Binge Drinking Major Impacts

By Daniel M Manson

By the time they turn eighteen, seventy percent of American teens will

have had at least one drink. And while they drink less frequently than

legal drinkers, they Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ more likely to binge drink.

While this may not seem like a significant problem in

comparison with other drug issues like prescription drug abuse, meth

and synthetic drugs, the perils of binge drinking are real. Binge

drinking means consuming large quantities of alcohol within a small

period of time--at least five drinks in two hours.

Ninety percent of the alcohol consumed by underage

drinkers is taken in during binge drinking. The dangers of

this are multi-faceted: not only do they make the user

less alert and more susceptible to fatal accidents, it

increases the chance of alcohol poisoning and overdose.

Additionally, it has a vastly negative impact on the still-

developing teenage brain, causing lowered IQ and

attention problems in adulthood.

Binge Alcohol Use And Alcoholism

While drinking excessively does not always result in

alcohol addiction, it plays a big part. At the very least, it

signifies reckless, irresponsible behavior, a major trait in

alcoholics who can't control their habits. Binge drinkers

are seeking a wild rush and an escape from life--just like


Younger drinkers in particular lack experience with

responsible drinking. It is therefore worrisome that binge

drinking runs rampant among high school and college

students across the United States. When it is part of the

culture, it is difficult to escape.

One night of this behavior can turn into routine, which is

how alcoholism develops (more than fourteen drinks in

men or seven or more drinks in women per week).

When the user builds up tolerance, he often turns to

heavier drugs such as prescription opioids, heroin and

cocaine. It is for this reason that alcohol is known as a

gateway drug.

The Increase In Reckless Behavior

People who binge drink are far more likely to engage in

dangerous activity such as driving under the influence or

getting into a car with a drunk driver. Binge drinking often

results in blackouts, and the user may wake up with

absolutely no recollection of what happened while he

was under the influence of alcohol. Such situations are

linked to date rape, teen pregnancies, and violent


Drinkers may wake up in a jail cell and have no idea

what occurred. Treatment When alcoholism invades your

life, shattering your dreams and tearing away the people

you love, the vicious circle usually continues as most

users rely on alcohol as an emotional crutch. Yet

recovering addicts admit that they regret drowning out

years of their lives and wish they addressed the problem


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