out into hives, which are red, itching welts that can grow to cover a large area of the body. Discoloration of the skin is very common, and while not dangerous, are unsightly and psychologically damaging.
People in recovery from substance abuse can also suffer from spider veins. This is when the tiny veins, especially those found in the face, dilate and become unsightly. They can also suffer from angiomas, which are skin tumors made up of blood vessels. The skin is also subject to flushing and a condition called caput medusae, which are enlarged, snaky veins that appear around the area of the navel. Caput medusae are also known as the palm tree sign. The patients can also suffer from palmar erythema, which is when the palms of the hands redden.
Effects of Drug Abuse from IV Drug Use
The effects of drug abuse, specifically intravenous drug use can be serious. Often patients suffer from skin granulomas, ulcerations and infections of the skin that persist or return. Granulomas are small, inflamed areas on the skin that appear when the skin has been injured. They occur when macrophages from a person's immune system wall off a toxin from the rest of the body but can't eliminate it. Granulomas that are one of the effects of drug abuse are usually not cancerous but are unsightly. Blistered skin and track marks or needle marks are also common. The skin may also atrophy and appear shiny. Patients who are in recovery from methamphetamine abuse also might suffer from tooth decay and severe oral diseases like trench mouth. Patients might also scratch and pick at their skin to the point where the skin is injured. This also puts the skin at risk for infections, bruises and sores. The skin might also have a faint but unusual odor that might be acrid or somewhat sweet.
Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities
For individuals who are abusing any drug or alcoholic substances, finding the right substance abuse treatment facility is essential to getting the help you need to fight the addiction. Due to the fact that you are currently around the drugs, the people, and the places that lead you to this habit, the best way to get proper treatment, is to check in to an inpatient facility for treatment. Not only are you going to be taken away from the drugs, people, and bad influences, you are also going to be able to be in a relaxing environment, a healthy environment, and in a place where there are doctors, nurses, and support staff all around, at all times, to help you get past your addiction.
What you get in substance abuse treatment facilities
When you choose to check in to a facility for treatment, some of the benefits include:
- You are supervised, 24/7, by doctors, nurses, and other staff members who can help you fight the addiction, and who are going to help you get through tougher times like withdrawal, and early detox phases.
- A built in support system, where there are others like you, trying to fight addiction, and trying to get past their drug use and abuse.
- Trained staff, people to talk to, and a safe haven for you to stay in, when trying to treat the addiction.
- You are completely taken away from the bad influences, the addiction, the temptation, and the places and situations that led you to drug use and abuse in the first place.
Selecting a substance abuse treatment facility
In order to ensure you get the best treatment, and to help you get past your addiction, and future temptations once you leave the facility, you have to select a highly known and respected facility. You want one that:
- Is well known, either in your local city, or you can choose to go to an out of state facility for great treatment.
- Offers a holistic approach to treatment, so you do not get drugs or other medication to help fight withdrawal.
- The best trained nurses and staff on site in order to help if you do go through medical necessity while being treated.
- A facility that is going to give you a support system during, as well as after the treatment, if you find you are ever tempted, and considering turning back to drugs, after you have undergone the initial treatment, and gotten past your addictive nature that you fought with for so long.
With an inpatient facility, you have the technical knowledge, the medical assistance, and a safe place for you to get past the addiction. You also are taken away from people and situations that led you to drug use, and you are going to find that with the strong support system you get in a substance abuse treatment facility, you are going to be able to fight, and you are going to learn the tools to help you stay off drugs once you leave the facility.
For a good substance abuse treatment facility Click Here.
How to Lose Weight While Quitting Smoking
Weight gain is one reason why most smokers are afraid to quit. They believe that once they stop their vice, their bodies' metabolism will change significantly and it will store fat rather than utilizing it. Although this is not scientifically proven and although most smokers who stopped didn't gain weight, there are some quitters who do gained weight after they quit. So if you want to quit smoking and not gain any additional weight, this article is for you.
This may astound you but the reality is, you should not gain any extra fats when you quit smoking. Why? Fats come from the food that you eat and quitting will not do any major change in your body's metabolism. There are two major reasons why this myth came to be; fist, smokers are just making up this excuse in order to protect their addiction. Secondly, smokers intentionally or unintentionally develop bad eating habits while during the withdrawal stage.
Defending one's addiction by giving all sorts of excuses like gaining weight is but normal. The addict by all means will try to justify his vice and this is the reason why quitting has become difficult. The smoker must learn to change his mind set about smoking. On the other hand, the second reason stated above is the real reason why people add weight as soon as they stop smoking.
In order to make the quitter's life easy during the withdrawal stage, they keep their mouth busy by eating all sorts of things especially junk foods. As the ex-smoker's taste buds have improved and so does the taste of the food that he is eating.
Sooner than he or she thinks, a deadly habit is about to replace the old one which is unhealthy eating habit and could give detrimental effects on the ex-smoker's body. Soon they will blame their quitting as the main reason why they became obese or fat. Again they will try to protect their newly developed bad habit that is causing them to be overweight.
Now that we know the facts, it's very simple to lose weight while you are quitting smoking. Instead of making your mouth busy with food, why not make it busy by chewing a gum instead. Drinking water is also an excellent idea to ward of cravings or urges during the withdrawal stage. The important thing is to avoid eating unhealthy meals or junk foods. So instead of munching a bag of chips why not try eating a bag of young fresh carrots?
Quitting your addiction to nicotine entails a lot of discipline, commitment and motivation. The percentage of successful quitters is very low compared to those that fail. So if you want to quit successfully, you should start your quitting correctly from the start. You should not replace your smoking habit with another destructive habit like unhealthy eating practices.
You should do your best to find a positive habit that will replace the old one. And once you have successfully endured the withdrawal stage, not only have you quit smoking but you also have successfully controlled your weight and maintained a healthy life.
Check quit smoking blog for more.
Synthetic Drug Use Increasing
Synthetic drug use has a reputation as varied and turbulent as its side effects. One version of the tale is that synthetic substances like bath salts are a safer alternative to traditional drugs. Another rendition tells the horrors of hallucination and suicide. It is, however, the user's depiction that pulls back the curtain and shows the true side of synthetic drugs.
As they come down off the drug, typical comments are along the lines of, "That was a trip through hell", "Don't let anyone take this stuff" or "This is the worst thing I've ever had." Why, then, is synthetic drug use increasing? The truth is, synthetic drugs are extremely addicting. Hard-core drug addicts try it for the promise of a better high when their favored substances don't do it for them anymore.
No matter how intense or how long the reaction, they may find themselves experiencing strong cravings after the first or second hit. The rest is history.
What Are Synthetic Drugs?
Synthetic drugs are chemical substances created to produce the same effects as traditional drugs, but until last summer, there was no legislation against them. Experts believe that this is the origin of the misconception that they are safer than their counterparts. The truth is in the faces of the users--synthetic drugs are by no means safe. Synthetic drugs produce powerful hallucinations and psychotic episodes.
Following is a description of some of the most current synthetic substances and their effects. Synthetic marijuana, also known as K2 or Spice, was designed to mirror the effects of regular pot. In many ways, it does--it produces a similar high, although some users report that it doesn't give the same "head high" and leaves the throat and lungs burning. It can cause nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, severe agitation and anxiety, muscle spasms, seizures, intense hallucinations, psychotic episodes, suicidal and violent thoughts and/or actions.
It doesn't show up on conventional drug tests, and packages are labeled "100% Natural Herbs". Yet there is very little about synthetic marijuana that is natural. Bath salts are extremely toxic chemicals that are supposed to act like cocaine and amphetamine.
They come as a fine, white powder that looks like flour and it is typically smoked. Someone high on bath salts may be inclined toward violence and suicide. Psychotic episodes are common as hallucinations come on intensely, and they often last days at a time.
Case Study: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
The city of New Glasgow in the Canadian maritime province of Nova Scotia has been dealing with a number of sizable drug busts since it was recently made illegal to sell or possess bath salts. A 22-year-old man was arrested for possession of traditional marijuana, but upon search of his premises, authorities found over $350,000 worth of bath salts. Despite the substantial bust, authorities say that this will merely make a dent in the problem.
And they are just one of many areas dealing with synthetic drug abuse issues.
The truth is that communities across the US are also struggling with synthetic addiction. The solution; drug prevention, education, rehab and stricter enforcement to get these substances off the streets and out of the wrong hands.
For more information contact Vista Bay drug rehab.
Molly Popular As Latest Drug For Underground Rave Scene
If you hear your kids talking about Molly, chances are it's not a new girl in school. Molly is the name for a drug that's been making waves in the underground rave scene for years. Recently it followed electronic dance music into the mainstream, and now high school and college kids are carried away by the drug, touted as pure MDMA.
The Truth About Molly
Molly--short for "molecule"--is a synthetic form of MDMA, the chemical component of ecstasy. MDMA is a psychedelic and a stimulant, causing distortions of time and senses and energy surges. Molly does produce a similar high, but it is cheaper and is becoming more and more widespread.
Other side effects of Molly are not so pleasant. They can include increased blood pressure and heart rate, severe dehydration, hyperthermia (a condition in which the body temperature gets dangerously high, causing severe damage to internal organs), and intense teeth clenching. Not only that, mental effects are strong--Molly can produce psychosis, aggressiveness, severe agitation, and severe depression as the user comes down off of it.
Molly is often laced with other substances like caffeine. This increases its potential for overdose. Signs of overdose include:
• Agitation and aggression, reported in a number of overdose cases. This may include physical characteristics like stirring or shaking, or they may be as simple as restlessness or excitement.
• Dilated pupils, remaining large even in bright lights.
• Seizures are extremely common in overdoses of MDMA. These can occur rapidly and are usually manifested by changes in consciousness, emotion, vision, skin sensation, muscle tension and twitching.
What Molly Does to the Brain
Molly is smoked, eaten or parachuted (folded in a tissue and swallowed), and about twenty minutes later the euphoria begins. A rush of neurotransmitters including serotonin and dopamine causes the user to feel elated, empathetic and energized. The senses are sharpened, which is why it is so commonly used at concerts, to enhance auditory experience.
A few hours later, the high is over. The brain, however, does not forget. Slightly reliant on molly for some of its functions, it no longer produces the same amount of neurotransmitters. This is the time when users are often flooded with depression. Long-term users experience forgetfulness and other mental effects, which can cause decreased academic performance.
Users often turn to other illicit drugs like cocaine and heroin to get a similar high to that they experience on Molly. In this way, Molly is a gateway drug.
Users of Molly tend to be between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four. While a vast number of them are involved in the club scene, not every case is tied together. It is not difficult to get one's hands on the drug. Addicts need only send a text or a message via Facebook or share with a friend or classmate. It is priced at about $20 per pill or $100 per gram.
Because of this Molly has attracted many new young users. But, with more information known about this drug, usage can be decreased or stopped all together.
This can come from a variety of things such as more drug prevention and education, rehab services for those addicted and stricter enforcement on the products sold that can make this drug.
The main point is the consumers have to put a stop to Molly and other synthetic drug use. Talk to you kids, make sure schools are doing the same. Know the signs of abuse and get your loved one help if they need it.
For more information contact Narconon Vista Bay.
Smokers, Would You Prefer A Feather, A Brick Or A Truck?
What has smoking got to do with Feathers, Bricks or Trucks? Well everything and nothing.
A feather gives you a gentle tickle. A brick thrown at your head can knock you out and a truck can flatten you on the road.
The feather tickle might just be a morning cough, or having people complain about the smoky smell on your clothes. Or maybe the money you spend each week, or being a little puffed climbing the stairs.
The brick to the head could be a frequent productive cough, feeling your heart race at even mild exertion, or perhaps hearing of someone you know getting lung cancer.
The truck flattening you might be a diagnosis of cancer or emphysema or noticing you are coughing up blood.
By now I'm sure you are getting the picture. The only question is do you need to be tickled into taking action or do you need a brick in the face.
In my experience about 20% of clients are tickled, 70% have been slammed with a brick and 10% are trying to pick themselves up off the pavement after having been run down by the truck of fate.
Even if you are just at the stage of being tickled, logic would dictate that you take action because of the, all too well-known dramatic tragic consequences.
But logic only plays a small part in the smoking game. Sure some people just wake up one day and say, no more and they quit. It could be asked what led them to that decision then, and why not before.
Maybe it's when they shifted from being tickled to being hit with the brick. Such a move could come about through a big rise in government cigarettes. What I have observed is that those who are being tickled have a belief that they are still in control and that they will quit when they want to and often they don't think they will get cancer anyway. Talk about a case of self-delusion.
Those in the brick group are the best candidates for quitting; they are past the delusion of the feather group. They feel the effects of smoking and have often arrived at a point where they have had enough.
Any group can quit but the bricks have the most commitment. The feathers are still a bit casual and the trucks have a slight attitude of; well it doesn't matter anyway, I'm sick I might as well just keep smoking. This of course is kind of crazy as it just makes any possible cure even more remote.
So bite the bullet and just do it, book your hypnosis session and just get smoking out of your life for good.
And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly quit cigarettes Ian Newton invites you to go to
Wishing you the best of health
Find Rehab For Meth Addiction
Finding a methamphetamine rehab center can be a
challenge. There are a number of options out there, but
there are quite a few differences between the different
types. 12 Step programs are the most common, and
outpatient-type programs are very prevalent as well.
These have been around for decades, and were both
originally created to handle people with alcohol or opiate
problems. Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous,
and many well-known inpatient facilities came about from
There are thousands of groups out there, but they
are self-governing entities. This means that they are not
all set up the same, with different rules and regulations
while following the same basic tenets. A
methamphetamine addiction, especially one that has
been going for years, is not an easy or simple problem to
Opiates and alcohol have been around for centuries.
However, methamphetamines are a relatively new
substance which was not even created until 1919. The
original intention of methamphetamines was medical in
Formerly, they were prescribed by doctors for
ailments such as asthma and narcolepsy. It was quickly
discovered that there was a high propensity for addiction
and erratic behavior, and as a result, the drug was made
illegal. When the substance was used in medicine, it was
regulated. There were quality control measures, but of
course, the danger was already there.
Currently, as with all illegal drugs, there is no quality
control or regulation. Instead of being manufactured in a
laboratory or medical setting, meth is now being made in
places such as bathtubs, trailers, and even plastic soda
There is no regulation on black market
substances, as they are illegal to possess, use, or
manufacture. There are numerous methods of
production, and only some of them require a background
in science.
Oftentimes, the producers of the drug are
addicted to it as well. If you know any long-term meth
addicts, you have seen the damage that the drug can do,
both mentally and physically. With the numerous types of
making meth, no regulations, and a large assortment of
different "cooks", the risk of harm is greater now than it
was in the past.
Often, due to the price of illegal drugs like meth, some of
those addicted to it will go much further than others to
get their drug. Some people call this "being a criminal",
but it is often a side-effect of the drug use and addiction.
Methamphetamines, especially over a long period of
time, actually change the way that the brain works. The
brain releases and processes different chemicals which
have a huge influence on a person's mood, as well as
their attitude.
Methamphetamines cause one of the main brain
chemicals to release a lot at once. Once all of this
chemical has been used up, the person is left feeling
depressed and very low. Once this occurs, the addict's
brain will tell them to find more of the drug to enable him
to feel normal again. What would in the past would be
considered a reprehensible can, during addiction, be
considered a simple means to an end.
Methamphetamines are not cheap, and people have been known to spend
hundreds of dollars per day on the drug. The addiction can cause the
addict to believe that meth is more important than anything else.
Gradually, getting drugs becomes more important than family, one's
health, and holding down a job.
All of this points to an uphill battle for the person, and as the
addiction progresses, it only becomes more difficult to overcome. With
these extra issues present, a more thorough form of treatment can be
beneficial. The biophysical approach has been much more successful
than the traditional 12 step approach.
This type of treatment is more comprehensive, meaning that it
addresses the physical and mental components of addiction. The belief
here, and there are scientific studies to support this, is that drug
particles become trapped in the fatty tissues of the body. Later, when
this fat is burned through normal bodily functions, a restimulation
occurs when these drug particles get reabsorbed through the
bloodstream. There is a way out of addiction, and all that is needed
is a phone call.
More Information on treatment and recovery.
We cannot sit idly by and watch as drugs take thousands
of lives everyday. Call 888-656-2111 and speak to a
counselor today that can help you learn the causes and
treatment options for addiction. Don't let addiction ruin
any more lives, take action.
challenge. There are a number of options out there, but
there are quite a few differences between the different
types. 12 Step programs are the most common, and
outpatient-type programs are very prevalent as well.
These have been around for decades, and were both
originally created to handle people with alcohol or opiate
problems. Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous,
and many well-known inpatient facilities came about from
There are thousands of groups out there, but they
are self-governing entities. This means that they are not
all set up the same, with different rules and regulations
while following the same basic tenets. A
methamphetamine addiction, especially one that has
been going for years, is not an easy or simple problem to
Opiates and alcohol have been around for centuries.
However, methamphetamines are a relatively new
substance which was not even created until 1919. The
original intention of methamphetamines was medical in
Formerly, they were prescribed by doctors for
ailments such as asthma and narcolepsy. It was quickly
discovered that there was a high propensity for addiction
and erratic behavior, and as a result, the drug was made
illegal. When the substance was used in medicine, it was
regulated. There were quality control measures, but of
course, the danger was already there.
Currently, as with all illegal drugs, there is no quality
control or regulation. Instead of being manufactured in a
laboratory or medical setting, meth is now being made in
places such as bathtubs, trailers, and even plastic soda
There is no regulation on black market
substances, as they are illegal to possess, use, or
manufacture. There are numerous methods of
production, and only some of them require a background
in science.
Oftentimes, the producers of the drug are
addicted to it as well. If you know any long-term meth
addicts, you have seen the damage that the drug can do,
both mentally and physically. With the numerous types of
making meth, no regulations, and a large assortment of
different "cooks", the risk of harm is greater now than it
was in the past.
Often, due to the price of illegal drugs like meth, some of
those addicted to it will go much further than others to
get their drug. Some people call this "being a criminal",
but it is often a side-effect of the drug use and addiction.
Methamphetamines, especially over a long period of
time, actually change the way that the brain works. The
brain releases and processes different chemicals which
have a huge influence on a person's mood, as well as
their attitude.
Methamphetamines cause one of the main brain
chemicals to release a lot at once. Once all of this
chemical has been used up, the person is left feeling
depressed and very low. Once this occurs, the addict's
brain will tell them to find more of the drug to enable him
to feel normal again. What would in the past would be
considered a reprehensible can, during addiction, be
considered a simple means to an end.
Methamphetamines are not cheap, and people have been known to spend
hundreds of dollars per day on the drug. The addiction can cause the
addict to believe that meth is more important than anything else.
Gradually, getting drugs becomes more important than family, one's
health, and holding down a job.
All of this points to an uphill battle for the person, and as the
addiction progresses, it only becomes more difficult to overcome. With
these extra issues present, a more thorough form of treatment can be
beneficial. The biophysical approach has been much more successful
than the traditional 12 step approach.
This type of treatment is more comprehensive, meaning that it
addresses the physical and mental components of addiction. The belief
here, and there are scientific studies to support this, is that drug
particles become trapped in the fatty tissues of the body. Later, when
this fat is burned through normal bodily functions, a restimulation
occurs when these drug particles get reabsorbed through the
bloodstream. There is a way out of addiction, and all that is needed
is a phone call.
More Information on treatment and recovery.
We cannot sit idly by and watch as drugs take thousands
of lives everyday. Call 888-656-2111 and speak to a
counselor today that can help you learn the causes and
treatment options for addiction. Don't let addiction ruin
any more lives, take action.
Obamacare Penalty For Smokers
By William J. Schneider D.C.
Obamacare to increase healthcare expenses for Smokers
We are going to spend by some estimates over one trillion dollars to
make your healthcare more expensive. Yes, that is right, more
expensive. Really you thought it was going to get better, cheaper and
more efficient? Well, if you are a smoker, your premiums could go up
an estimated 50 percent.
Really, this is what we have all been waiting for?
Granted, no one will argue that smoking is not good for
you. However, there are a lot of things that each and
every one of us participates in every day that is not
healthy. If you eat cheeseburgers, consume french fries,
eat ice cream, play sports, ride a skateboard or a motor
cycle along with so many enumerable activities it can
increase your healthcare costs.
Where does it all end?
There are many that will argue that smoking is to the
extreme end of spectrum, thus it should be eliminated.
Well, once you eliminate smoking another offending
activity takes over that position. Looking for evidence of
this evolution just look towards New York. No more big
beverages. Where will New Yorker's draw the line?
Do we have any say in this matter?
Do Americans any longer have a voice? Does our
outrage even register in ears, minds and actions of our
politicians, doctors and officials. Or have we reached a
point in time in which we are mere subjects. Has it gotten
to the point where we will do what we are told, get in line,
accept our verdict and pay the penalty? Unfortunately
this smoking penalty has demonstrated just that. We
either cannot or will not cry out against the tyranical
government and it's regulations enfirced by the heavy
hand of justice.
How Ironic
If you watched the innauguration there was an eyebrow
raised by the first lady about a comment made by John
Boehner to the president. Supposedly Boehmer asked
the president, behind Michelle Obama's back, if he had a
chance to sneak out and have a smoke. More than likely
he was referring to having a cigarette.
How ironic that our officials can pass laws by which we are penalized
to such a degree that our ability to afford even the most basic
necessites is threatened while they are not bound by or penalized at
all for non compliance. The most you will see is a raised eyebrow a
smile, wink and a nudge. Wow, really, that much, Oh My!
So, what is the penalty, officer? If you wish to maintain
your freedom or liberty, if you decide that it is your body
and you will do with it as you wish, how much is this
freedom going to cost you? How much are you willing to
pay to be able to display your freedom? Wondering what
the current price of freedom is? The answer is estimated
to be $4,500.00 increase in premiums for smoking for an
individual 55 years old and $5,000.00 for an individual
Are there options?
If your employer is covering your health insurance you
can avoid this penalty by being involved in a smoking
cessation program. However if you purchase your health
insurance on your own, as an individual, your only hope
is to quit smoking and put this habit behind you.
However, be careful not to replace one habit with
another. For, you have no idea what our government will
target next.
Dr. William Schneider is a holistic physician. He has
developed and tested a smoking cessation program.
Learn more
Obamacare to increase healthcare expenses for Smokers
We are going to spend by some estimates over one trillion dollars to
make your healthcare more expensive. Yes, that is right, more
expensive. Really you thought it was going to get better, cheaper and
more efficient? Well, if you are a smoker, your premiums could go up
an estimated 50 percent.
Really, this is what we have all been waiting for?
Granted, no one will argue that smoking is not good for
you. However, there are a lot of things that each and
every one of us participates in every day that is not
healthy. If you eat cheeseburgers, consume french fries,
eat ice cream, play sports, ride a skateboard or a motor
cycle along with so many enumerable activities it can
increase your healthcare costs.
Where does it all end?
There are many that will argue that smoking is to the
extreme end of spectrum, thus it should be eliminated.
Well, once you eliminate smoking another offending
activity takes over that position. Looking for evidence of
this evolution just look towards New York. No more big
beverages. Where will New Yorker's draw the line?
Do we have any say in this matter?
Do Americans any longer have a voice? Does our
outrage even register in ears, minds and actions of our
politicians, doctors and officials. Or have we reached a
point in time in which we are mere subjects. Has it gotten
to the point where we will do what we are told, get in line,
accept our verdict and pay the penalty? Unfortunately
this smoking penalty has demonstrated just that. We
either cannot or will not cry out against the tyranical
government and it's regulations enfirced by the heavy
hand of justice.
How Ironic
If you watched the innauguration there was an eyebrow
raised by the first lady about a comment made by John
Boehner to the president. Supposedly Boehmer asked
the president, behind Michelle Obama's back, if he had a
chance to sneak out and have a smoke. More than likely
he was referring to having a cigarette.
How ironic that our officials can pass laws by which we are penalized
to such a degree that our ability to afford even the most basic
necessites is threatened while they are not bound by or penalized at
all for non compliance. The most you will see is a raised eyebrow a
smile, wink and a nudge. Wow, really, that much, Oh My!
So, what is the penalty, officer? If you wish to maintain
your freedom or liberty, if you decide that it is your body
and you will do with it as you wish, how much is this
freedom going to cost you? How much are you willing to
pay to be able to display your freedom? Wondering what
the current price of freedom is? The answer is estimated
to be $4,500.00 increase in premiums for smoking for an
individual 55 years old and $5,000.00 for an individual
Are there options?
If your employer is covering your health insurance you
can avoid this penalty by being involved in a smoking
cessation program. However if you purchase your health
insurance on your own, as an individual, your only hope
is to quit smoking and put this habit behind you.
However, be careful not to replace one habit with
another. For, you have no idea what our government will
target next.
Dr. William Schneider is a holistic physician. He has
developed and tested a smoking cessation program.
Learn more
Meth Addiction Recovery
Have you seen the faces of Methamphetamine addiction? The helpless souls that are being lost on a daily basis to this powerful drug are countless. It is destroying lives and families across the nation and leaving its ugly mark on those who have been affected by its evil presence. As I look through the pages of pictures of the lives it has destroyed forever, I cry. I have never seen such sorrow.
Methamphetamine takes an average of 25,000 lives a year and counting. The short term effects of the drug include: increased attention and decreased fatigue, increased activity and wakefulness, decreased appetite, euphoria and rush, increased respiration, rapid/irregular heartbeat and hypothermia. The pleasurable effects of methamphetamine are believed to be due to the release of very high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine which plays an important role in motivation, pleasure, reward and movement.
The long term effects of the drug consist of psychosis, including: paranoia, hallucinations, repetitive motor activity, changes in brain structure and function, memory loss, aggressive or violent behavior, mood disturbances, severe dental problems, weight loss and sometimes death! These symptoms are not something I would want to experience, nor would I want to see my family or friends suffer them either.
It is time that we as a nation come together and stop this evil drug from taking any more lives! In today's society it is becoming increasingly popular to go to treatment for our addictions. In the past, help was mostly in the form of going to the hospital or the physiatric ward to handle one's problems. Thank God we are moving past that view in some places and finding alternative routes to overcome our addictions and ills.
At this time there are no miracle drugs that can reduce or treat the effects of methamphetamine abuse. The only real solution that can even begin to help someone who has abused this drug or any other is a detoxification program to remove all drug toxins from the body combined with cognitive therapy. The two combined can help restore the person physically, emotionally and mentally to the best they can be. This type of therapy has a success rate of over 70%, whereas most other treatment types have a success rate of less than 3%-5%.
Bio-physical treatment therapy is not new, it has actually been around since the 1960's and is growing in many parts of the United States. Although traditional types of treatment are still considered the mainstream, it's easy to see, once you look, that they are becoming less popular. This is mainly due to their low success rates and high recidivism rates, meaning that the relapse rate is much higher when choosing a traditional type of program.
Any type of addiction is painful to the person who is going through it. It is also painful for their family and friends who have to watch as the person suffers. I find it hard to believe that there is not more being done in our country by our federal government to stop addiction. Not to say there is nothing being done to handle these drugs related issues but, as it is such an epidemic, one would think it would be a top major priority for our nation. At times it has seems as if we were taking a stand on the war on drugs but somehow it always falls to the way side.
If you or someone you know is trapped by the painful grip of methamphetamine addiction, or any other addiction, please call for help today. We have today and there is no guarantee that tomorrow will ever come for us. Call 888-656-2111 to speak to a counselor for more information on drug abuse and the treatment available for those who are addicted.
Legal But Deadly: Opiod Addiction
This is written for those who have fallen victim to addiction. Whether you were born into a wealthy family, or one suffering in poverty, addiction does not discriminate. Majority of the population in the United States do not have a true understanding of addiction as it is. Many of us think a certain person's addiction is not as serious because it is legal. It could very possibly be legal, by prescription or doctor's order. However it does not mean it is harmless. Anything that is not over the counter (OTC) can be potentially deadly.
Did you know that most addictions to opiates (i.e. codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, and heroin) and opioids (i.e. methadone, suboxone) start off with an injury or illness? It's true. Automobile accidents, tooth aches, headaches, back pain, sports or on-the-job injuries occur every day. There were over six million automobile accidents in the United States in 2005. Because of that, nearly 3 million people were injured. Every year, approximately 4 million employees suffer from work related injuries. Most of these victims have been treated or prescribed with a pain medication of one form or another. No wonder the pharmaceutical industries are multi-billion dollar industries.
Pain medication is the second highest abused drug in the United States, after marijuana. Usually when a victim starts noticing that they are abusing prescription pain medications, they are already experiencing withdrawals. These withdrawals can be excruciating. Methadone and suboxone are known to help those who are coming off of opiates and opioids. Methadone has potential health risks which include the risk of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats), irregular breathing, osteoporosis as well as sexual dysfunction.
Suboxone is both an opioid blocker and an opioid. It does have the effect of blocking the receptors however it is still a mild opioid. It produces sensations similar to morphine, codeine and heroin however with a lower euphoric effect. Therefore it is easier to get off of. If a person desires to use suboxone, they should start while going through withdrawals. If a person is using before the withdrawal symptoms start, this can cause the person to be violently sick. This can cause undesirable want to continue the treatment. Keep in mind that in order to be certain that you are weaning yourself off of an opiate or opioid, some discomfort is normal. Otherwise you are still feeding to your addiction.
Both methadone and suboxone are legal if they are prescribed and taken as ordered. However, take note that they are both narcotics and can be addictive. Overdose can still occur. Finding them sold illegally in the streets is a possibility as well. Therefore if someone is unable to control their dosage, it is advised for that person to do an inpatient medical detoxification which is under a physician's guidance. These drugs also have a longer half-life. Which means it takes longer to get out of a person's system. A single tablet can remain in the victim's body for up to five days although the effects are lower. With more and more doses, this means that the chances of overdose are great. Longer half-life also means that the withdrawal symptoms will last longer and be of more extreme. They can be more painful than heroin and other opiates themselves.
Any kind of treatment should be used to better a person. Not to enable a persoan to keep feeding the addiction they are suffering from. Sometimes the victims of addiction think that this is a good way to feed their dependency without the side effects of withdrawals. This is where drug abuse becomes legal and in a number of years, they find themselves no longer addicted to heroin, morphine or etc. However now they are hooked on methadone or suboxone.
If you know someone who is struggling with an addiction don't be afraid to reach out and get help for them. Call 888-656-2111 to speak with a specialist today and see what you can do to help.
Pain Pill Addiction: Things You Should Know
Depressants slow brain function, they basically make you a zombie. They slow your brain function, cause confusion, disorientation, lower blood pressure and cause fatigue. When you start using higher doses you can get irritable, paranoid and even suicidal. These pills can have harmful long-term effects: depression, chronic fatigue, breathing difficulties, and sleep problems. Withdrawal from depressants can be very dangerous, unlike most other drugs; you could suffer from agitation, delirium, hallucinations, and convulsions. So is the next Xanax, Valium, or Ativan really worth that kind of risk?
Painkillers are derivatives of opioids and morphine; after extended abuse of opioids your body becomes literally dependent on these drugs to function every day. They have a range of harmless sounding side effects like drowsiness, constipation and nausea but they can also cause the person to slip into a coma if too much is taken. People take these risks every time they decide to use painkillers. The main long-term effect when using prescription painkillers is the physical dependence. When your body becomes dependent, you can suffer from withdrawal symptoms after just a few hours: muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, and cold sweats.
Stimulants, or "Uppers," are prescribed to treat children with things like ADHD but have been used illegally to increase your energy level: like cocaine or amphetamines. What is so attractive about stimulants is that they seem to make you more alert, more focused and a give you a sense of euphoria. Stimulants also increase blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and decrease sleep and appetite. If these drugs are abused for too long a person can suffer from malnutrition, paranoia and become increasingly hostile.
Everyone has seen the commercials for the new slew of antidepressants that are on the market: Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa and more. We have also heard the list of side effects associated with each drug: insomnia, anxiety, agitation, suicidal thoughts, irregular heartbeat, aggression, confusion, paranoia, hallucinations, psychosis and so many more. When I see those commercials I think to myself, why would anyone take these drugs? However, people do every day. They don't care about that disturbing list of side effects. The catch is that if you stop taking these pills, you start withdrawing off of them. The depression you were trying to treat becomes even worse than anything you could have imagined. Your brain starts screaming at you to get more of these pills, you start to build a tolerance for them, and before you know it, you're taking more than twice of what is prescribed to you. Abuse of antidepressants is dangerous, as is the abuse of any type of prescription drug. There are so many adverse effects for people who are prescribed these medications just think of how much worse they are if they haven't been prescribed to you.
Pills are very easy to become addicted to: they're prescribed by your Doctor so they must be safe, right? Wrong, pills are one of the easiest drugs to get addicted to for that very same reason. People don't realize that the little warnings on the side of their pill bottles are serious; they are there for a reason. Most pain killers are narcotic and they are addictive. Once you start building up a tolerance to the pills you are taking you decide to take a few extra, and then a few more, and before you know it, you can't go through a day without your brain telling you that you need those pills. That is dependence, and dependence is addiction. Soon you start doing anything to get the pills you need. You become reckless in the quest to get them back into your system, because if you don't, you will start withdrawals. Don't wait until you have completely alienated yourself to get treatment. You're no good to your family if the only thing you really care about every day is figuring out how you're going to get your pills.
There are so many types of rehabs for people addicted to drugs; 12-step, holistic, long-term, short-term, outpatient and so many more. You need to find something that will suit you: not all treatment programs are created equal. You have to do a lot of research on the facilities you're looking at, make sure you ask questions and don't let someone talk you into going to a facility that you're not sure about. Look at the success rate of a facility: I would much rather go to and treatment facility with a 7 out of 10 success rate than a 2 or 3 out of 10. Make sure the program focuses on YOU. You can't concentrate on your recovery if people are focusing you on the spa or the view: ask them how this will benefit your recovery; is it going to help or hinder you on your path to sobriety?
I'm sure the question "What am I doing to myself?" has crossed your mind a few times; the reality is that most people would rather not know. People don't want to feel bad about what they're doing because they think that they are only hurting themselves: they're wrong. Side effects differ depending on the type of pills you take: depressants (sedatives and tranquilizers), stimulants, painkillers and anti-depressants.
The thing people don't understand about taking prescription pills is that it does more than just make you feel good, they prohibit you brain from feeling good without the drugs. The levels of dopamine that enter the system when you use drugs is increased significantly: this is what produces the "high." After using drugs your brain gives up the ability to produce dopamine and other natural chemicals that your body produces as a reward for certain activities. Your emotions become dependent upon the pills you are taking: you can't feel happiness, pleasure, or euphoria without drugs in your system. This puts a strain on more than just yourself; it also puts strain on your relationships with other people.
Withdrawing from prescription pills is not one of the more dangerous withdrawals, but it is bad enough to keep people from wanting to come off their pills. Withdrawing from prescription pills can cause cold sweats, lack of sleep, eating disturbances, muscle and joint pain, paranoid thoughts, extreme irritability and agitation, nausea, black outs, extreme anxiety, itchy skin, and possibility of seizures.
Don't try to right all of your past wrongs the minute you start treatment. There is a time for it after you've recovered. You can't go into recovery and be worried about all the things you've done to the people in your life: you have to focus on yourself. The people who care about you understand that you need to focus yourself on the goal in front of you, but at the same time you can't feel good about recovery until you've made up for your past transgressions. You just have to remember that you can't help the people around you until you have learned how to help yourself. Take the time you need to get your life back on track and then see about how you're going to repair the damages you had created when you were living an addicted lifestyle.
This article is geared toward helping those who are addicted, use it as a resource when you come across someone who has an addiction so they can read it and see what is happening to them. If you know someone who needs help or you would like more information about addiction call 888-656-2111 and speak to a counselor today.
Drug Interactions? Wonder if Your Prescription Drugs Are Messing with Each Other? Check
By Benjamin Lynch
I found a great drug-drug interaction resource site today while in clinic. There is no reason why you cannot use the same reference. So many times people are on drugs, herbs or vitamins which interact with each other in harmful ways.
This drug interaction resource has the following types of drug interactions:
* Vitamin-Drug Interaction
* Herb-Drug Interaction
* Drug-Drug Interaction
* Alcohol-Drug Interaction
* Food-Drug Interaction
If you find something suspicious or not sounding that good, do not adjust your own medications. If you think you can, you cannot. If you change some prescription drugs too quickly, a serious side effect can occur causing death or a serious medical condition.
So - use this site as a reference - not to self-medicate and adjust your meds.
Drug Digest is an awesome easy to use tool that allows one to check two or more possible drug interactions. Simply search for a drug, vitamin or herb, add it to the drug interaction list and search for another. Keep doing this as needed. Once all drugs, herbs and vitamins are added to the drug interaction list, simply hit the button 'check interactions'
The drug interaction database will think for a moment and then spit out the possible interactions with explanations.
Again - do not self adjust your medications. Ever.
I discovered in clinic today that a patient's aspirin was altering his blood pressure medications. Aspirin works by limiting prostaglandin release and some blood pressure meds work by prostaglandins. Prostaglandins allow blood vessels to relax which is also what inflammation does. As aspirin decreases inflammation, this specific blood pressure med got affected. The outcome: he still had very high blood pressure.
Did I say don't adjust your meds? Good.
To give an example - if this patient did, he would be dead or suffer a large heart attack.
Here is the drug interaction website: Drug Digest [,4109,,00.html]
Enjoy the database. Tell your physician about it. They will love it.
In health,
Benjamin Lynch has a BS degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Washington. Currently, he is obtaining his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. Visit Ben's natural health product store, HealthE Goods where one can use our free health information service [] where one may ask specific health questions. We provide physician-grade non-prescription natural health products. Wholesale spa products are available to all that qualify. Do visit our Healthy Lifestyle and Wellness Blog []. We are here to help serve the public with proper health information and effective products. Products described in the article are available at HealthE Goods.
Article Source:
How Not To Fall Into The Trap Of Using A Pill For Everything
The mass majority of drug abuse in our country, believe
it or not, is from prescription pills! Our lives seem to be
ruled by a pill to fix everything. From young children to
senior citizens the pharmaceutical industry has
capitalized on every facet they can, and are working on
It seems that the people of the world are not
supposed to have emotions these days. They are even
trying to make bereavement (death of a loved one) a
disability! How crazy is that?
Do you ever feel depressed, anxiety ridden, experience
grief, stress or any other kind of overwhelming feeling?
Well apparently, you can fix it with medication. At least
that is what the pharmaceutical industry wants us to
believe. They are making billions, possibly even trillions,
each year because of people's unfortunate
circumstances. This type of mentality needs to stop
before the epidemic worsens.
In today's society we have been programmed to need
help for our every ill, and oftentimes that help in the
name of medicine can destroy us from the inside out.
The damage that can happen to the liver and other
organs due to over medication can cause irreversible
problems and sometimes even death. Long term use of
these drugs also causes a person to experience mental
disorders that they otherwise would not have ever had.
The physical, mental and emotional damage that can
occur from the use of these pharmaceutical drugs is
more devastating than the actual natural feelings a
person is sometimes faced with in life.
Coping with the stresses of life and what it sometimes
throws at us is hard, and there are times when we all
need a helping hand. It is important when looking for that
help to not get blinded by the quick and easy fix. There is
no quick and easy fix when it comes to handling your
The only way to really move past the trails and
the verbal curve-balls we are sometimes thrown is to
confront and handle them with honesty. Have you ever
heard the saying "honesty is the best policy"? It applies
when we are dealing with the ups and downs of our lives.
Since every person on this planet will at some point in
their life time face depression, guilt, anger, shame, or
any of the other unwanted feelings that we as humans
will face, it must be dealt with.
It's extremely important to our freedom as a race to learn to handle
these feelings and not rely so heavily on the miracle cures that we
see advertised in main stream media on a daily basis. It's time to
wake up and stop being hypnotized by the suppressor's and dominator's
of the world!
Finding help to handle your problems is sometimes necessary but, don't
you don't need to lose yourself in the process. Addiction can happen
to anyone. It doesn't matter if you come from a well to do family or
that you are educated.
Addiction strikes its ugly head where ever it wants to! It
takes hold of a person and destroys them and their
family without any regret or remorse for the lives it takes.
To be addicted is like being chained up in a prison that
you can't break out of. The hold it can have on a person
can be so strong that they can't even see a way out!
If you or someone you know is struggling with an
addiction or contemplating the use of prescription
medication to help handle an addiction or some other
problem; please think twice and think hard before making
that plunge. It could be the worst decision you ever
People who are struggling with an addiction
already definitely do not need to become reliant on
another substance to handle that what is already going
on. The goal of getting clean and sober is, after all, to be
free from the addiction, and getting on a medication will
only prolong the inevitable.
For those who have never suffered from addiction, don't
get caught up in the trap. If you have spent the majority
of your life drug free odds are, whatever you're facing
now can be handled without the use of drugs now.
Remember that emotions come and they go and
sometimes yes, we do need help to handle things. But be
careful on what kind of help you except. Being drugged
up for your emotions is a loss of freedom and we are
losing too many of our freedoms in this country already!
For more information.
If you know someone who has an addiction to
prescription pills or any other kind of drug and aren't sure
how to help or where to start give us a cal at
888-656-2111 and speak with a specialist
it or not, is from prescription pills! Our lives seem to be
ruled by a pill to fix everything. From young children to
senior citizens the pharmaceutical industry has
capitalized on every facet they can, and are working on
It seems that the people of the world are not
supposed to have emotions these days. They are even
trying to make bereavement (death of a loved one) a
disability! How crazy is that?
Do you ever feel depressed, anxiety ridden, experience
grief, stress or any other kind of overwhelming feeling?
Well apparently, you can fix it with medication. At least
that is what the pharmaceutical industry wants us to
believe. They are making billions, possibly even trillions,
each year because of people's unfortunate
circumstances. This type of mentality needs to stop
before the epidemic worsens.
In today's society we have been programmed to need
help for our every ill, and oftentimes that help in the
name of medicine can destroy us from the inside out.
The damage that can happen to the liver and other
organs due to over medication can cause irreversible
problems and sometimes even death. Long term use of
these drugs also causes a person to experience mental
disorders that they otherwise would not have ever had.
The physical, mental and emotional damage that can
occur from the use of these pharmaceutical drugs is
more devastating than the actual natural feelings a
person is sometimes faced with in life.
Coping with the stresses of life and what it sometimes
throws at us is hard, and there are times when we all
need a helping hand. It is important when looking for that
help to not get blinded by the quick and easy fix. There is
no quick and easy fix when it comes to handling your
The only way to really move past the trails and
the verbal curve-balls we are sometimes thrown is to
confront and handle them with honesty. Have you ever
heard the saying "honesty is the best policy"? It applies
when we are dealing with the ups and downs of our lives.
Since every person on this planet will at some point in
their life time face depression, guilt, anger, shame, or
any of the other unwanted feelings that we as humans
will face, it must be dealt with.
It's extremely important to our freedom as a race to learn to handle
these feelings and not rely so heavily on the miracle cures that we
see advertised in main stream media on a daily basis. It's time to
wake up and stop being hypnotized by the suppressor's and dominator's
of the world!
Finding help to handle your problems is sometimes necessary but, don't
you don't need to lose yourself in the process. Addiction can happen
to anyone. It doesn't matter if you come from a well to do family or
that you are educated.
Addiction strikes its ugly head where ever it wants to! It
takes hold of a person and destroys them and their
family without any regret or remorse for the lives it takes.
To be addicted is like being chained up in a prison that
you can't break out of. The hold it can have on a person
can be so strong that they can't even see a way out!
If you or someone you know is struggling with an
addiction or contemplating the use of prescription
medication to help handle an addiction or some other
problem; please think twice and think hard before making
that plunge. It could be the worst decision you ever
People who are struggling with an addiction
already definitely do not need to become reliant on
another substance to handle that what is already going
on. The goal of getting clean and sober is, after all, to be
free from the addiction, and getting on a medication will
only prolong the inevitable.
For those who have never suffered from addiction, don't
get caught up in the trap. If you have spent the majority
of your life drug free odds are, whatever you're facing
now can be handled without the use of drugs now.
Remember that emotions come and they go and
sometimes yes, we do need help to handle things. But be
careful on what kind of help you except. Being drugged
up for your emotions is a loss of freedom and we are
losing too many of our freedoms in this country already!
For more information.
If you know someone who has an addiction to
prescription pills or any other kind of drug and aren't sure
how to help or where to start give us a cal at
888-656-2111 and speak with a specialist
How To Select The Right Drug And Alcohol Rehab Center
A person suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction needs help immediately. Without it, it is highly likely he will continue down a never-ending path of self-destruction that could ultimately lead to death. Unfortunately, drug and alcohol addiction are both extremely difficult to overcome. Therefore, the only way most addicts are able to truly fight the battle against drugs and alcohol is to receive addiction treatment through a reputable drug rehab program. Furthermore, it is essential that the addict find the rehab center that is best suited for him and his personality because if care is not taken to find a program compatible with his needs, a relapse is highly probable.
* The Specialty
Not all drug rehab centers specialize in every type of addiction recovery. Therefore, the first step in selecting the right drug or alcohol rehab center is to identify those that specialize in the drug the person is addicted to. For example, an alcoholic will receive little help from a program specializing in addiction treatment for those who abuse heroin. While the basics of addiction recovery are the same regardless of the type of drug that is abused, there are special considerations to be made with different drugs. The withdrawal symptoms can vary from drug to drug. In addition, the exact approach used to help the person recover from addiction can be different depending on the drug. Addicts may find a higher level of comfort treating in an environment where other addicts have shared the same drug experience.
* The Location
The location of an alcohol or drug rehab center can have an impact on its success with the addict. For some, it is best to find a rehab center that is located near to family and friends. In this way, it is possible for them to maintain more consistent contact with the addict. For others, it is better to find a rehab center that is further away from home because the memories and the people there make it too difficult to refrain from abusing drugs or alcohol. The proximity to home may cause triggers leading to early relapse.
* The Program
The first consideration a person must make when attempting to select the right drug and alcohol rehab center is the treatment program. Most drug rehab centers offer both inpatient and outpatient care programs, but careful consideration must be exercised when making the decision for the level of care. For some addicts, an inpatient care program may be the best option because they do not have the strength or ability to fight the addiction without receiving 24-hour care. For other addicts, outpatient treatment may be sufficient for overcoming the problem while still allowing the person to live a semi-normal life. A preliminary assessment by a physician or qualified counselor/therapist will help determine what level of care is most appropriate.
* The Approach
Nearly all alcohol and drug rehab centers provide physical and emotional care to help addicts overcome their disease. The exact approaches used by various rehab centers, however, can vary. For example, some centers place a greater emphasis on the physical aspect of the addiction while others focus more on the emotional impact. In addition, the way these rehab centers address both components of treatment may vary.
In some rehab centers, patients are provided with another drug in order to overcome the addiction. For some patients, however, there is a risk of becoming addicted to the replacement drug. Therefore, this type of approach may not be best for some addicts. Yet other rehab centers simply have patients go cold turkey, but this approach can be devastating for some patients and can even cause them to give up hope and want to quit.
In addition, the emotional approach used by rehab centers to assist with addiction recovery can differ. For example, some drug rehab programs may utilize less known approaches, such as music therapy and art therapy. Similarly, some centers may focus on hypnosis or acupuncture. Yet other programs may utilize only counseling and group therapy. For an addict, the approach used can make a huge impact on the overall success because if the addict does not believe in the type of therapy being utilized, they will likely be defeated before the recovery program even begins.
There are other questions that should be asked when making a decision about admission into an alcohol or drug rehab facility. Staff credentials, medical supervision, cost, typical length of stay, aftercare programs, 12 step philosophy, sobriety success rates, and family involvement are a few other important considerations to think about when making perhaps one of the most important decisions in the life of an addict.
The California Rehab Guide. Lists and reviews drug rehab and alcohol rehab facilities, lawyers and interventionist and has articles on addiction recovery and addiction treatment.
Alcohol Poisoning - Diagnosis and Alcohol Treatment Methods
Alcohol poisoning usually results from excessive amounts of drinking. When any subject consumes an excessive amount of alcohol, it usually causes depression as well as discontinuance of the nerve cells. People cannot control their breathing. These abusers are also known to suffer from breathing problems and reduced ability to control gag reflex. An irreversible effect of alcohol poisoning is brain damage. Alcohol treatment methods are highly recommended for such individuals. The waning signs for alcohol poisoning are:
• Vomiting
• Confusion
• Passing out
• Inability to awaken
• Low body temperature
• Irregular breathing
• Seizures etc
Most people do not realize the effects of alcohol until it is too late. Another much unknown fact of alcohol use is that the level of alcohol continues to rise in the blood level even after an individual stops drinking. This is because alcohol takes about 30 minutes to 90 minutes time to find its ways to the blood stream and into the circulation. In case, an individual consumes excessive alcohol or practices binge drinking and shows any of the above symptoms of intoxication, then they require immediate alcohol treatment.
Treatment for Alcohol Poisoning
Hangover has nothing to do with alcohol poisoning. In case an individual is suffering from alcohol poisoning, administering coffee or sleeping it off will not serve the purpose. The person needs help from an emergency ward which can administer effective procedures to save life. Most alcohol Poisoning effects are observed when heavy drink is consumed with any medication.
The best approach to avoid the requirement for alcohol poisoning treatment is to shun away from alcohol. The person could also try out drinking as much water as possible in order to avoid dehydration. In case the person is suffering from breathing problem, the patient should be kept lying on their side. The basic approach is to keep the patient awake and alert, such that they do not pass out.
At the hospital, physicians usually pump out the abusers stomach to treat alcohol poisoning. The process is also called gastric irrigation or gastric problems. A tube is inserted through the patient's mouth up to the stomach. Small amount of warm water is incorporated repeated till the patient's stomach is cleared out of any contents.
Alcohol treatment and alcohol poisoning treatment is very different from each other. While alcohol poisoning treatment is more of an immediate help to an abuser due to overdose of alcohol, alcohol treatment is more of a long period of treatment for the patients who are alcohol addicts. In both cases the subjects require immediate help and enrollment to a facility which has experts with proper proficiency and experience to handle such cases. Alcoholism treatment methods include the 12-step method as well as different religious and non religious methods of treatment which has been incorporated recently. It also requires therapy through proper support group and psychiatrist who can handle the underlying issues about abuse and alcoholism. It uses medicine and psychotherapy to treat patients to complete recovery.
I invite you to learn more about Alcohol Treatment. that specialize in individual substance abuse treatment plans tailored to fit the person seeking drug and alcohol treatment. Please call 866-211-5538 or visit today and get a complimentary copy of an Addiction and Alcoholism E-book. Educating yourself on alcoholism treatment centers is key to getting the treatment needed. Choosing between so many Alcoholism Treatment Centers can be difficult without calling and speaking to the admissions department about the program.
Are You Drunk To Death? Revealing Alcohol Poisoning Treatment At Home
Drinks, parties, weekend fun, get-togethers and alcohol poisoning - these are the main constituents of a bash. Well, one of these, the last one, is not really required. But it comes along with the package. Drinking excess of alcohol leads to impairments with the central nervous system. This condition is no different than alcohol poisoning. There is a chemical formed in the body due to the interference of alcohol with the nervous system, which acts like poison for the person. Since, parties and get-togethers are known to be taking place in places away from the main town, medical help may not arrive as soon as you may need it. Hence, we have brought some tips on alcohol poisoning treatment at home.
The first thing to do when a case of poisoning due to alcohol unveils is to learn the symptoms and confirm if it is poisoning due to alcohol. The basic symptoms and signs for identifying alcohol poisoning are diminishing body temperature; heavy and tough breathing, as if the patient is struggling to inhale; seizures; continuous severe vomiting, long period of unconsciousness and so on. The difference between drinking too much of alcohol and alcohol poison must be understood and things must be acted accordingly so as to consider alcohol poisoning treatment at home or not.
Next step of performing alcohol treatment at home is to make the patient drink as much water as he can hold. Poisoning causes intoxicating substances to be produced in the body. Drinking water swills out the toxins from the body, causing some relief to the person suffering from poisoning. It can be taken in this way: Drinking a lot of alcohol makes it compulsory for you to drink even more lots of water, later on.
Care can be taken of the victim by providing somebody next to his seat continuously, to look after. Many times, the patient's breathing shows up and downs in the breathing behaviors. Make sure the breathing of the patient is constant and steady. The breathing patterns must show a minimum of 8 - 9 breaths per minute. To avoid choking up of the vomit in the patient's chest and throat region, make him recline on his side and not back. Preventing this choke up is important while alcohol poisoning treatment at home, in order to circumvent the possible fatal conditions.
Evade the person from dozing off. He should not fall asleep and should not faint down. If any of such things occur, it may be followed by the person landing into the critical of a coma, which is, obviously, undesirable. Keep the person busy in conversation, consoling and drinking water to keep him from the slightest snoozing. This is an essential function of alcohol treatment at home.
Keep the patient away from hangover fixes like coffee, tea, lemon and so on. Though hangover also occurs due to dehydration in the body due to excess of alcohol intake, anti- hangover measures cannot be used as a part of alcohol poisoning treatment at home. There is a difference between hangover and alcohol poisoning.
Till a medical help arrives, try out these alcohol poisoning treatment at home. But do grant the case in the hands of a professional. Continuous use of alcohol poisoning treatment at home may lead the situation to unwanted consequences. Avail medical care as soon as possible.
To reveal secrets of sheer health and to bring them to you is the am of Simple Health Guide. Good life is just a few finger clicks away. Alcohol poisoning treatment at home and much more, will always keep bringing you the best and healthy solutions. So, keep visiting. Till then, take care.
How Marijuana Abuse Affects the Human Body and Brain
Marijuana is one of the commonly abused illegal drugs in the United States. Many people ignorant of its harmful effects are initiating and continuing marijuana abuse. It affects a person's mind and body including the vital organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys.
This article intends to throw some light on short and long-term effects of marijuana to help people stay away from it.
Short-term effects:
• Distorted sensory perception: Marijuana contains THC, a chemical that disturbs the optimal function of important senses such as vision, hearing and touch, by causing drastic changes in function of the brain. This results in the slowdown in responses such as seeing, hearing and touching.
It also leads to poor concentration and significant fall in problem solving and judging abilities.
• Increased heart rate: One of the common physical effect of marijuana abuse us increased heart rate. It leads to increased risk of a heart attack by 20% to 100% (Source: NIH, USA) within three hours of consumption.
• Poor memory and lack of coordination: Memory is impaired as THC in marijuana changes the normal course of processing information by brain. Thinking and judging abilities are hit. It also causes loss of coordination between sensory and reflex actions.
Long-term effects:
• Respiratory problems: Marijuana damages the respiratory tract and parts therein that save the body from harmful microbes inhaled. This causes decline in immunity because of inability of the cells to combat bacteria and other microbes. This results in high risk of pneumonia, tuberculosis and other diseases.
• Decreases reproductive hormones: The drug causes harmful effect on reproductive organs in the body. The amount of reproductive hormones declines. There will be lower sperm counts, their quality being suboptimal in men and erratic menstrual cycles in women. This results in weakening of reproductive ability.
• Anxiety and depression: Marijuana leads to severe conditions such as excessive fear, anxiety and depression.
• Impaired memory and learning: THC in marijuana alters the functioning of the brain. As brain is the organ reflecting all the normal activities involving intellect, the short and long-term effects are serious. Long-term marijuana abuse badly impairs critical skills such as memory and learning. The effect is worse if the person has any psychological disorder or is elderly.
• Cancer: Marijuana induces cancerous growth of cells in parts like lungs and others. It is 70% more potent than tobacco in enhancing cancer (Source: NIH, USA).
Now that you are aware of the harmful effects marijuana, make sure that you stay away from this harmful substance.
Drug Test Strips is an online store offering reliable and FDA approved drug testing kits at affordable prices. Our marijuana drug test kit is a rapid urine screening test. This marijuana testing kit is easy to use and can be performed without the use of an instrument.
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