How To Stop Cigarette For Good

By Nick Terrone

The word 'decide' is a powerful

word. It comes from that group of

words like homicide, pesticide,

suicide. It means to 'kill', to 'kill

off'. When you DECIDE to quit

cigarettes, you're essentially

'killing off', the option of ever

entertaining the idea of having

one ever again.

Let me share with you why this is SUCH an important

concept. What I have found in the years and hundreds of

clients that I've seen up to now, for the ones who do

need to come back for that second session, I always

notice a common theme. When I ask them if they had a

huge overwhelming craving for a cigarette in that

moment that they had one, almost always they'll say

"well, not really, BUT... " and they'll go onto describe

either one of two scenarios.

1) Alcohol was involved. This is very common amongst

the few that need the second session. They'll be out and

about, having a few drinks, socialising and they'll say..

"hmmm... I'm OK, it's been a while, I'm in control, maybe

I can have just one sneaky little puff" and then BOOM!

They are back on them before they know it! What I say to

everyone is that once you have done the session and

feel great, you have to treat it like a recovering alcoholic.

They can't just have a nip, or a little. It's all or none, and

quitting cigarettes is the exact same thing.

As much as some smokers would like to wish there was

some treatment out there that will make a full time

smoker a part time, social smoker, there just isn't. What

you'll find with social smokers is that they have ALWAYS

BEEN SOCIAL SMOKERS! I haven't met a social

smoker yet that used to smoke a pack a day but now

smokes just a few here and here. Once you've jumped

over that side of the fence, you have to make the

decision whether you're ready to quit completely or not.

We all know what alcohol does, it reduces your decision

making ability. So people might be inclined to do

something, like have a cigarette, when they otherwise

wouldn't have.

2) Some emotional moment, often an emotional low.

This is the second most common scenario that brings

about the need for a second session. This is where some

unexpected or lingering moment of an emotional low was

present, and the person said to themselves something

like "bugger this, I'm just going to smoke", or, "to hell with

this, give me a fag".

You see sometimes we experience certain unwanted

situations and emotions where we are feeling so bad,

that we'll do anything at all to bring us to some better

feeling place, like smoke a cigarette. Even though, they

might not have had a craving for a cigarette, they just

wanted to feel something else in that moment and

somehow they thought a cigarette was going to bring

them to that better feeling place.

Getting back to the importance of decision, in both cases

mentioned above, the person didn't have a craving for a

cigarette, but they just DECIDED to have one. They were

basically in a situation where they could have gone

without, but they had one anyway.

The important thing to reiterate here is that no quit

smoking treatment will ever stop you from deciding to

have a cigarette, obviously. There's just too much free

will involved. The basic fundamental aim of ALL quit

smoking treatments is to give you a sense of control, no

matter what situation you're in, to decide not to smoke.

That treatment has really done its job to the degree that

you feel this control. That's all it really comes down to.

This is what hypnosis does in a nut shell. It leaves you

with a sense of control, a sense of empowerment that

makes it easy to decide not to have one, even though

you might be in a situation where having one might seem

totally justified


Furthermore, on this topic of decision, I'd like to add one

last point. It amuses me when I hear about or see

articles, scientific journals or studies that are comparing

the 'Long-term effectiveness of this quit treatment over

that treatment over that treatment etc'.

We have already established that smoking is more of a

powerful habit, rather than a drug addiction. Science has

shown that it takes exactly 21 days to break a habit.

Basically, if you have gone for this long without doing a

particular habitual action, you have broken that habit. I

know FOR A FACT, that if anyone has gone for more

than 21 days without smoking a cigarette but they started

up again, it wasn't because they had a craving for a

cigarette, it's because they decided to have one. Have

you gone for more than 21 days? If so, think back to the

situation where you started again? Could you have gone

without in the moment? It makes no difference

whatsoever what method got you to 21 days, what got

you there pretty much 'worked'. Treatments and methods

for quitting don't vary from one to another in terms of

reducing or increasing one's ability to exercise their free

will to pick up a cigarette at all. It's up to the individual's

commitment to decide not to pick one up, not on what

they used to quit. Hypnosis can make that 21 days just

seem so much easier than the rest.

Sometimes I get clients who say, "I tried hypnosis and it

was great, it lasted 6 months", or a year, or two years

etc. I say to them. Hypnosis isn't necessarily 'working' on

you for that amount of time, it basically 'worked' from the

moment you opened your eyes and no longer felt like a

cigarette. You were just committed to your decision NOT

to smoke for 3 months, or a year or 2 years etc. I'm sure

this is making a lot of sense to you.